How to Stay Focused and NOT Get Distracted By Bright & Shiny Objects - Online and Info Product Marketing

How to Stay Focused and NOT Get Distracted By Bright & Shiny Objects




Marlon here.

Today's article:

“How To Stay Focused And Not Get Distracted By Every New Bright and
Shiny Object (Save Your Time, Save Your Money And Hit Your Targets
Faster, Simpler and Easier)”

This article targets one of the biggest obstacles to your success.
I think it'll help you get on track and stay on track.

I just got back from Yanik's event.  Had a wonderful time hanging
out with friends.

Next weekend I'll be speaking at the Warriors event in Austin.  It's
only $150 or something like that and has top notch speakers.  So
make it if you can.


Marlon's Marketing Minute
Vol. 3, #12, April 5, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement:  How to find target markets based
on buyers, not searchers

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: How To Stay Focused And Not Get Distracted By
Every New Bright and Shiny Object (Save Your Time, Save Your Money
And Hit Your Targets Faster, Simpler and Easier)

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



Discover How To Find Your Target Market Based On
Actual BUYERS, Not On Searchers

Until now, the way everyone chooses target markets is based
on searchers, what people search for in the search engines.

But searchers are NOT necessarily buyers.  Find out how
to push a button and get the BUYERS:


One: Do You Have Unresolved Customer Support Issues?

If you have a customer support issue of ANY type, whether it
may be a question on affiliate commissions, product not
received, problem logging in or just something you're confused
about, here is how to get help:

a. If you haven't posted to the support desk, go to:

If your issue is STILL unresolved, call 210-561-1829

Two: If you like the following article PLEASE post it on your BLOG
or link to it on my BLOG at

C. How To Stay Focused And Not Get Distracted By Every New
Bright and Shiny Object (Save Your Time, Save Your Money
And Hit Your Targets Faster, Simpler and Easier)

It's called the new “bright and shiny object.”

It's the latest, greatest system, method or secret that is mass
promoted by everybody and their dog.

In the old days, you had about two of these come along per year.
In today's world, you have a new one once a month if not weekly.

First, let me say I'm a big advocate of learning.  And some of these
systems or courses may be just the thing you need.  Others could be
a big distraction. How can you tell the difference?

Step one:  Know the game you're playing

How are you going to make money?  Are you going to sell info
products? Are you selling a service?  Are you  going to do the
adsense game?

One of the things I've noticed is a lot of people come into Internet
marketing with a product idea that is highly questionable.  This is
why I recommend you do 12 product surveys.

If your Game is selling info products and getting traffic via an
affiliate program, you might not wanna jump on the next Adsense
system to come down the pike.

Stick to your model.  Stick to your guns.

The reason I say this is because it goes against most people's

Most people like to keep their options open.  They don't want to
commit. That's a sure way to get nowhere fast.

Step two: Ask yourself if the new “bright and shiny object” is a
logical addition to your game plan.

The mistake I see a lot of people make is NOT focusing. They say,
“I'm going to do the Google Cash thing and have adsense on the pages
with video and then have a butterfly site on the thank you page!”

In other words, they try to do it all.

I've heard people say things like, “You need to generate leads 10

I don't see that.  Not if you're just getting started and are working
part time.   You have time to focus on ONE thing and get really good
at it.

I don't care if it's viral marketing, pay per click, organic seo
or some other method.  You need to pick ONE and get really good at it.

Step three:  Realize that the number of people PROMOTING a product
is NOT in any way indicative of the value — for you.

Here's what I mean:  The number of people promoting a product has
everything to do with the skill of the promoter in getting others to

But that has nothing to do with the value of the product.  People
are funny. They'll buy something just because everyone else is
buying it.

The better thing to do is to evaluate it in terms of your own
game plan. And ask if the methods in the new program are a good fit.
If they are, go for it.  If they aren't, think twice.

Your game plan needs to cover 3 areas:

1.  How are you going to get people to your web site?

Your basic choices are an affiliate program, pay-per-click
advertising, Butterfly-type viral marketing sites, organic seo,
video marketing or
article marketing.

Video marketing is a relative newcomer to the field.  That is where
you create videos and upload them to the video sites.

The latest rage is called pay-per-view advertising.  My advice is
before you pursue advanced methods, get your basics in place.  One
of my general themes is that people wanna go triple diamond before
they go direct.

You know, they wanna do a black belt karate move except they're a
white belt.  You start with solid fundamentals.

I think you need to pick ONE of those to start with and get really
good at it.  Out of those methods, everyone seems to gravitate
towards organic search engine optimization because “it's free.”

Keep in mind that Google keeps changing the rules.  You can build up
a little mini empire only to have Google dissolve it overnight.  If
you go this route, you need to really, really learn what you're
doing. And imho stay away from black hat techniques.

Why?  Because you want to build for the long term. And sooner or
later Google will find a way to detect the black hat methods.

If you wanna go the affiliate program route for traffic, check out:

In that product, I lay out how I promote my affiliate program and use
it to get traffic.

2.  How are you going to capture names and email addresses?

What value will you offer in exchange for the name and email address?

You'll want to start an idea file where you print out good name
squeeze pages you run across.  If you're unfamiliar with the term, a
name squeeze is a page where you capture the name and email address.

An example would be:

That's one of my name squeezes.

3.  What will your follow-up email marketing strategy be?

At minimum, I feel you need to send out a valuable email, video or
blog post once a week.  Some people are having success sending out
content-rich emails or videos daily.

Will you sell your own products in those follow up emails or will
you sell affiliate products?

To me, the KEY to this part is offering valuable CONTENT.  I still
remember the old days when everyone in the game published an ezine.
But the ezines were filled with crap content, plr, articles by
other people and so forth.

The quality just wasn't there.

In today's world, you need quality content.  This is a sticking point
with a lot of people who feel they don't have any expertise.

All you gotta know is a little bit more than the people on your
list.  You have to be one step ahead.  Most people only read two
books a year. So it isn't that hard!  Seriously.

One other observation — In a good target market, it usually isn't
hard to find places to buy banner ads, advertise, find ezines to buy
ads in and so forth.

My last comment is that some people should start with eBay.  You know,
if you have very limited computer skills, you're struggling just to
do the simplest, most basic things, and you don't have much money
then try eBay.

I often recommend this to people in their 70's and 80's with limited
computer skills but the desire to do something online.

There's a lot of free and cheap training online on how to do eBay.
It's a good place to get your feet wet and acquire basic computer

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Info Product Dashboard.”
If you want to create your own info products, go to:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
“Info Product Dashboard” in place of the existing URL>

D. “Services You Can Use”


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
bundle.  Avoid going down the wrong path.

Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.


Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
