Please comment: Today, no joke, I change your life - Online and Info Product Marketing

Please comment: Today, no joke, I change your life

How To Get JV's and Have A Blast Using Tweetdeck and
how to build a LIST at lightning SPEED!

Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Re:  Marlon's Marketing Minute for February 7, 2009


Marlon here.

This week's ARTICLE:

==> “Today, no joke, I change your life”

==> Subtitle:  How To Get JV's and Have A Blast Using
Tweetdeck and how to build a LIST at lightning SPEED!

Plus, learn about all the latest stuff that WORKS!

…and my FREEBIE video!

Today is an amazing issue.  I'm showing you:

— How to build your list at lightning speed
— A freebie video showing me on Tweetdeck
— How to learn the latest secrets — easy
— How to have a blast while making joint ventures
— How to have an awesome time in 2009
— What NOT to do
— How NOT to look stupid or like a newbie

This is NOT theory. This is all based on practical stuff you
can actually DO without being a rocket scientist or super duper

Save this for reference

Take the article, change the URL in the resource box at the
end to a reseller ID and stick it on your web site, blog,
Facebook blog, Myspace blog, Hub Page, Squidoo lens, or Google

Put it up and announce it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog,
email, or whatever else you have.

This IS an article people will want to read.  You WILL make
sales from the link in the resource box.

If you don't have a reseller ID, just go to: and sign up.  It only takes
2 minutes.

There are 4 ADS at the end of this ezine.  You can replace
all THOSE with reseller links if you want.


P.S. After you read today's article, hit me back on my blog.
I personally comment back. Let me hear from YOU!

PPS:  Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch.  I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,
educating.  Where are THEY when a product launch isn't going

I'm here every week delivering rock solid content based on years
of experience.

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 4, #6, February 7, 2009

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement: LAST CHANCE to get all the Ockham's
Razor bonuses. Plus, you SKEPTICS, read THIS…

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: “Today, no joke, I change your life”

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



LAST CHANCE to snag all the bonuses on Ockham's Razor

Listen to THIS testimonial JUST in on the blog:

Okay Marlon– it's 3:00am and I can't put this down!! I've
read part way through OR and it's totally NOT what I expected.
I knew it would be of great value just because you created,
but I thought it was going to be more of an overview of
things, you know, covering topics in a more general manner.

NOOOOO, that's not so. There are details and lots of them.
OR covers everything. I'm SOOOO glad I purchased it. This is
like having a master marketer (you) in a room all to myself
and you are literally spilling your guts in focused detail
about all of your marketing strategies. I just can't stop
reading because I don't want the “conversation” to end.

OR is definitely not like anything I've ever purchased
before. It's packed full of solid information, ideas,
strategies, everything you need to get focused, inspired and
taking action on what you've learned. There is so, so much
excellent information many topics covered. You said
OR would inspire us and boy does it ever. OR is an absolute
goldmine folks. Buy it.  You will NOT regret it.

Marlon thanks for all the effort you put into providing
products that are tremendously valuable. I've never had to
wonder about you or anything you create. You over-deliver,

— Carol

NOTE:  My skeptical brothers and sisters.  I'm telling you 100%
flat out this is an exceptional product. READ all testimonials
on the blog. There are hoards of them.


One: OCKHAM'S Razor call Wednesday at 11 a.m. CST

Tim is emailing you. If you don't get the email, contact

Two: Follow me on Twitter

This way, if you don't get my emails, you get my Twitters.

Three: Give Away “The Best Of Marlon Sanders” to your friends
or list and snag spending cash and prizes!

I've just released “The Best Of Marlon Sanders”

Give it away to your friends or list and snag affiliate
commissions as well as prizes.

Four:  Download your FREEBIE ebook now.

“The Best of Marlon Sanders”

There is a squeeze page.  The idea is for you to enter
the email address you actually READ! I'll send out a version
later where you can bypass the squeeze if it bugs you.

Five:  Ateam call

New one this THURSDAY!


Today, no joke, I change your life

Subtitle: How To Get JV's and Have A Blast Using Tweetdeck
and how to build a LIST at lightning SPEED!

By Marlon Sanders


This is life changing.

I'm not joking.  I'm totally serious.

If you use Tweetdeck, I believe it'll change your life.

It's an interface to use Twitter.

And YES. It works on Macs. Alright?  Pc's, Vista.  ALL
of it.  Works on everything.

I've created a video for you to show you HOW to use it:

I show you there WHY it's so powerful.

I've already met and reconnected with so many people.
I found out just today about a totally trick piece of
software that submits press releases for seo purposes.

And it costs 7 bux!

I met Fabian Tan who is currently #6 on a huge JV launch.
I exchanged messages with the the guy doing the product

Now, on the video I give the rules.

1. GIVE before you ask.

2. Do NOT demand I follow you.  I follow only close friends
or people who are likely to sell a LOT of my products.  I
explain this on the video.

3. Do NOT go in there blatantly promoting your products.

4. Build relationships.

5. Bring POSITIVE energy.  Do NOT go in there complaining about
how so and so ripped you off.

6. OBSERVE first before you participate. Learn the culture. Be
smart.  Use your brain.

7. Do NOT get pissed at me because I won't have lunch with you
as a freebie.  It's $1,000.  That's what I do. I sell my time
and what I know.

If you want what I know or you want my time, it's $1,000.
But I'll chat on Twitdeck with you if you're not obnoxious.

Some of our brothers and sisters need to remember their manners.
You do NOT have a right to DEMAND things from me just because
you bought from me.

No more than you have a right to demand something from Bill
Gates because you've bought windows all you're life.

You had a need.

You bought a product.

You fulfilled the need.

End of transaction.

There IS no other obligation.

The payoff of using this is you'll build a LIST and meet TONS
of people.

THIS is the BEST product hands down that will show you HOW to
build your list using Twitter.

Highly recommended.

It's 7 bucks!

Guys and gals. I'm HOPING that url works.  Dana for some odd
reason isn't promoting this on a web site. Only throught he
Warriors forum.  You may have to sign up for that URL to work.
Not sure.

Or if you TRUST me for 7 bucks for gosh sakes, then just
order using this link:

I do NOT make any commissions on that whopping 7 bucks.

But listen, this WILL change your life.  I'm serious. It's
the most amazing thing. Watch the video I made for you.

Now, I AM on there. If you're polite and intelligent and
articulate, my brother or sister, I'll be happy to engage
in chat with you.

But be mindful that I'm there for the same reason YOU are
there.  To engage with people who can build my list and
sell my products.

I'm not there for customer service, to give freebie advice
or to look at jv pitches.  Enough said?


USE Twitdeck.

Fork over 7 bucks and get Dana's system and let her show
you how to quickly and easily build a list using Twitter.

This thing will BLOW you away.  See my video?  See how
fun and cool this is?

It's life changing.

AFTER you download and try it out, hit me on my blog and
let me know what you think:

And be sure to watch the video:

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.”

Check out all my products here:

(SIGN UP AS A RESELLER, put YOUR reseller URL and ID where
the above link is, post this on your web site and make some
dough for spreading a killer guide everyone will want to


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention


D. “Services You Can Use

(If you want to post this ENTIRE ezine, you can replace the
following links with your RESELLER links)

Stop trading time for dollars and start trading products for

Save 100's on graphic design. FREEBIE report:

NEED A SALES LETTER?  Fill in the blanks and click a button.

Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.

See the original systems I created for Lisa


Bonus Round This Week!

Squeeze page with video converting at 67%. Check it out!

This is how she did the VIDEO on the cheap:

LIST BUILDING VIDEOS:  My friend Melvin Perry has some awesome list
building videos.  NONE of the links you're reading now are affiliate

Melvin is a straight up guy.  He cares about people.

Who ELSE is bringing you great content like this each week?  Please,
spread the word. The gospel of Internet marketing according to
Marlon Sanders.

Promote this on your Facebook, Myspace, blog. Wherever! Tell the

Copyright 2009 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.

  • Debra says:

    Hi… Off topic. I can't seem to find how to contact support. I want to promote the Best of Marlon Sanders on the website of a local newspaper. To do that, I need to upload a picture for best looking ad. I am unable to save any of the images in the resource center as a jpeg. They all get saved as a firefox extension and are just a page of gobuldy gook when I open them in my pictures file. How can I get a non flashing image of the add that touts your free book? Thanks, Debra

    [Hi Debra, Tim handles my support. Most all our web sites have a link to support on them. Or just go to: I would be cautious about buying advertising. It's best to promote affiliate products to an existing list or via free methods.]

  • D. Greene says:

    Wow Marlon, day 2. 1000 followers. Amazing. I added folks in my niche. NOt sure if they have lists but my click thru response and my facebook friends have increased significantly. I have a system in place that is very effective in tracking. I will have to work on cultivating the relationships and finding out who has lists. Some I know do others Im not sure but I do know they are in my niche. AWESOME STUFF.

    On a sidenote. My $$$ is tight but I keep hearing about Ockman so Im going to seriously look at purchasing this. You give great info and tips so I totally trust your recomendation. This isnt a limted time thing is it?

    Thanks a million. Your the man Marlon!

    [Hi, well the live teleseminar IS limited since it's tomorrow. By definition after tomorrow it won't be live. I PLAN to record it but we've had hit and miss results with that. Assuming the recording turns out, you'll get the transcript. I'll leave the transcript in the package awhile. But honestly, don't kill yourself to get this. I don't want checks bouncing or bills missed, you know? Take care of food on your table and your bills first.]

  • Dave says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Thanks for getting back… and I just bought Ockham based on your reply.

    I normally print out pdf products and put them in a binder. When I saw that Ockham was 272 pages long, I thought I might print it in draft mode to save some ink.

    No way! One look at the content and I can already tell this will be referenced a lot… so I'm printing it on high quality, bright paper in high resolution.

    Here's the interesting thing. I probably know a great deal of this already from several years experience and your previous products… but the layout and organization of the book will not only teach me what I don't know, but will be a great reminder and reference for what I know I should do, but haven't been doing.

    This is very well done and a great piece of work on your part. I purchased this because you always give good info and value and, honestly, I didn't want to miss something new from you.

    And, for others who may read this, Marlon's personal response here in the comments was the closer to the deal. Knowing and working with your clients has its rewards.

    Thanks, Marlon.


    [Dave, you will find a number of new things in it. I tried to cover things for newbies and also new, advanced ideas. Most of the new stuff is in part two. But part one has some vital concepts also.]

  • Dave says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I have most of your products and probably all of the dashboards – all of which are great.

    Will Ockham's still help me or do I already have the essence of the info? I don't doubt that it is great, but I just want to make sure I don't already have the same basic info from you.



    [Dave, Ockham is completely different. Read what others have said.]

  • Marlon…I've always said YOU "Da Man" and tweetdeck is so cool! I hate having to go to twitter's website so this works wonderfully. I'm not following too many and mostly due to time…but getting a handle on that.

    I'll have to get Dana's report…after I get a current project finished up.

    Don't want to worry about twittering the day away now. 🙂

    [Hey Cheryl, yeah, you'll love it when you DO get the time. Cheryl, it's such an ez to use interface. And you really reconnect or connect with SO many people. And when they own lists…and you build friendships….it all adds up.]

  • Dave Ovenden says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Took your advice and 'coughed up' $7 to get Dana's book. WOW – 24 hours later I have over 700 followers and I have met some really cool and interesting people. I've also downloaded TweetDeck after watching your video – thanks for the tip – it works a treat!

    Thanks again.

    Dave Ovenden

    Get Your Own FREE Personalised Affiliate Website!

    [Brother Dave thanks for sharing and being an inspiration to our other brothers and sisters.]

  • Jesse says:

    Marlon, my dog, that's hilarious. Great video on Tweet Deck. Twitter on steroids I think you said. That video was really helpful. I have some tips for you on recovering from surgery. I think you mentioned knee surgery. I hope your getting around OK and I look forward to more video's and post on Twitter.

    [Jesse, the knee surgery was 2 1/2 years ago but were building up strength in it in training. I got a hernia..but was working with a personal trainer with a degree in kinesiology. The weights were fairly light and we were doing seated leg presses not squats. The doc thinks I already had injured it before. Possible the car accident where I messed up my knee did it…or working out in the past. Heck, coulda been moving the sofa to find something I dropped behind it. Who knows!]

  • D. Greene says:

    Marlon, I got Danas report. Spent a little time on one of my twitter accounts and projects. I added 200 followers within an hour. Im anxious to see what number of residual followers come thru. I started off with twitter to test this market and saw good click thru's. There are a few items the report is missing.. Like tracking the click thrus or connecting with other social media.

    Im currently doing all that and anxious to see the results in the next week or two. Thanks a million. Your content is Stellar. I lost track of you for a few years but my buddy forwarded me an email you sent him and you are one of the emails I open on the regular. Keep up the awesome content.

    M. D. Greene

    [Hi, glad you're seeing a result. Remember to add people in your niche and add people who have LISTS! Then network and make friends. Do NOT broadcast ads.]

  • Al says:

    Brother Marlon,

    Got Dana's report & tweetdeck. In less than 30 minutes, I have 51 followers. Not bad for just testing the system, now to get serious with it!

    Also don't understand why people want to wait to buy Ockham Razor Income System.

    I'm enjoying it very much and it is stimulating my thinking, bringing back many things I knew but was to busy doing the everyday stuff to take time to remember.

    Maybe if those that are putting off buying ORIS in order to buy some "get rich quick deal" would just stop buy it, study it while they work on their other projects, they may just be more successful.

    Remember the saying "Sometimes you can't see the forest for the tree!"

    Keep up the great work you do.


    [Hey Al, thanks so much. GLAD you got Dana's report. It works! See my comments to others about following people in your niche and making friends with LIST OWNERS.]

  • Hey Marlon!

    Only one thing to say… THANK YOU! I was at 279 followers less than 24 hours ago. I know have 797…and counting!!!

    All of this in the first day!

    Thanks again,

    Billy Sticker

    [Billy, that rocks so much! See my comments to others. Follow people who have lists or who could help you in your biz some way. Make friends. Do NOT promote blatantly.]

  • Bernie Perry says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Thought you might like a final report: after 24-hours 740 followers.

    Now for the next steps: build the relationships, wait a week to trim the list, repeat the process.

    Glad I checked out your recommendation.


    P.S The story has an unusual interesting twist but I think it best not to make it public. If we ever meet be sure to ask me about it.

    [Brother Bernie, that is so awesome. Add followers at a measure pace. Don't do too many too fast. Build some relationships and add more slowly at this point.]

  • Mark Suter says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Thank you for the info on twitter & tweetdeck plus all of your info I have been an email subscriber of yours for some time now. I'm getting geared up to start promoting your products and I just tried applying to be an affiliate of yours but got this error message ERROR: SS#/Corp ID#/ABN is required I live in Ireland and if I'm not mistaken this is required for US residents for tax purposes? Is there any way around this please?

    Once again thank you for all your advice and I would appreciate your help with this if you get a chance.

    Many thanks,


    [Mark, I hate that issue. Just put random numbers or all one number in the field. We REQUIRE it for the U.S. as a field so we don't scramble at tax time. Just put in all 6's. No wait. Choose another number!]

  • Desmond says:

    Hey Marlon, I was wondering if ockhams razor marketing system could be used even if we dont have our own product?

    [Hi Desmond. Yes. I talk about that.]

  • Davida says:

    Signed up for Twitter, and got the Tweetdeck. Very Cool Tool!

    I belatedly tried to snag your "best of" ebook, but keep getting told that my e-mail is not valid (it's the same one I get your MMM at). How can I get the book?

    [Davida, I have to FIX that issue on the ebook. That's an autoresponder issue. Not sure how to solve it. Have to noodle it.]

  • KarenKramer says:

    Dang It Marlon…

    You and Dana are letting everyone else in on my secrets. Now everyone will know how to build up followers on their niche twitter accounts and how I get followers for my clients.


    PS.. Tell folks to make sure not to add too many follows at once… If you have like 1000 follows and 3 followers you end up looking like a spammer. Best to keep the ratio within 100 and add over time.

    [Karen, yep you're right on this one.]

  • Bernie Perry says:

    Marlon. I get it! I originally mentioned my free mini-course in my bio line but decided to drop it. If they click on my web link they'll see it anyway. I've been offering help to tweets when I can and pointing them to YouTube videos showing me singing on a Carnival cruise.

    [The basic idea is to build relationships. Not make sales. Because the SALES come from finding the list owners. Also great way to build relationships with customers. Your results are inspiring others to take action. That's awesome and what it's all about…well next to the profits.]

  • Marlon –

    Okay, man, I took your advice and snagged Dana's Goldrush ebook/system. You were RIGHT, my friend – absolutely the best $7.00 that I'll spend this year. Short and sweet, but chockfull of information that I've been looking for. Written in a style that anyone can follow – my friends, kids, wife, my 87 year old mother, my BOSS!

    As always, you're delivering the goods. Bottom line is that whether I'm buying products that YOU'VE created, or investing in someone else's products that you've recommended, I always feel like I'm making a SMART choice when I follow your lead.

    Keep it up. Keep it up. Keep it up.


    [Nelson, I WISH she'd had an affiliate link….:) I didn't bank any coin. But I recommended it because Twitter is part of the Master Plan I teach. I THAT is the dominant thing in what I recommend. Not whether or not I bank coin or get a reciprocal mailing. Glad u loved it. I think it rocks.]

  • lucy drumonde says:

    awesome indedd.

    [Lucy, it works. And is part of the Master Plan in ORIS]

  • Glenn says:


    Stumbled upon you a few weeks back and have been putting together the info you shared. I signed up for twitter account, and went back today and did the tweetdeck thing. Hey man that's pretty cool. Marlon, you give the best info, and being a newbie , I know I have a lot to learn, bti will keep working it one day at a time.

    Thanks a lot, keep the ezine coming.

    P.S. I am following you on twitter, tweetdeck


    [Glenn, did in my blog and find the Master Plan article. It's expanded on in ORIS Ockham Razor Income System. Do the Master PLan which includes twitter.]

  • Bernie Perry says:

    Marlon. Saw your tweet about my results. Glad you could use my experience to make a point. P.S. I added 1000 to my follow list – my followers now number 287 after about 8 hours.

    [Bernie, that is AWESOME! Now, do NOT pitch those people right off. Chat…make friends…find out who has lists….and ADD people in your niche…not outside it…because you're looking for list owners who can endorse a product. Make FRIENDS with them.]

  • Bernie Perry says:

    Het Marlon!

    Got Dana's report. (Used your link.) Great stuff. Opened twitter account yesterday. Used her system to follow just 500 names who follow guru in my niche (not Internet marketing). I have 120 followers after 3 hours.

    Thanks loads … Bernie

    P.S. I'm following you man! @bjperry

    [Bernie, I did not lie to you, did I?}

  • Gaj Subudhi says:

    Hi Marlon,

    It is a great post.

    I just twitted about it and I am on top of it terms of taking action on some of the steps like tweetdesk and twitter gold rush offer from Dana.

    you are awesome.



    [Gaj, you're going to LOVE Goldrush. I WISH I could give the secret away but that wouldn't be fair to Dana.]

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