- Online and Info Product Marketing
  • Nancy Curtis says:


    I ordered your Dashboard product, ran the survey via survey monkey and was shocked at the results! Thanks to that tip, I have switched gears in the product I want to launch and will be offering what over 70% of the my responders requested.

    You are right, there are many great programs out there,however,I really appreciate that you are a cheerleader for people like myself who are just getting ready to launch product out the door.

    Your posts are posts I know I can trust.


  • Marsha says:

    Marlon, As someone planning on starting an internet business in the next few weeks, I feel the need to comment on your Marlon's Marketing Minute. There are so many people willing to take my money and give very little in return. It's hard to tell which "experts" to trust, but I have eliminated most of them. I'd like to think I'm smart enough to know what's right for me. I agree with you that quality over quantity is sadly lacking in today's market. I'm stunned to see such shoddy craftsmanship being sent out. Not only that, these people tell you that it's ok to send out reports or courses with misspelled words and other errors. Talk about lazy people–there's no excuse for it. Or them. My reputation is all I have to sell my product. My customers are going to get their money's worth. That's how you get repeat customers and a following, and trust. Your name is one of the few I trust, keep on telling it the way it really is, not the way people want it to be…

    [Marlon's comment:  Marsha, our products aren't perfect.  We have a small staff so we do sometimes have typos.  The issue I highlight in this article is that many people are hiring out article writing for $1-3 an article to gain Google positioning.  And understand WHY people do it.  Google can't easily differentiate the quality of information.  I'm just not personally keen on the practice.  In terms of info products, actually, I'm surprised at the high quality of a lot of the products.  But my basis for comparison is the old days when you didn't have much available.]

  • Rande says:

    Finally An excellant truthful article on what people need to know. Good work Marlon! Rande

    [Marlon's comment:  Thanks Rande]

  • Patrick Cramblet says:

    Hi Marlon, I just want to thank you for your honesty and desire to see others prosper. I am 67 and cannot retire because of finances. When you are my age there are not many options to prosper. Concerning the internet, it is so confusing with all the garbage they throw at you until you are so confused you don't know what is good and what is bad. For those of us on a low income it is refreshing to hear someone speak the truth. I am hoping to purchase your "Marketing Dashboard" soon to help me get started earning money that will allow me to retire and still prosper.

    God Bless You,

    Patrick Cramblet

    [Patrick, go to and try your hand at article writing.  Either that, or do ebay.  Both of those take little money and generate cash.  Marlon]



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