Hypnotic Marketing Secrets Revealed — 21 Step Mind Blowing Cheat Sheet - Online and Info Product Marketing

Hypnotic Marketing Secrets Revealed — 21 Step Mind Blowing Cheat Sheet

Marlon's Marketing Minute


Marlon here.

This week's ARTICLE:

New Mind Blowing 21-Step Cheat Sheet: Secrets of Hypnotic Marketing
— Revealed!

Subtitle: What No One Else Has Told You About How Info Marketers
Really Use Hypnotic Marketing To Bring Unconscious Resources Into
The Conscious Awareness.

— What hypnosis REALLY means and does
— Why brains get STUCK in loops
— How to get people's brains OUT of loops
— Why all solutions are unconscious to the person who needs them
— Why you keep “shooting down” ideas that could help you now
— Nested loops, hard loops, soft loops
— The hypnotic foundation of “shock and awe”
— How to get UNSTUCK
— Hypnotic rapport methods

Pass this along to a friend who needs it.

Save this cheat sheet for reference

Two weeks ago I challenged you to create your own product and a
sales letter all in one week. I HOPE you're still acting on that


Take the article, change the URL in the resource box at the
end to a reseller ID and stick it on your web site, blog,
Facebook blog, Myspace blog, Hub Page, Squidoo lens, or Google

Put it up and announce it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog,
email, or whatever else you have.

This IS an article people will want to read. You WILL make
sales from the link in the resource box.

If you don't have a reseller ID, just go to:
Best Affiliate Program and sign up. It only takes
2 minutes.

There are 4 ADS at the end of this ezine. You can replace
all THOSE with reseller links if you want.


P.S. After you read today's article, please pass it along
on your blog, email or just to a few close friends.

Then hit me back on my blog by typing in the box at the bottom
or hitting comments.

PPS: Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch. I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,
educating. Where are THEY when a product launch isn't going down?

I'm here every week delivering rock solid content based on years
of experience.

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 4, #15, April 24, 2009

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement: Tinu's new Traffic Reality membership
site holds your hand takes you step-by-step to follow in her
footsteps to large amounts of organic traffic

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: Hypnotic Marketing Secrets Revealed

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


A. Sponsor Advertisement

Who Else Wants An Organic Traffic Master To Hold Your Hand
And Walk You Step-By-Step To Getting Big Rushes Of Organic
Traffic To Your Web Site That Doesn't Cost You A Wooden



B. Announcements from Marlon

==> Give Away “The Best Of Marlon Sanders” to your friends
or list and snag spending cash and prizes!

I've just released “The Best Of Marlon Sanders”

Give it away to your friends or list and snag affiliate
commissions as well as prizes.


==> Download your FREEBIE ebook now.

“The Best of Marlon Sanders”

Free Online Marketing Ebook

There is a squeeze page. The idea is for you to enter
the email address you actually READ! I'll send out a version
later where you can bypass the squeeze if it bugs you.

==> Awesome Ateam call will be posted this next week. If
you don't hear THIS one, you're so missing out…


New Mind Blowing 21-Step Cheat Sheet: Secrets of Hypnotic Marketing
— Revealed!

Subtitle: What No One Else Has Told You About How Info Marketers
Really Use Hypnotic Marketing To Bring Unconscious Resources Into
The Conscious Awareness.

By Marlon Sanders

I'm going to talk today about how you can use hypnotic methods
in marketing.

Some people could see these things at first as being manipulative
or somehow bad.

However, it's really just about DELIBERATELY using tools of the
mind that you can't not use. Because you use these tools already
unconsciously. So the only question becomes whether or not you
want to use them consciously to get what you want.

Or do you choose to remain unconscious of them and use them in
ways that sometimes work against you and keep you from getting
what you want?

Most people get caught up in thinking that goes in loops. We
typically called this looping thinking circular reasoning and it
forms the basis for all problems.

The reason is that if the solution was in your awareness, you'd
DO IT and you wouldn't have a problem. Therefore, by definition,
the solution is outside your awareness.

Hypnosis is a means of relaxing the conscious mind so that new
information can be brought into awareness to get the mind out of
the loops that it's in and to solve problems.

Alright, if that doesn't make sense to you, then at the end of
this cheat sheet, I'll recommend a resource that will explain it
much better than I can here in a brief cheat sheet.

If you're a newbie, some of this will be advanced for you. But if
you do choose to study any of it further at a point in time, my
recommended resource will be at the end of this article.

My purpose here is NOT to convince you to use these methods. It's
just to say here's what the methods are and how you CAN use them
if you want to.

1. Brief history of hypnosis

1. You can bone up on the history of mesmerism here:

A few quick excertps:

a. In the 1500's there was this dude named Paracelsus who was the
first physician to use magnets to heal people by laying the magnets
on their body.

b. Then in the 1600's, “the Great Irish Stroker,” Valentine
Greatrakes, healed people by layin' his hands on 'em and passing
magnets over their body. His BIG innovation was he didn't have to
actually lay the magnets on their body.

c. Around 1771 Maximilian Hell (that was REALLY his name) applied
steel plates to people's bodies to heal 'em. And he had a student
who was a medical doctor from Vienna with the infamous name “Franz
Anton Mesmer.”

d. Around 1770, Mesmer started performing “animal magnetism” or
“mesmerism.” And THAT is where the term “mesmerize” came from.

I remember reading once that he'd actually hold these small groups
where he'd dress up in a cape with a magnetized magic wand, go
around and touch people with his wand. They'd faint and be healed.
I'm NOT making this up! It's all a matter of history.

Even American legend Benjamin Franklin got involved in that ruckus.

e. Fortunately, a scottish surgeon named Braid came along in 1842
and removed the mysticism from the topic. He debunked mesmerism.

Braid coined the term “hypnotism” (from the Greek hypnos, “sleep”).
Better stated, it means “relaxed mind.” In other words, you get the
conscious mind to relax and chill out so you can bring information
into awareness that was OUT of awareness or unconscious. This way
you can deliver resources the person needs to escape loops their
thinking is caught up in.

More on this later in this cheat sheet.

All the following data draws liberally from the understanding I
gained from this product:


I consider this the Bible of conversational hypnosis.

2. A few basic hypnotic methods that are used in online marketing

a. Project high status and authority

People are more suggestible to people they perceive as authorities.

— Use calm movements. This implies confidence.
— Keep steady eye contact
— Take up space when you sit. Don't apologize for being there.
— Demonstrate authority
— Tell stories that demonstrate your authority
— At the same time, avoid coming across as arrogant or too “try

b. Gain a stream of agreements

— This is the old sales tactic of getting people to nod their
head yes.

— Begin sales letters, teleseminar calls, presentations or videos
with a series of statements or concepts people will readily agree

3. Use “hot words that have emotions embedded in them

Some words carry big emotional impact. Use these words in your
sales letters, videos, and presentations. If you've ever read a
John Carlton sales letter, you KNOW he's a master of this. Ditto
for the late, great Gary Halbert.

So a lot of times people's brains are stuck in loops. Their thinking
goes round and round in circles. They can't get out of the loop.
But their conscious mind shoots down any possible solutions. THAT
is why they're stuck IN the loop to begin with.

But to get the solution TO THEM you have to bypass the part of the
mind that keeps shooting it down. One way to do this is to lull
the conscious mind into relaxing
4. Build anticipation

This is what product launches do when they're done correctly.
They build an enormous sense of anticipation.

5. Use hypnotic words

Words like fascination, focus and mesmerizing actually help
capture attention.

6. Use the basic 3-step hypnotic formula

a. Capture attention

We all know this marketing. It's what headlines do. But you
can do this even more readily using video if it's really, really
well done.

In sales letters, you have to keep pulling out headlines or
ideas with a unique TWIST or angle to capture attention.
Otherwise, your sale letter is just one in a million.

How can you capture ATTENTION? This is almost half the battle
in online marketing today.

b. Bypass the conscious mind

Hypnotists use confusion, overload and other methods for this.
So if you feel confused or overloaded, you may have been under
the influence and not known it!

But there are MANY techniques for bypassing the conscious mind.
If you just establish that you're an authority, people will then
lower their conscious guard.

The reason you want to do this sometimes is the conscious mind
is going in loops over and over and over. The reason it's going
around in circles is that the solution is outside it's awareness
but it won't let it in.

The term is circular reasoning. The solution is to find a way
to bypass the loop and the circular reasoning to bring the info
into awareness that is needed to get the person out of their

Conscious minds often run in LOOPS that create STUCK points.
So the elegant use of hypnosis or “relaxed mind” techniques is
to get the conscious mind to RELAX so that new data can enter
the loop and free up the process.

As info marketers we sell information that allows people to get
out of the loops they're stuck in. But sometimes people won't
BUY because the info doesn't fit in their paradigm. Which is
why they ARE stuck in the loop to begin with.

My Overwhelm Cure is such a product. People feel overwhelmed
and confused so they don't buy what can help them out of that
state. The easiest way to get them out of the loop is to
bring information into their consiousness that bypasses their
conscious mind that's keeping the solution out of awareness.

c. Deliver your suggestions

This is whatever marketing actions you want people to take.

==> Do NOT attempt this formula without getting proper training.

7. Use “shock and surprise”

You've heard marketers use the term “shock and awe.” Well, THIS
is where it likely comes from. People who use that term understand
or use hypnosis consciously or unconsciously.

When people are SHOCKED, they respond unconsciously because there
isn't time for the conscious mind to analyze things.

Again, don't try this without professional training…:)

Sales letters, videos or sales processes will sometimes SHOCK YOU
with screen caps, numbers or some other thing. The purpose is to
deactivate the unconscious mind so that a resource you were unaware
of can be brought into your conscious awareness without resistance.

8. Destroy resistance via stories

— Telling stories is a subliminal way to overcome the resistance
or scrutiny of the conscious mind.

— This is why most great marketers are great story tellers

— Tell stories about your friends. You can have THEM say things,
so it isn't “you” saying them! How cool is that?

9. Build rapport

— Avoid coming across as trying “too hard” or needing money or to
make the sale “too much.” If you come across as too desperate or
too eager to please, this makes the other person wonder what your
motives are.

— For the same reason, avoid projecting that you need something
too much from the other person.

This is the old ruse in marketing where you tell people your
schedule is filled up but you may have an opening for them.

Or you're really sold out but due to some weird thing happening,
you might be able to squeeze them in! Kinda like when you call
the doctor's office.

10. Develop wide rapport by sharing experiences with the person
in a variety of locations.

— This is the root behind the technique of showing video in your
car, at the beach, in an office, at home and so forth. It's a
rapport building method.

— Cover a wide variety of topics so you aren't put in just one
small category in the person's brain.

— By building rapport, you help the conscious brain to RELAX and
go into the RELAXED MIND state (i.e. hypnotic state) so that you
can bring things into the awareness of the person without getting
it “shot down” by the conscious mind that is stuck in a loop that
keeps repeating over and over.

11. Fractionate rapport

This is when you go “hot-cold.” A great example of this is product

During the launch, the person is there with killer videos, blog
posts, conference calls — everything. After the launch, you
hardly hear from 'em.

This makes you ANTICIPATE the next launch. It's the fractionation
of attention and rapport.

Some people would argue this means you don't write an ezine like
I do. Maybe they're write. But there are OTHER ways to fractionate.

Fractionating rapport is something you can't not do. The question
is only if you want to know what you're doing and then do it

Or do you want to continue doing it unconsciously and having no idea
what it is you're doing?

When the conscious brain is confused, it's preoccupied with trying
to figure things out. That means you can deliver information, data
or resources to the person that they were previously unconscious or
unaware of to get the person INTO a resourceful state.

Without rapport people's conscious brains are on red alert and they
shoot down any solutions that could help the person escape the loop
or problem they're in.

12. Get people to try to build rapport with YOU versus you being
the one to try to build rapport with THEM!

— Make people apply to get in your coaching program vs. you begging
them to join.

— Don't show that you're too “over-eager” to network with someone.

— Don't come across as being “too eager” to get people to buy your

— Rapport is as much what you DON'T do as it is what you DO.

13. Develop your trance voice

This is the voice that is relaxing and easy to listen to. It's
different from your regular voice, so you don't accidentally put
people under the influence!

Use this voice in your videos when you're pitching or from stage or
in teleseminars.

You know how some people have this voice either in their spoken
word or in their WRITING that you just love to listen to or read?

That's the trance voice. It's a highly attractive voice because
step one in hypnosis is to absorb attention. You can't do that
without an attractive voice and persona.

Or what Dale Carnegie in the old days and others called a magnetic
personality. Most people just aren't aware that you can do this
in writing by the stories you tell, the voice you use, the emotions
you create and how you present your persona.

14. Imply rather than state directly when you can

— When you imply something, people are more likely to accept or
believe it than when you outright state it.

— For example, if you want people to get the idea that a big shot,
SHOW the results of this rather than TELLING people.

— I think Alexandria Brown does an awesome job of this on her blog.
She SHOWS pictures of her at coaching events with her students where
everyone is having a GREAT time! This implies that if you join,
you're going to have an awesome time also.

15. Create “magic moments”

— Create stories or other magical moments that glue in rapport and

16. Use metaphors

— Your brain responds to metaphors at an unconscious level
— You can create metaphors via videos
— But you can also tell stories verbally or in print that do the
same thing.

17. Create an attractive or magnetic persona

— Be someone people are drawn to and want to hang out with
— Ask yourself, would you want to hang out with your persona?
— Do you project someone or something that people find magnetic?
— A persona is something you work on, build and create over time
— It's a deliberate creation, not necessarily something you are to
start with.
— Study people and personas you find to be magnetic and ask
yourself why.

18. Project confidence and a relaxed attitude and demeanor

— On the one hand, people respond to those they perceive as
— And with that, authorities don't have anything to prove
— Therefore, they often come across with a relaxed attitude
— In other words, they're chill and you'd like to hang with them
— If you come across as too uptight or not lacking confidence, this
activates people's minds to scrutinize what you're saying

19. Learn to frame, reframe, and deframe

— This is one of the most powerful methods you can learn
— There are two types of reframes: context and meaning
— If someone says, “the price is too high”, you can do a meaning
reframe by saying, “This isn't a cheap, low quality product.” So
you've reframed cheap to MEAN low quality. Which, by the way, is
also often true.
— You can do a context reframe by saying, “Considering the value
you're getting and all the stuff, this is under priced.” In other
words, you create a context in which the price IS cheap.
— You've seen this done in sales letters a thousand times
— Reframing is the art of helping the conscious mind get OUT of a
loop by presenting information in such a way that it'll slip through
the filter and not be filtered out

20. Tell stories that capture attention

One of the biggest challenges we have as marketers is simply to
capture attention. By telling the story you have that's the most
riveting and exciting, you can do this.

Think of John Carlton's one legged golfer letter as an example. If
you don't know about John's one legged golfer letter, you haven't
studied copywriting enough!

21. There are loops, nested loops, hard loops and soft loops

The brain thinks in loops and circles. And if you've ever gone round
and round on something in your brain and gotten nowhere, your brain
was caught up in a loop.

The problem with loops is the answer lies OUTSIDE your awareness.
Otherwise, you would have already applied the answer.

A solution being outside your awareness means it's something you're
unconscious of. And the only way to find the solution is to become
aware or conscious of what you're unaware of right now.

Without that process, you'll just keeping going around in circles in
a loop and get nowhere.

To get out of the loop, you become aware of what you're unaware of.
This is what info products do for you. They bring things into your
awareness that you were unaware of so you can get out of loops.

— A “hard loop” happens without any explanation.

For example, you just start telling a story or talking about your
product without any explanation.

— A “soft loop” transitions into the story or topic

— “nested loops” are stories within stories

If you want to explore the ideas of frames, loops, storytelling,
magical moments, rapport or anything else I've talked about in this
issue, then this is your bible:


Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.”

To get on his killer ezine list, to get cheat sheets and all kinds
of other goodies every Saturday and during the week, to get simple,
to-the-point Internet marketing know that works real world without
all the hype, go to: https://www.marlonsnews.com and subscribe

Check out all my products here:


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the above link is, post this on your web site and make some
dough for spreading a killer guide everyone will want to


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention


D. “Services You Can Use

(If you want to post this ENTIRE ezine, you can replace the
following links with your RESELLER links)

Stop trading time for dollars and start trading products for
dollars: Create Info Products

Save 100's on graphic design. FREEBIE report:
Internet Marketing Graphic Design Secrets

Need a Sales Letter? Fill in the blanks and click a button.
Instant Sales Letters

Many people have copied my software. But there really and
truly is only ONE original.

Grab The Best of This Ezine


E. My Special Thanks To The Following People:

A special thanks to those who have been instrumental in building
my business over the years.

If YOU want to be on this list, I'm looking for my NEW superstars.

Allan Gardyne: htttp://www.associateprograms.com
Michael Merz
Bill Hibbler
Jim Edwards
Sasi Kumar
Ewen Chia Ti Wah
Michael Wong
David Vallieres
Titus Hoskins
Michael Paetzold
David DiPietro
Brian Terry
Dan Kelly
Michael Filsaime
Dave Lovelace
Derrick VanDyke
Matt Adler
Sean Mize
Gary Martin
Melanie Mendelson
Keith Wellman
Joshua Jenkins
Jeremy Burns
Sharlene Raven
Michael Nicholas
Anil Kumar
Joel Comm
Gabor Olah
Craig Haywood
Sterling Valentine
Frederic Patenaude
Jessica Clark
Liz Barton
Roger Hall
Marc Horne

Thank all of you. You have my gratitude forever.
Your contributions to my life and my business do
not go unnoticed nor unappreciated.

If we stand tall, it IS because we stand on the shoulders
of giants.

Copyright 2009 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.

  • Omar Briones says:

    Brilliant post Marlon; I enjoyed reading every word of it. Like always your work has inspired me to apply it to my life.

    I'm sure you get this a lot, but I need to make sure that you know that you have helped thousands if not millions of people with their business and their lives.

    I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Thank you for your help!" Keep up the good work Marlon! 🙂

    [Omar, appreciate the words. I probably didn't articulate well what I was trying to. I'm going wacko not being approved to drive yet. I'm HOPING it's next week!! You've posted more than once here as I recall. And I appreciate you bringing positive comments and energy. And I HOPE you're able to put into action what I teach and espouse profitably.]

  • Audrey says:

    Thank you for posting this. So many details and so much information. I really want to start Internet Marketing but I am a bit overwhelmed and scared. But this will help me to get started.

    [Audrey, I have something for you. It's called "The Overwhelm Cure" and I made it just for people like you. https://www.marlonsnews.com/overwhelm%5D

  • Hi! Marlon

    I went through your blog, and I found it really good thanks for your advices. I agree with these advice and look forward to more such advices.

    Good Day

  • Marlon.

    When you you stop? You over deliver!

    Now, this is how to run an IM newsletter. I think you should create a book about how to write a newsletter, because almost everybody get it wrong.

    This stuff is pretty advanced. I first learn about some of those techniques 12 years ago when I was trying to get a new job…

    And I must say I was a good student because I didn't fail, and at that times, I was accepted at so many jobs at the same time. it was incredible.


    I hope that people NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use this information to harm other people or doing anything that's not ethical.

    All the best,


    PS. A post about the technique you use in your newsletter to make us click (while we have HUNDREDS of other messages in our inbox) would be a nice post, what do you think?

    PPS. I know that you are using the "authority" one, plus the "story" (I wrote the amazing formula that works like crazy, and it's one the ebook that get all the guru started, etc…) very well!

  • This is some interesting information. I will be going over it for a while to see how I can implement some of these methods and ideas into my IM.

    Bright Blessings


  • Stuart Reid says:

    Very interesting article!

    While I'm not convinced "hypnotism" will work in a salespage or online video, many of the techniques mentioned do sound useful.

    I've heard about NLP but again, a lot of controversy about that, but this kind of thing can relax, influence, and ultimately make a purchaser out of a visitor then I'm all for it 🙂

    [Stuart, try it out would be my suggestion. Some of these things are common sense but VERY easy to screw up on without a solid base. For example, getting the string of yesses and agreeements. We all know it works. It's the FIRST thing you learn in sales. But easy to forget. And also, in sales class they never explained how or why it worked. It's simply one of MANY methods to bypass the conscious mind. Another would be getting people in the emotional state they need to be in to take the action you want them to take. We all do this intuitively. You know, when you're young you take your date to a nice dimly lit restaurant or whatever. But certainly not a garbage dump, you know? Yes it's easy to put people in an emotional state that doesn't lead to taking action if you aren't aware of it. Little things like these. The reframing stuff works. It's nlp 101 but explained very well and easy to forget to use. I guess the PROOF I'd point to is that Frank Kern does about ALL this stuff in his videos…I wonder if he's had hypnosis training or not? He sure doesn't miss a beat.]

  • Elizabeth Smith says:


    Glad to see you got all the information. Moreover, I congratulate you on how you "Boiled it Down" into 21 steps. Way to go!

  • Cecil Ming says:

    Marlon, You are "The Man"! Great article and have been to the site, great!

    Ran across other info about this subject about 2 weeks ago talking about how it was used in the Political arena this last election. Suffice it to say the one using it won the election.

  • Tia Dobi says:


    Truly I dig all your stuff…who else wants to sell a MS Doll?

    And hypnotic sure – hail to the King Joe V, those mentioned here and isn't there a little mention of hypnotic on my biz card?

    About being a MS Superstar…yeah this is what I meant by…Want to get all your stuff, follow it then get publicity. Translation: I wanted to be the next successful apprentice of the "Give em $1,000 make 'em $60,000 in 60days" fairy tale story come true of in the newspaper/on TV gurus.

    This is Hollywood afterall.

    But when I sent you a gift and didn't get a thank you back – I had to ask if you even got it – that sucked big time.

    Killed the deal.

    (Hell I lived in Tejas for 20 years…super friendly is as super friendly does.)

    Do like the way you act as change-surgent for your folks.

    Peace and profits,

    Tia D.

  • Lani says:

    Thank you for sharing your 2l Step Cheat Sheet: Secrets of Hypnotic Marketing – Revealed! with us. Good information for us to know.

    Sounds like it might be a good book to help us understand – why are own thinking has kept us one step from success. By understanding what motivates us a person can use the information to motivate others. And also see how others have motivated us.

    Hopefully people use the information in the proper context.

  • Peter McGowan says:

    Interesting read. These are pretty much what a salesman would get taught. Keep it steady, build to the close, maintain interest. And so on.

    I do have a problem with the article though…

    You are dead right about all those loops people have in their minds that keep them going around, whether they're aware of them or not.

    When a new idea comes along, its a revelation. It wakes them up a bit. Or momentarily quite a lot. It fades quick so while they're awake, you can make a sale.

    Well that's the problem. They're already hypnotized. So you don't really need to try to drown them in subconscious thoughts any further. Their minds are already programmed, and it's generally not a pretty sight.

    All the rest of it is pretty much right. I enjoyed reading it. Please continue.

    [Peter, the solution is outside of their awareness. So the only way out of loops is to bring in something that's outside of awareness into the awareness.]

  • Marlon you always tell it like it is

    been reading your newsletters for year and have a few of your products

    you go the extra mile and always educate, entertain and inform


  • James Black says:

    This gets my 5 stars. As always Marlon, you break it down in a most fascinating, informative way for us readers to immediately put it to use while providing more links to further our education.

    I've been a fan a long time, thank you.

    James Black


  • Excellent, Marlon.

    This post is worthy of 5 Stars.

    The content contained here is priceless.

    You do have a gift of breaking down complex tasks in simple easy manageable bites. Thank you.

    Kind of like eating an elephant one bite at a time…Wait was that a metaphor? Hey, this stuff is staarting to sink in.

    albert grande

    [Albert thanks. Nice metaphor. If you have a chance, snag the book by Igor. You have to work through it but it applies to every single area of your life. So much of what we do is about communication and influence.]

  • Steve says:

    Hi Marlon

    This is fascinating stuff and must confess to having some trouble in retaining it so it becomes automatic.

    So much to learn and so little time, I guess we can't be expert at everything.

    I am forever studying people and their behavior (including mine) so this is right up my street.

    I used to have a problem about using certain sales techniques but now come to realise that persuasion is something we must deploy if we know it to be in the prospects best interests.

    Cheers from the UK.


    [Steve, I"m right there with you. I never understood how some of these things worked. Once I understood how the mind works and why the method works, it changed my perspective.]

  • […] View post: Learn Internet Marketing » Blog Archive » Hypnotic Marketing … […]

  • Alfredo says:

    This was great, Marlon! Fully educational! Thank you so much for sharing all this with us. 🙂

    Best wishes!

  • Vladimir says:

    Dear Marlon,

    Thank you.My main reasons are the following:

    1.I do not have a personal computer and I

    use it at American Center in Moscow.

    2.According to my program site must work

    by circumstances.

    Your Vladimir

  • Denny says:

    Sorry to disappoint you Marlon. I don't think it works, I didn't buy anything.

    I just walk in circles (loops)head bobbing,clucking like a chicken!


    [Denny, you're funny. I produced the 21 point cheat sheet to turn you onto a lot of methods you may not be using whether you CHOOSE to buy anything or not, seriously. So you're chicken to buy. I got it.]

  • Claudia says:

    Hi Marlon! I just read most of this article on the 21 steps of Hypnotic Marketing. I've never heard of this before but its very interesting. I'm going to make myself a copy so I can go back to keep myself refreshed. Thanks for the insight to ones own mind.

  • Sam says:

    Great article and fascinating blog entry Marlon.

    I heard a lot about the power of hypnotic marketing and your article sums it up as a clear checklist. It's awesome Marlon! Nice examples.

    I wonder how long it takes to one master at least a few of techniques in this course.

    Thanks again Marlon

    [Sam, you can IMMEDIATELY begin using many of the things….there are tons of simple things….and some that are more advanced. Like starting out with a string of agreements. It's an old sales tactic but he explains how and why it works to relax the critic part of the mind then he shows how to piggyback suggestions onto agreements. YOu can learn to do that right after reading it. His rapport and authority insights can be immediately implied. Learning about states and how to use them doesn't take much once you understand it. Hot words can be immediately applied. Reframes are easy to use. And more. But there is a LOT of info and some does take practice…you could spend a year to three years mastering it….if not a lifetime.]

  • Carolyn says:

    Hi Marlon

    EXCELLENT summary with alot of good core points. This type of posting is why I am on your list.

    I must confess that I am sometimes put off by your "corny" "goofball" types of presentations, But then again, I am totally blown-away by some really great insight and content.

    Keep up the good work!


  • Hank Scott says:

    Hey Marlon:

    Already have this course, and couldn't agree with you more…

    It's a must have resource, not just for IM but for getting the most out of life in general (all relationships in particular, from friends to spouse).

    I've tried to use some of the techniques I learned to teach a very difficult subject for most to grasp, in my recent YouTube videos (non-IM related), about the economy.

    My opt-in page isn't finished yet, but if anyone would like to see the video it's linked to my name on this post.

    See if you can spot the techniques from this cheatsheet article that I used in that video.

    [Hank, thanks for sharing and good luck with your new site. It's kinda hard to explain how potent the methods are. And Igor explains them so crystal clear. Anyway, glad you liked the cheat sheet.]

  • Jimmy says:

    Hi Marlon,

    The checklist was awesome, I will definitely print it out and pass around.

    [Cool Jimmy…hope u get value out of it.]

  • Don Kibby says:

    Thanks for bringing this information to our attention. It has been used in print and T.V, advertising for awhile. However,

    by applying it to Online Marketing you make the information current.

    I published the article on my website.


    [Don, thanks! Glad you found it helpful. Igor, the author of the product, and Cliff come from marketing backgrounds. Igor used his skills to sell coaching to Fortune 500 type clients. So he applies these things to sales and marketing as a bonus! If you enjoyed what's in the cheat sheet, you'd eat up the product like candy.]

  • aliana says:

    Hey Marlon

    Trenchant and highly informative post, just great. I was wondering about the product that is linked- whether it is you being hypnotized to know how to hypnotized or exactly how it goes- exercise etc. ~wasn't quite sure.

    Thanks again for the valuable content.

    [Hi Aliana, It's straight forward teaching but also has exercises because that helps you internalize the material and then there are induction audios also that help you absorb the info unconsciously. It's got it all.]

  • Awesome checklist, Marlon! I'll print it out and keep it around!

    Very clear and concise. Great examples

    (framing etc.)

    I find it a bit disappointing though that we aren't supposed to use the three-step method without proper training… I guess we're supposed

    to get the course 😉

    [Well, yeah. Get the course if it's what you want. BUT the reason I put that in there is REALLY. It's true. You can get a summary of a lot of the info for FREE by opting in on the site. I just don't think I can teach enough in an ezine to recommend people trying out a potent technique that could go sideways if you don't know what you're doing.]

  • Glen Osborne says:

    Heard & read alot about hypnotic marketing. Hard to grasp sue to head ailment which makes it hard to retain what I read. This article sums it up nicely in a way I can wrap my head around it.

    Thanks, Marlon for condensing it all.


    [Glen, I agree with you. I had trouble grasping it the way others taught it also. Like you, probably just the way my mind works. Igor has this incredible ability to explain things where you instantly understand them. He's also a marketer so he makes sure you get that part too. I can't recommend his work too highly.]

  • Byron says:

    Now this is a great and fascinating blog entry Marlon.

    Having studied NLP in great detail (I have a graduate degree in NLP, 40 full days of training) I recognize nearly everything you mentioned as being taught in my course. The principals and techniques that you describe are basically at the core of new code NLP.

    I have never heard of the guy who put together the course you are recommending but that could be just ignorance on my part.

    What I can tell you is this, in the early 70's John Grinder and Richard Bandler had direct access to Milton Erickson. From observing him with clients and conversing with him they were able to "model" his speech patterns and interactions with his clients. From this study they were able to demystify what he did to the point of being able to replicate his interactions with people and achieve nearly the same level of success as Erickson himself!

    Since Grinder and Bandler parted ways they have continued to further the study of NLP. I'm not that familiar with the newer Bandler work but I can tell you that "conversational hypnosis" is absolutely intrinsic to the new code of NLP that Grinder has developed.

    As John Grinder is still teaching I would thoroughly recommend that you do whatever it takes to go and learn from him in person. Your life will probably never be the same again. Feel free to contact me if you would like to get further information such as recommended books and/or face to face training.

    [Hi Byron, Igor is a student of all listed above and others. I've read all Bandler and Grinder and tons of others in NLP. Dilts, Michael Hall, etc. I agree they are great thinkers and teachers and people who want to go hard core on this would gain lots by studying them. Now, for MY people who are marketers and looking for the marketing angle, Igor has an incredible gift of explaining these mind things. Not that the others don't. I just totally resonate with how Igor teaches them. And while he has developed his own methods, he obviously bases the work on Bandler and the Milton Model. More so on the Milton Model.]

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