I Got My Final Warning From Google, Now It’s MY Turn…. - Online and Info Product Marketing

I Got My Final Warning From Google, Now It’s MY Turn….

Re:  I got my final warning from Google..now it's MY turn….


Marlon here.

Really, it sucks.

I have only a few ads running on Google, one of which is on my
name.  All I was doing is sending people to a very simple freebie
report email capture page.  Gosh forbid I should PAY to try to
sell something to someone.  I don't get it. Just don't get it.
For 3 violations over like 5 years (or however long) I got a
FINAL warning from Google as did tons of other people I know.

I've had it up to HERE with Google's adwords crap.  Seriously.
(Fortunately, Google is MUCH more fair on the organic side.)
I can't TALK to a human being about it.  They won't let me through
their voice mail from hell menu.  They didn't give me any reason.
It's embarrassing.  My friend Joel Peterson actually got the
email and forwarded it to me.

Don't ASK me to explain THAT one!  I got no explanation why he
got my final warning email. They put a survey in my account and
I can tell you this…. they got a big chunk of what was on MY
mind about their “service.”  There's an oxymoron if you've EVER
heard one.

Anyway, now it's MY turn to tell you and Google what I go to
say about my final warning.

You help make Google rich and to show appreciation, they slap one
of their one million “user agreement guidelines” in your face (that
seem to change like the direction the wind blows)… and Google
even has the nerve to CLOSE accounts without any explanation.

That's enough.

Let's talk about the new frontier…


Here's some benefits of advertising on Facebook:

There are five hundred million people (prospects) on Facebook.
Since Facebook collects the info anyways, you can target prospects
by age, location, and… interests!

Facebook promotions allow you to leverage your personality in your
copy and marketing… creating a deeper, richer relationship with

Viewers can vote to “Like” your ad (not so with Google).
By design, Facebook builds a community around your business or

And if that's not good enough…

You have the opportunity (for 72 hours ONLY) to grab Facebook
Ad-Vantage (normally priced at $47) for the ultra-low price of
seven bucksand learn how to create Facebook campaigns (fan pages
and ads) that convert viewers into prospects… and convert them

Grab your Ad-Vantage here:

When you finish watching all six videos, these are the diamonds
you'll discover:

The heightened ‘user friendliness' of Facebook's ad system.  It's a
cinch compared to Google's! (Video 1).

Three public (and free) resources that give you geographic and
demographic data for any market you choose in ten minutes or less!

(You get the “skinny” on the average income of your ideal prospect
and the age range he falls in.  You'll even see stats like… how
many children he has!) (Video 2).

Discover the tactics smart marketers use to plan their
advertisements so they're effective, accepted by Facebook, and
won't cause legal problems down the road (Video 3).

What Facebook looks for in their ads and the Do's and Do Not's of
writing your ad (Video 4).

Gain instant empathy and understanding for your prospect by asking
one simple question.  If you take the time to consider the
prospect's problems, the effectiveness of your copy will multiply
and you'll never be at a loss for words either (Video 4).

Where to find free images to use for your ads and the specific
‘type' of picture to look for… (Video 4).

How to use your research data and your ad (which you will easily
write after watching Video 4) and follow this exact step-by-step
walk-through of designing, targeting, and submitting your ad to
Facebook (Video 5).

How to decide which ad ‘model' is best for your product so you pay
LESS in the long run (Video 5).

Where to find outsourcers who will do all the legwork to ensure
your Facebook ads, fan pages, and profiles go viral… for just
over two bucks per hour of work (Video 6).

Isn't it great that you're getting all that for only seven dollars?
That's a deal!

A deal you can get right here, right now:

But, you gotta do it before Sunday (Oct 3) at midnight.

Best wishes,


P.S.  No one doubts the built-in prospect reaching power Facebook
offers… so wouldn't it be worth seven bucks to learn how to
exploit the heck out of this new frontier?  Absolutely.  Just make
sure you click on this link before Sunday at midnight:

P.P.S.  Facebook Ad-Vantage can be described in two words.  Here
they are: HEAD START.  That's exactly what your seven bucks is
getting you, a head start.  You get the “jump” on people who are
too scared and intimidated to ACT FAST and learn how to profit from
Facebook before others do (including your friends and competition).
Get your HEAD START by using this link:

And don't forget… this offer expires at the stroke of midnight on
Sunday, October 3rd.
Finally, many thanks to James and Justin for contributing part of
the copy above.  Justin wrote those bullet points and they really
say what needs to be said WELL!  Thanks guys.

  • Orestes says:

    Hi! Marlon,

    I just wanna say that you´re totally right about this arrogant Google and I´ve already moved from it.Thank you so much from introducing me to Media Buying with Melvin Perry which is very good and I´m very happy about it and for the bonus videos from you(by the way you look cool with the hat:-)).

    Thanks again and blessings!

  • Angela says:

    Hello Marlon,

    I hear you. It's been getting pretty frustrating. A person works hard and then whammo!

    You are still one of only 3 marketers whose emails I read.

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


    PS – finally got a couple of e-products done and working on expanding them.

    Your Facebook Advantage will come in handy right about now.

    [Angela, Facebook has a lot of ways you can benefit, including running ads

    there and sending people to your fan page to opt in. Buying banner ads is

    good also. And, of course, my all time favorite, your own affiliate program.

    Angela, that's GREAT you have products. Now promote 'em really hard!

    Full steam ahead.]

  • hey marlon, just wanted to start off and let you know that pretty much you are the only internet marketer left whose emails i still receive… and read.

    you mentioned in your latest email about getting writers for your ezinearticles account. well, it sounds like a great strategy, and i would love to do use it for my business. the question i have is… where do you find these writers?

    i don't expect i'll get them for around $4 an article, but you never know…



    [Hey Michael, how are you. I just put a post in Ateam about this today. Thanks for the reminder. You CAN get the articles for less than $4.00 actually. But $4 is not a bad price.]

  • Sunny James says:

    This is Sunny James from Pennsylvania

    I do some google adwords I have heard alot of horror stories from other people as well that got shut down for stupid stuff it seems unfair.

    thanks for the info

    Sunny James

    [Sunny, I don't know what Google's issue is. Seriously. I don't get it.]

  • Ugh and Google strikes again. I have never been big on PPC,however many of my fellow networkers have. And yes…they too got there accounts shut down.

    Many after years of being loyal customers of Google. Spending thousands per week, on there service. TO only lose all there ads overnight.

    PPC gone..and yes I will agree Facebook is the wave of the future.

    Kind Regards and good luck trying to get a hold of someone at Google. Hopefully someone can get through to a live voice!


  • Hi Marlon,

    Thank you so much for this special offer. I am new to online advertising and google already doesn't like me.

    It has been frustrating and I was delighted to accept your special offer. I looking forward to exploring alternatives.

    Thanks again…

  • Paul Power says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I have to agree with you that Google are really trying all marketers patience with their PPC rules.

    They are going to lose so much money soon, as they will struggle to get to grips with Facebooks approach.

    As you say Facebook has a good base of people online, and if utilised correctly can be a great source of traffic. As usual you have your finger on the button.

    Take Care.

    Paul Power.

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