I Posted This Pic for My Dad on June 19, 2016, A Year or Two After He Had Passed On. - Online and Info Product Marketing

I Posted This Pic for My Dad on June 19, 2016, A Year or Two After He Had Passed On.

When he was young, he loved to build model airplanes but didn't have much money.

I encouraged him later in life to build these bad boys. He could build 'em. But flying 'em was different.

There's something about BUILDING THINGS. It provides a certain satisfacstion. Being able to CREATE things that FLY.

Now, I have no talent for building planes. Trust me on this one!

But I love, love, love creating marketing projects that fly.

It's quite a wonderful feeling when you have one that takes off.

You see your dream in the air.

Flying high.

And on a clear day, I think my projects fly to heaven and give a warm shout out to my dad.

If you love marketing and love building marketing projects, you can share my passion in my daily live streams, on Linked In, Twitter and my Facebook group.

I have a free report for you in my bio.
