Internet Marketing Mistakes — Are You Afraid Of Making Mistakes? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Internet Marketing Mistakes — Are You Afraid Of Making Mistakes?

Are you afraid of making mistakes?

I think everybody is.  Yet, the odd thing is you can't let this fear hold you back.  In a fast-moving market, arena or industry, you'll never get all the data you need to be 100% sure you're making the right decision.

I wish I always knew in advance the right decision to make.  Should you get an office or not?  How many square feet?  Should you hire a new employee or a virtual worker? Which new product should you launch? How much should you charge for it?

The decisions go on and on.

Your only protection is a market that buys even if you're less than perfect. And profit margins large enough to erase mistakes.  You'll never make all right decisions. What's important is that you make effective ones. The best you can given the info you have at hand.

There's a book I really like: “Ready, Fire, Aim” by Michael Masterson. I highly recommend it.

Marlon Sanders

  • Josh says:

    Just like the old adage says: Fail forward. Have the courage to try something new, and whether it works or not, always keep moving forward.

  • Edward Lomax says:

    If we waited until we "knew" we weren't going to make a mistake, no one would ever get started. Sure, study up before you jump into Internet Marketing, but at some point you just have to get started and work it out from there.

  • […] Internet Marketing Mistakes — Are You Afraid Of Making Mistakes? – Are you afraid of making mistakes? I think everybody is. Yet, the odd thing is you can’t let this fear hold you back. In a fast-moving market, arena or industry, you’ll never get all the data you need to be 100% sure you’re making the … […]

  • You are so right Marlon , you fail yourself to success. I love Howie Schwartz stuff on web 2.0, but it may work for him but not for me but hey im trying it out

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