Is Your Marketing Funnel Stuffed With Prospects Ready To Give You Money Today? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Is Your Marketing Funnel Stuffed With Prospects Ready To Give You Money Today?



Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #42, December 6, 2008


Marlon here with another issue of Marlon's Marketing Minute.

This week's article is:

===>> How To Stuff Your Funnel Full Of Potential Buyers And Create A
Pipeline of People Ready To Spend Money With You

(If you aren't making the sales you want or you aren't sure how
to get 'em, this will show you the simple, proven process)

Take the article, change the URL in the resource box at the
end to a reseller ID and stick it on your web site, blog,
Facebook blog, Myspace blog, Hub Page, Squidoo lens, or Google

Put it up and announce it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog,
email, or whatever else you have.

This IS an article people will want to read.  You WILL make
sales from the link in the resource box.

If you don't have a reseller ID, just go to: and sign up.  It only takes
2 minutes.

There are 3 ADS at the end of this ezine.  You can replace
all THOSE with reseller links if you want.


PS:  Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch.  I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,
educating.  Where are THEY when a product launch isn't going

I'm here every week delivering rock solid content based on years
of experience.

ATEAM — Please see announcments…2 calls next week on Tues./Th


A. Sponsor Advertisement: Point and Click Marketing

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: How To Have A Product Breakthrough Even If You Can't
Talk  or Write

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



“New step-by-step system walks you through creating your freebie
offer, packaging it up and stuffing your marketing funnel chock
full of people ready and willing to spend money with you”

Do you have your marketing freebie put together?  Do you have a
page that's getting people into your marketing funnel?

If you want to DO what I talk about in today's ezine article,
then really, seriously, fork over a few bux and grab yourself a
copy of the super powerful Powerful Promo Dashboard

Marlon Sanders


One: Follow me on Twitter

This way, if you don't get my emails, you get my Twitters.

Two: Ateam Call Makeup Calls THIS WEEK!

We have one on Tuesday and one on Thursday.  Watch your
email for details.

Three:  AFFILIATES — I'm totally revamping the way you get
your tools and stuff. This is going to 100% rock!


If you didn't snag the freebie audio, grab it here:

C.  How To Stuff Your Funnel Full Of Potential Buyers And Create A
Pipeline of People Ready To Spend Money With You

(If you aren't making the sales you want or you aren't sure how
to get 'em, this will show you the simple, proven process)
Save this article for reference and use it as a reminder

By Marlon Sanders


It's funnel time.

Your marketing funnel?

Do you have one?  If you don't, it's time you start TODAY!
You don't have to spend forever putting your marketing funnel

The big picture of the Marlon Sanders Marketing System is simple:

1.  You target a group of people
2.  You find out what they want to buy
3.  You sell it to them

Your marketing funnel is step three.  This is where you start
building a backlog of potential buyers for your product or service.

You keep stuffing them in your funnel, stuffing them in your funnel,
stuffing them in your funnel — and pretty soon SALES will come out.

The way it works is you cram your funnel full of potential buyers.
These potential buyers are what we in marketing call “prospects,”
which is short for potential buyers.

Then you send out emails or even text messages and cultivate your
potential buyers with non-threatening calls to action.  And you
move them to the point of being a buyer.

The FIRST SALE is something that's easy.  You don't want to go
for the big sale right away. Just something nice and easy.

Then you build the relationship and go from there.

How do you GET the prospects into your marketing funnel?

They key to that is something simple, easy and non-threatening.
Look at it like the old days when you were dating.

You maybe went for coffee or a simple lunch.  That's what
you're doing with your prospects:

“Hey, you wanna grab a cup of coffee?”

NOT: “Hey, do you wanna go out for dinner, get stuck with me
all night long, feel obligated to see a movie you don't care
about and possibly have a really awful time!”‘

Anyway, after that cup of coffee, next thing you know, you're
married, have mortgage and car payments, 2 kids in college and
retirement staring down the barrel at you!

That's called “the back end!”

So this is what you do to get prospects in your marketing

You offer something really simple, easy and non-threatening.
This is why we typically use freebi reports, ebooks audios,
cd's or teleseminars.

It's a coffee date.

==> The secret though is you gotta have a system that keeps
putting people in your funnel.

Then you have to stay in touch with them with different offers
over time.  You never know WHICH day they're going to be in
the buying mood.

So send out freebies on occasion, refer them to articles or
blog posts and, in general, keep in front of your prospects
until they're in a buying mood.

One of the other keys to success is knowing WHAT to offer to
get people into your marketing funnel.

==> This is where doing surveys comes in.

I do surveys to find hot topics that'll appeal to my market.
By doing this, you base your marketing on data, not guesses.

You need certainty, not guesswork.

So SURVEYS properly done are a key to success.

==> Then once you know what people want, you have to package it.

A little bit of nice graphic design helps create a feeling
of value for your freebie.  So package it up, dress it up,
and make it look attractive.

You can either learn to do a bit of design yourself using
Design Dashboard, or hire someone or a combination.

I recommend the combo approach.  Learn the basics yourself
then also find one or two go-to designers.

The way you do this is by surfing web sites. And when you
run across a good design, scroll to the bottom of the web page
and see if the designer is listed at the bottom.  A lot of
times, designers will list their web site at the bottom of
the page.

Here is where you want to go with all this:

1.  You know where to find your target audience

2.  You have a very attractive freebie for them

3.  You have a nice presentation for it

4.  You keep your offers out there all the time so people are
flowing into your marketing funnel every day

5.  You regularly stay in touch with the people in your funnel.
You send out freebies as well as offers.

By staying in touch with people and making multiple offers, you're
trying to catch them on that day when they're in a buying mood.

How do you get your freebie out there on a consistent basis?

a. You can run ads on blogs.
b. You can design banners and offer them to affilaites to promote with.
c. You can run Google ads.
d. You can post in forums and list your freebie in your signature line.
e. You can write articles and list your freebie in your resource box.
f. You can pay to run your banner ad on targeted forums.
g. My favorite way is via my affiliate program.

We've spent the past four weeks revamping the graphic design at to spruce it up and will be releasing it next

Is your freebie offer out there?

Is it well presented?

Do you have people regularly going into your marketing funnel?

Are you staying in contact with them regularly?

Do you have them on a list where you can easily contact them?

Do you have a conversion process to turn them from prospects into

These are bedrock of an effective marketing system.

The final thing is to remember it's a numbers game.  You need a
lot of quality prospects in your marketing funnel and you have to
exude effort and time to get them there.

A lot of people just don't get the numbers.  They get 100 people in
their funnel and feel like they should be well-heeled already.

It's a numbers game.

Get systems in place that STUFF your marketing funnel full of
potential buyers.

Marlon Sanders

For step-by-step help in stuffing your marketing funnel chock
full and overflowing, check it out NOW!

(SIGN UP AS A RESELLER, put YOUR reseller URL and ID where
the above link is, post this on your web site and make some
dough for spreading a killer guide everyone will want to
read.  Post it on your blog. Stick it in Squidoo.  Put it
on a Hub Page.)


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention


D. “Services You Can Use

(If you want to post this ENTIRE ezine, you can replace the
following links with your RESELLER links)

Stop trading time for dollars and start trading products for

Save 100's on graphic design:

Are you struggling to find your TARGET MARKET?



Allan Gardyne
Michael Merz
Bill Hibbler
Jim Edwards
Sasi Kumar
Ewen Chia Ti Wah
Michael Wong
David Vallieres
Titus Hoskins
Michael Paetzold
David DiPietro
Brian Terry
Dan Kelly
Michael Filsaime
Dave Lovelace
Derrick VanDyke
Matt Adler
Sean Mize
Gary Martin
Melanie Mendelson
Keith Wellman
Joshua Jenkins
Jeremy Burns
Sharlene Raven
Michael Nicholas
Anil Kumar
Joel Comm
Gabor Olah
Craig Haywood
Sterling Valentine
Frederic Patenaude
Jessica Clark
Liz Barton
Roger Hall
Marc Horne

Thank all of you. You have my gratitude forever.
Your contributions to my life and my business do
not go unnoticed nor unappreciated.

If we stand tall, it IS because we stand on the shoulders
of giants.

Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
