Littleknown Old School Marketing Secrets — Revealed - Online and Info Product Marketing

Littleknown Old School Marketing Secrets — Revealed

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Meaty Excerpt From a New Book
I'm Writing (Illustrated)

Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Nov. 28 ezine issue


Marlon here.

In this issue:

— Where most “gurus” learned to write copy
— What is the most basic, evergreen way to build  your business?
— What you can learn from the early masters
— The important different between art and science in marketing
— The Cambridge Springs Offense drops jaws over the lunch table
— A few of the old greats you will benefit from knowing about
— The fundamentals and roots of the business
— What Charles Atlas course taught us
— Why forced continuity isn't a new invention
— Why marketing sequences aren't anything new
— Who was the founder of the modern day info product business?
— Who was Gary Halbert's mentor?

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

PS:  This will only be available 7 days since it IS part of a new
book I'm writing.
