Live Streaming Video Secrets Revealed - Online and Info Product Marketing

Live Streaming Video Secrets Revealed



11:54 A.M. CST
Saturday, June 2, 2008

From: Marlon Sanders
To: {!firstname_fix}
Re: Marlon's Marketing Minute


Marlon here.

Today's article:

Live Streaming Video Secrets Revealed:

7 Ways To Use Live Video For More Profits, Increased Sales
And Even To Build Your List From Scratch Or Become Famous In
Your Niche

Live video streaming is the BIG new thing for 2008.

If you don't have a list or a following yet, this can help you
get a jump start.

If you have customers who have only bought once, this can help
you turn them into multi-buyers.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. See the article below to read
all the exciting news and ways you can use live streaming video.

Let me say this, if you're NOT famous in your niche and you
WANT to be, or if you want to BUILD your list, this is YOUR
chance to turn back the clock and get a giant head start.

What's more, if you have prospects who haven't bought or who
only bought once, or if you have customers who have petered
out on you, this is your chance to raise the dead!


Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #20, June 7, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement:  Who Else Wants To Increase Sales,
Reactive Dead Customers, Build Your List Or Become Famous
In Your Niche?

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article:   Live Streaming Video Secrets Revealed:

7 Ways To Use Live Video For More Profits, Increased Sales
And Even To Build Your List From Scratch Or Become Famous In
Your Niche

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



Who Else Wants To Increase Sales, Reactive Dead Customers,
Build Your List Or Become Famous In Your Niche?

Watch my FIRST live, streaming video broadcast and see how
dynamic it is.  24% of the folks on the chat bought without
arm twisting or cajoling.  Just by answering their questions
and giving good, solid information.

The quality of the audio was less than perfect.  See the
article in today's issues for details. But still, you'll be
able to SEE and hear what a fabulous, ground-breaking
technology this is:


One: Do You Have Unresolved Customer Support Issues?

If you have a customer support issue of ANY type, whether it
may be a question on affiliate commissions, product not
received, problem logging in or just something you're confused
about, here is how to get help:

Two: EVERGREEN TRAFFIC PDF — For you folks who were on the
call on Wed., I promised a PDF. I have to get a spurt of
energy and fix it up some.  I WILL. NO worries.  Hang out.

C. Live Streaming Video Secrets Revealed:

7 Ways To Use Live Video For More Profits, Increased Sales
And Even To Build Your List From Scratch Or Become Famous In
Your Niche

By Marlon Sanders


Live video streaming is the BIG new thing for 2008.

If you don't have a list or a following yet, this can help you
get a jump start.

If you have customers who have only bought once, this can help
you turn them into multi-buyers.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.  Let me first say this:

The technology has come a long way.  It actually works now
without the herky, jerky motion of the past.

To see an example, go to:

A few comments on that video:

1.  It doesn't show the most dynamic part — people asking their
questions in a text chat.

The interactive part of the live video chat is the real

2.  It doesn't show all the people on the chat.

The sidebar of the actual presentation shows everyone on
the chat.

Next time, I'll do a Camtasia video so you can see the whole

3.  For the audio, I used a blue tooth headset since I used a
Mac for the video.  For some reason, the audio wasn't as crystal
as it could've been.

Next time, I'll use our high quality mike.  On PC's I've seen
people use Plantronics headsets that sounded great.

The BIG benefit of these chats compared to teleseminars is
that people can ask their questions by TEXT.  The problem with
teleseminars is you always have some joker, competitor or truly
clueless person who does NOT mute out the call then talks in
the background, plays music or makes noise.

Or, even worse, they put you on hold so you can listen to their
hold music.  I often wonder if it isn't competitors who do this
crap.  I can't believe customers are that thoughtless.

It's enough to make you want to scream.

The PROBLEM with this is that it removes the ability for tele-
seminar participants to ask questions.

Not so with the streaming video.  People are NOT on the audio.
They participate on text chat. And they have to register to chat
which means you can bounce them if they try to disrupt the text
chat part.

What's more, on the video chats, people can interact with others
in the text chat part.  And they can see everyone else on the

It's 100% more dynamic than a teleseminar. The downsides are
as follows:

1.  Not everyone looks good on video.

If you're missing a bunch of teeth, it may not be for you.

2.  Not everyone can interact in an entertaining way.  If you
bore people to tears with a monotone voice, I doubt you'll
attract a following unless you're doing magic tricks like
David Blaine. Then all bets are off.

3.  From what little I've seen, outside your own country, the
streaming isn't good.  On our test call, we had someone in
UK and they were having problems with the streaming.

Now, how do YOU use this in your business:

1.  Do presentations for your prospects who haven't bought yet.

The added interaction and ability to ask questions can get you
that illusive order.  How many people on your list do you have
who have not bought anything from you yet?

I bet you can get some of those people to buy.

2.  Use live video to develop a following and build your LIST.

If you're starting from scratch, this is a good start on getting
a following, building your list and becoming famous in your

Add in article writing, an ebook or two, a blog, and you're
off to a fast start.

The thing about live video is you CAN build your list starting
from scratch.  You'll be offering this before almost anyone else
in your niche.

It's a chance for you to turn back the clock and get a big leap
on everyone else.

3. Do presentations for customers who bought once but haven't
bought a second time.

By adding the interactivity and answering their questions,
you have the ability to respond to their exact concern or
objection or give personal advice.

4.  Use live video in your conversion sequence.

Somewhere in your follow up sequence with prospects, drop in
the video.

5.  Record the live chat and drop the playback video into your
autoresponder. That's a no-brainer.

6.  Upload the recorded videos to YouTube and the other video
sites. Again, that's a no-brainer.

7.  Hold live video chats where you have your testimonials
participate via text chat and type in their testimonials. Add
that to the social proof of seeing a bunch of others on the
chat, and you have the dynamics of increased sales.

All-in-all, this technology WORKS.  And it's very practical
in your marketing.


Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Info Product Dashboard.”
If you want to create your own info products, go to:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
“Info Product Dashboard” in place of the existing URL>

D. “Services You Can Use”


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
bundle.  Avoid going down the wrong path.

Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.


Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
