Major New Product Release! Turn Ordinary Info Products Into Cash Cows? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Major New Product Release! Turn Ordinary Info Products Into Cash Cows?

. . . . Hello,

Marlon here.

This is a historic post that was related to the launch of Ockham's Razor ebook which is off the market now.

Best wishes,


  • Jim Fortune says:

    Hi Marlon!

    The tips you share with everyone make buying your products worth while. Oo the call the other day you mentioned That was a great idea and I had not ever heard it mentioned before. It's little things like this that make your service stand heads and shoulders above anyone else!

    Thank you very much!

    Jim Fortune

    [Jim, I've been using voice shot for years. The work great.]

  • Tim Wilde says:


    My heading is spinning! I'm amazed at the amount of information that you've included in there.

    It reads as though you put your heart and soul into it and that's what makes it a great product

    many thanks Tim

    [Tim, thanks and help me get the word out!]

  • Well, Marlon, I was definitely a "lady come lately" with the purchase of O.R. I'm a narrowly focused perfectionist, so the "tipping point" for me was the big pic aspect. And I have to say that O.R. has already given me a much broader, and necessary, focus and "loosened" me up. Yea! Beyond that, I could hardly stand all those terrific comments here about O.R. without being a part of the buzz. Drove me crazy… Anyway, thanks so much for pushing my buttons and helping me to see the light!

    [Hi Linda, glad u saw the light! But really, far as I'm concerned it IS a breakthrough way to see things.]

  • Liz says:


    As you know I appreciate all that I have ever purchased from you. In fact the other night after getting my copy I so wanted to send you a Valentine's card for tgeh way that you care for evryone forseeing what we need and then selling it to us.

    You are one of the first I started reading about internet marketing and to this day you stay number one with me. I enjoy reading if i do anything or not, the stories will keep me comeing back as long as I can.

    Im still reading Ockham so Im not ready to give my final vote yet just know its from you and part of you so its got to be the very best.

    Thanks so much


    [Hey Liz, great to hear from you. I think you'll love putting ORIS into action. And thank you for sharing here.]

  • Just finished the first reading and yes it will need to be read more than once. Definitely the best of your products that I have bought for ME.

    Really think that you should require people to have experience or buy promo dashboard with it though.

    It was very tough for me to review though because as great as it is for ME for most newer marketers (my target audience on the blog) it will be frustrating without the promo dashboard training and in my opinion you might consider packaging them together.

    I just made the recommendation that if people had a business to grab it but if not to do promo dashboard with it or first.

    [Mike, I see your point. But a lot of people like to just have somethin' they can print out and read on the sofa or at the coffee shop that provokes thought and insight. I know I do. I agree that at an implementation level, you need Dashboards. A lot of newbs are in research mode though.]

  • Dan Grasser says:

    Brother Dan here,Marlon.

    I'm about half way through and I'm going WOW!!!

    This is the same things you have been pounding into my email address, only better becasue it now is all in one place. I can read it over and over and see what I haven't been doing right.

    I have several of your products which I must say I haven't completed either of. I'm one of those people who keep jumping around from the lastest and greatest promotion. What a mistake when you have it all under one roof.

    I missed the call so I hope you recorded it for those of us who missed it. (Didn't get the email just the phone call and I couldn't find a pen to write down the number ten minuets before the call)

    After reading about a third of the way through I realized who my target market is. People just like me who keep looking for the pot of gold, you know the esay way to make money online. Now I have a better picture of what is needed to make money online. Thanks for setting me on the right path.

    Now it's back to basics.

    I also know you have the info abaout the camara you use to take those vidoes. Could you share that with us? I know we could all use one.

    I love the idea of being a group leader and I hope to have the funds to become one. Will you be offering this program again? Or where do I find it again?

    Thanks Marlon.

    [Dan, glad you are profiting! We actually show the whole video set up in a bonus on Promo Dashboard. We shot the behind the scenes footage. The recording of the call SHOULD have turned out. I hope.]

  • allen walton says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I haven't made it all the way through yet, but what I have read has been very interesting. I can't wait ti get it all read and digested. I have a launch of Bulldog Marketing in about 3 days and am expecting your information to help me in a serious way.



    [Allen, good luck with your launch brother]

  • David says:

    RE: Ockham webaudio this AM

    You mentioned a book – but used two different names: "Lateral Thinking" and then "Lateral Marketing". As I use LSI a great deal in Keyword Research I went to Amazon to get the book. Ooops. Both titles are there. Please give me the correct title you were referring and possibly the author. This first meeting lacked focus and intent. Your ebook on OX is OUTSTANDING.

    [David, it's a whole chapter in part 2 of ORIS. The correct reference is there. It is in the chapter on how to develop 180 innovations.]

  • Jerry Reeder says:

    Marlon, I have many of your products an dthis BLOWS all the others away. Now that's saying something because your products are good, damn good

    I finally got around to using twitter. I set up a profile on Sunday.

    On Monday evening I used the methods and resources you suggested. Took about an hour maybe less and NOW I have 1053 followers

    You ROCK

    [Jerry, that's awesome. Now, get those relationships going and look for list owners!]

  • Tom says:

    Marlon I downloaded ORIS over the weekend. The book is interesting and exciting. This is the best that I have read (not finished yet). I have read a few books on advertising and marketng, and have practice some. Thanks for your honesty, your fantastic track record and writing the book. I look forward in learning and doing. Hope that I will be chosen to be trained as a leader for the group training.

    Thanks for giving and showing opportunities and the good words,


    [Tom, thanks for sharing and I know you're going to love the rest of ORIS. I'll be talking about the

    group host/leader training on the conference call today.]

  • Juli says:


    I have followed you for several years now. I always liked your products because they have always been no-nonsense, good common sense, no hype products. I currently own Design Dashboard, InfoProduct Dashboard, and now OR. I plan to use all these products to build the online portion of my new coaching business. I would love to be trained as a group leader for your classes, but finances are very tight right now, and I just can't shell out the bucks. Maybe if I start making some money soon, I can join then if it is not too late to get in. What time is the teleseminar tomorrow and what are the call-in details?


    [Hey, no problems on the money. If you got Ockham's Razor, you should have gotten the dial in number already. If you didn't receive it, we'll re email tomorrow and also do a voice blast. Last resort is to go to and Tim will help. I'm not clear if you got the product or not. It is just for buyers.]

  • Lani says:


    You gave us another great product! Everyone should have this product before buying anything else – it will help with whatever you want to accomplish in your business. I would go without food for the week to have this information.

    What I like best about the Ockham Razor Income System is you give a reason why things should be done along with the how. I always like to know why I should do something. The reason why helps you do it the correct way and not stop doing until you complete it.

    When you explained your email swipe file system – OH My Gosh! I almost cried with joy. I've been getting all my email in one account and it is complete over whelm. When I would reach almost 1,000 I would ruthlessly delete because I didn't have time to read them. Sometimes I would put them in folders but most of the time I didn't want to spend the time. With your system it makes everything so easy and fast. Plus the information from the emails are seen at a glance.

    I haven't finished reading all 274 pages – there is so much information and I'm taking notes.

    I Love It! Thank you.


    [Lani, thanks you so much for sharing. I HOPE the DOUBTERS listen to you! I'm glad to be of service to you.]

  • Dave Ovenden says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I picked up OR at the weekend and I just wanted to say 'thanks' for delivering such a great value product. I really hope that I can use some of your advice to leverage my own online efforts.

    Although I haven't finished it yet (I'm taking my time to take everything in!) the thing that I like most is that you describe the 'how' as well as the 'what' which makes the information useable in the real world.

    You are one of the few IM guru's whose emails I always read and I especially enjoy your videos – I just love the informal but passionate style that you use. Keep it comin'!

    Best regards,

    Dave Ovenden

    Get Your Own FREE Personalised Affiliate Website!

    [Brother Dave, thanks for sharing your comments on ORIS. HOPE others listen to your wise words.]

  • Nelson says:

    Marlon – my brutha from anutha mutha!

    I just have to tell you that ORIS is rockin' my world today! I hesitated to buy it at first – figuring that I've got enough to do with your Dashboards, Evergreen, etc., but then decided last night to go for it.

    Holy Moly, I'm glad I did! Absolutely VAST amounts of tasty information, juicy tidbits that explain how YOU got where you are today, and BODACIOUS strategies that are just awaitin' for me to put into action.

    I can dig it, my man, I can dig it!

    By the way, I love the accessibility that you're offering to us on the blog AND on Twitter – I really appreciate it. I realize it may not last forever, but to have the capability of touching base with you every now and then makes me even more jazzed about succeeding with your programs.

    One quick question – I noticed in ORIS that you didn't list "Evergreen" in your list of products. Now I do own Evergreen, but haven't really explored it much yet. Is there any particular reason that you didn't touch on it in ORIS, or was it just an oversight perhaps? Just curious.


    [Brother Nelson, a lot of the content of Evergreen was Tinu's….except that we just did in the graphics on the mini dashboard and helped organize it. I also wrote the sales letter. There are other more minor products I didn't list. Those I believe are all the major ones. Thanks for the great feedback. Glad you loved it!]

  • Norm says:

    Hey, Everyone,

    Listen Up !

    >>>>> TO MARLON,

    Marlon, You are Marvelous !

    May I say: Thanks for BEing You!

    Having read Your story and followed you over some recent years, I admire how you have really paid your dues over the years, and the sincere commitment you have to doing superb professional work, and desire to help others.

    I purchased Ockham's Razor Marketing System, even though I had previously said that I wanted to wait until I had made a little income.

    I'm studying it, and appreciate ALL of it. Right now, I have some health issues that are Priority One, for me, but looking forward to following through with your perennial wealth of concepts therin.


    Norm A.

    [Brother Norm, so GLAD to year you're on board with ORIS! I hope it really helps get you on track with a foundation. Now, health issues suck. I hate them. But they are a part of life. I'm so pissed I got this hernia. But life goes on. Try Odesk for a little inexpensive outsource help.]

  • Hi Marlon,

    Just going through ockham. More to cover.

    But based on what I have seen of your products, I expect this to be gold.

    I trust your leadership, And I am ready to learn some stuff from you.



    [Brother Randy, thanks so much! I think you're going to really profit from ORIS.]

  • Tom Jones says:

    Marlon, I read your rules and regs for twitter, that's cool.

    Will you teach us the trick to being able to send out a DM and then not allowing anyone to send one back…That is awesome marketing!! Would you consider following me? I would try to use the follow as a JV advantage.

    [Tom, I only follow close friends and people in my business with very large lists who can mail for me. I do NOT send out 1 way dms. I think it's a bot thing. I do NOT recommend bot based marketing. It gets accounts banned. Build relationships. Add at a measured pace.]

  • Hi Marlon,

    Back again after reading the Razor (or at least part of it. Had to start making a plan before I even finished it…)

    Love it! Matter of fact, an online pal and I (Jeremy Gatica) are teaming up on a killer idea he had. We're going to finish creating the product, then get busy using Master Plan 1 "Advertise Heavily".

    Might mean the Razor is so cool, that I'll be using it immediately. Will make for a good Razor "case study"!

    Since we have combined knowledge, and different skills – we think this product is going to be fun, awesome, and something people are going to like.

    Can't wait to get it done. Let's see the Razor put into MASSIVE ACTION!

    Thanks a bunch Marlon,


    [Michelle, glad you liked ORIS. It's very a very potent perspective. DO IT! Let's hear back from you.]

  • Oli says:

    wish i could do it, but english is not my primary language so i wouldnt do it well,

    and summarizartion/checklisting is not my strength – BUT i really really hope you guys or someone else does it. Its a must if you ask me – although you dont have to do it, it would be SO much better. I still feel a bit overwelmed at the end of the ebook with it. but maybe that just me

    thanks for even considering



    [Oli, get people on your email list. Send 'em emails that sell affiliate programs or your own products. That isn't ORIS but it's a very good start. Those TWO variables I gave at the front of ORIS in the formula? Add THAT formula to what I just said and you'll be gold. KISS. Keep it simple. That's the POINT of ORIS. Seriously. You do those 2 things and add it to building your list and sending out offers.]

  • Oli says:


    i personally also really enjoyed the ebook but…

    I think it lacks a sort of summary/checklist at the en of the ebook t obe able to do al lthe steps without having to re-read the whole book and read each entire section as i apply it.

    It DEFINITELY NEED a summary or checklist if you will, which you can quickly at a glance follow and apply each step.

    i really hope we will have suck summary/checklist.

    but the ebook is good for sure.

    [Hi, that's a good suggestion. We'll try to do that. Wanna do it to get comped a product or two?]

  • Graham says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I want to thank you for this –

    "[Graham, that is so awesome. Write your own ebook on how you did that your FIRST try and sell on Clickbank or a Warriors WSO or through more JV partners! Really, it sounds easy to you but most people have NO idea what you just said. Walk people through the A to Z of it. But if you could duplicate it 1X or 2X more times then you would have a REAL winner. And if you could teach a few others and they could ALSO do it then you are hitting the bigime.]"

    I'm going to do the same method again to see if I can replicate the same results. If that works then I'll be into the ebook and a WSO.

    Look at me! I'm a nobody in IM, but a nobody becomes a somebody by taking action and DOING – then rinse and repeat.

    On the 2nd read through of ORIS and breaking it down into bite sized chunks so that I can easily digest it all. (Remember the old saying – 'How do you eat an Elephant?')

    Took a break and started to glance through your swipe file. Gotta say that I'd hardly started when I came across one of the best sales letters I've seen in a long time. Worth the price of the swipe all on it's own.

    I'll give you a hint – think of a bright colour and a film about Russian submarines with Shaun Connery.

    One other thing – you talk a lot about finding your own sticking point. Well I believe that a major sticking point with many people is a lack of self belief and/or low self esteem.


  • Carol says:

    Okay Marlon…it's 3:00am and I can't put this down!! I've read part way through OR and it's totally NOT what I expected. I knew it would be of great value just because you created, but I thought it was going to be more of an overview of things, you know, covering topics in a more general manner.

    NOOOOO, that's not so. There are details and lots of them. OR covers everything. I'm SOOOO glad I purchased it. This is like having a master marketer (you) in a room all to myself and you are literally spilling your guts in focused detail about all of your marketing strategies. I just can't stop reading because I don't want the "conversation" to end.

    OR is definitely not like anything I've ever purchased before. It's packed full of solid information, ideas, strategies, everything you need to get focused, inspired and taking action on what you've learned. There is so, so much excellent information here….so many topics covered. You said OR would inspire us and boy does it ever. OR is an absolute goldmine folks. Buy it…you will NOT regret it.

    Marlon thanks for all the effort you put into providing products that are tremendously valuable. I've never had to wonder about you or anything you create. You over-deliver, always!

  • +Faith says:

    Thanks Marlon for the offer of being a discussion group leader, but unfortunately my time is too maxed out and I can't be a part of the group. ORIS has taught me to start simplifying what's on my plate at this time. I can only follow ORIS updates and this blog for now.

    Going thru my second read of O.R.I.S. And coming away with new perspectives and a To Do Plan. My working online has taken on a new meaning – a deeper understanding of my objectives and a bolder confidence in how to meet them.

    Yes, I'm definitely feeling a "before the ebook and the after ebook" feeling.

    My work is getting more easier and enjoyable as I start to implement what I can at this time.

    ORIS secrets might seem simple or just another course/eBook to some, but to me its secrets & implications can create miracles when applied. Ockham mentions 2 things in order to make money. I put a twist to them & applied those two things to myself emotionally and came away with gold.

    Yes, so many nuggets of gold in ORIS, for the newbie and the experienced alike.

    ORIS is worth it and more. And if anyone can join up in the discussion group, do it – it is worth it. ORIS might just be the simple step you need for success.

    Much thanks Marlon and Godspeed to success to all,


    [Sister Faith, thanks so much for sharing with the non-believers here! You know, some of our brothers and sisters are just hard core skeptics! I'm GLAD to hear you are more focused. That means everything in this Game.]

  • Tia Dobi says:

    Marlon – In response to your super-duper response…

    1) Great ideas! I worked for Agora freelance 98-2000 while I was in multimedia school (to produce interactive)…I didn't even know what DM was when Agora called me (referral from Matthew Lesko).


    Yes it was moi laid off (and since I was also selling a product I didn't believe in as one of my projects at work…nuff said).

    I lived in Texas 20 years…nice to see Sanders/Vitale rockin the world.

    What can we do for you (besides buying/selling your product)? What's the one thing Marlon would love to have happen for himself?

    Thanks I will do as you say.

    Appreciate YOU!

    Peace and profits.

    [Tia, have you contacted Joe V? He's on Twitter. At Agora Michael Masterson has about 4 or 5 books in the works, including 2 he released in the last year. He appears to really be pumping out books. You're really so awesome. I DARE people in LA do that to you. But yeah, if you're promoting somethin' you don't believe in….Karma's a bitch. Thank you for being here. Will see u on Twitter, hopefully with a lot of our bright minded brothers and sisters.]

    MS Wrote:

    [Hi Tia, not married. Never been. Probably like working too much for that although I mostly goof around and shop a lot. Were you laid off or someone you know? If you were, don't feel bad. This economy is just wacked.] A Marlon Sanders doll. You’re funny. The MS System. First, target a group. You know that. Then build your list. And start communicating with emails/ezines and make affiliate offers. Eventually your own products. If it’s you or someone of your caliber we’re talking about, given the luxury of some time, I’d do a book and branding because of your rich experience. If you or someone of your talent is looking for a job, go to Agora in Maryland.,, Agora is an enormously savvy direct marketing company with dozens of companies under its umbrella. If you can get publicity that sells say Michael Masteron’s Ready, Fire, Aim book better than it’s already selling, or Bill Bonner’s books, then I think a door would be open. In the IM market, the guy with the deepest pockets is Armand hands down. But he only has 7 employees. Joe Vitale does TONS of publicity and I believe is ALWAYS looking for publicity help. But I don’t know his budget.]

  • John says:

    I just 37 pages into the book and I'm excited!. This is my 4th Marlon product. Your products are priced affordably, always deliver value and I can tell you really care about the customer. You money back guarantee speak volumes about your confidence in user satisfaction. I am a satisfied customer. Thank you.

    [Brother John, thanks so much! As you can tell from the blog, a lot of our brothers and sisters here still have doubts! Appreciate your feedback.]

  • […] if you want to see what other people think, check out the Ockham's Razor post on Marlon's blog. There are lots of comments on there, and one of the things that impresses me […]

  • Yep, dead on right, Marlon! (2 posts above)Focusing & "cutting through the crap"; problems for me. part because I've spent $/time on products I couldn't initially identify as crap or as not being suitable for me. I can definitely relate to the O.R. concept; just that the title didn't grab me emotionally. I haven't purchased O.R. but believe it would me right up my unfocused alley. If you can't find enough facilitators & feel I could be a worthy one, this "extreme" newbie would be interested in offering whatever skills I have.

    [Hey Linda, I understand the title didn't move you but read the letter! As an extreme newbie, I welcome you! Enjoy learning and marketing.]

  • Hi, Marlon, I've got your O.R. on my "later list." (Spent a ton on Cheney's Golden Thread in Oct. though did get a ton, of info., in return.Anyway, I'm turning my attention to BullyMktg. Much, much more tightly focused; what I need at the moment.)

    Would love being a "leader" for one of your future products if opportunity arises. (I'm a facilitator/leader in my day job.) I did put your O.R. link on Twitter, etc, (no list).Am happy to do what else I can, even if only symbolically.$'s better, I know!:) Oh, on a personal level… I found the title "O.R." a little obscure and tough to relate to. Bottom line though? You're a "keeper", for suuuuurre!

    [Sister Linda, Ockham was a dude that invented a concept that says the best solution is the simplest. IT's about FOCUSING and cutting through the crap which I think is what you're dealing with. How it that? You sound like you could be a good facilitator. If you didn't get Ockham, read the comment fro Rainer today about 5 or 6 posts from this one. Read ALL the comments from people who have BOUGHT it.]

  • GLEN says:


    i'm experienced and comfortable with groups in a facilitator mode(2 masters in counseling) and i can teach when necessary. i'd love to try this out.

    but as a newbie, i know so v. little, have no list, no website…. and therefore no group to lead.

    there has to be a cloud of witnesses out there who are like me in that respect who are asking this question.

    [Glen, I'll be sending people referrals. So I may be able to get you in on that. I'll flesh out details hopefully this weekend.]

  • Dave In Wales says:

    Hey Marlon

    Will buy your ebook ASAP. Looking forward to reading more about your referral system. Looks like something I could help out with and get involved with.

    Please keep me updated.

    [Dave, I'm gonna try to get more together on it before our kickoff call next Wed. That is when the Ockham's Razor conference call will be.]

  • Hi Marlon!

    Thanks for your comments. You asked:

    "Now, can you do work on Elance? Or do something part time to support yourself? In this economy I'd recommend it. Building a business takes time. There is a learning curve. I just don't want you to get in a serious bind. So I would say do what you need to do to pay your bills. And build your business in the time you have left."

    I do have money to pay my bills for a while… thank goodness. And the learning curve… I've been doing that slowly for ten years, and on HIGH speed the last ten months! So I think I'm pretty close to getting it all to finally happen.

    About Elance, that's an interesting concept. I'm an excellent proofreader because mistakes just jump out at me. It's just a gift, I guess. So I have thought about doing that (for websites and sales copy, etc.) – but I have no idea how the mechanics of that would work.

    For example, I saw several typos in your copy that could be fixed. But (supposing you were to hire me to proofread your stuff), how do I actually do that "long distance"? Also, I wouldn't know how to price my services. Do you have any suggestions, or tips how I would find this out?

    [Hi Sister Arline, all you do is go join Elance as a provider. I think you have to pay a small fee. Then you bid on jobs. It's EASY! Just go there and poke around.]

  • Carol says:

    Hi Marlon

    What is the swipe file about that a few folks are talking about?

    I'm going to purchase Ockham just because you created it. You over-deliver on all of your products and they are all first class, so no worries here about the value of Ockham! I would like to know what the swipe file is all about though, if you wouldn't mind giving some details.

    You ARE always there for your customers with advice and solutions…and I don't see that ever changing…that's just who you are! Have to love ya Marlon!

    [Sister Carol, on the order form is a little checkbox where you get my swipe file for an extra $33. If you didn't check that and wanted it, to go and talk to Tim. I think you'll find Ockham is a great product.]

  • Rainer says:

    Note to Steve up above:

    I actually attended E. Joseph's seminar back in 1982 in Toronto – that's how I got my 'suitcase.'

    Marlon, I'm still going through OR and last night, I had a couple more 'aha' moments and that was only after reading two pages!

    Keep sellin' and you fence-sitters out there – just BUY it! If you can't afford $55, you ain't gonna be able to afford ANYTHING else either.

    [Rainer, keep preachin' at 'em man. Out of 500 people who have posted comments here in the past 2 months, only 1/4 have trusted me enough to buy.]

  • Babes says:

    Hi Marlon.

    I have not finished reading the Ockham but I already found a lot of useful tips which I can start implementing right away, one of which is sending an email link to an article on a blog and asking for comments.

    I also like your style of writing. It's as if you're just right in front of me, talking to me and teaching me useful stuff. You're very natural and honest which makes me feel like you're one who is out there not just to make money but really has a genuine desire to teach people something which will truly help them.

    Thanks Marlon for being 'edgy authentic'. God bless you with more success.

    [Hi Babes, thanks so much. I'm HOPING people listen to you! I have TONS of people who have posted on my blog, so I know they believe in me. But they aren't buying yet. They need people like you to stand up and say HEY this is worth buying. I hope you consider leading a discussion group.]

  • Fuffy says:

    I am training on-line and attempted to read through this but there is just too much here and I don't want to put a whole lot of time into this (taking me away from my training). Anyway you can cut to the chase and explain what this is in maybe one short paragraph?


    [Hi, sure. And if you have doubts about value, read what Babes above you and Steve below you JUST said.]

  • Just a thanks to you for hiring, Tim, Marlon!

    Brother Steve here–the guy who's financial records and bank account are in shambles because of a card fraud ring. Thanks to Tim I'm putting my MO in the mail today.

    This is for Rainier, too: In the early 1980's when I was working with professional service marketers and writing reports, I had a call from a guy who said he really liked one of them. They guy? E. Joseph Cossman. Over the years until his death (and him taking me to his favorite Thai restaurant), anyone who knew him knew he, like Marlon, was the real deal.

    And your 'suitcase' of cassettes? That infomercial where you paid $399 or $299 for it was the result of two Canadian kids that Joe GAVE over $30,000+ to in order to develop that informercial. They made tons of money. Could have paid him back easily, but, as Joe told me, he never saw a nickel of it. But he tried to counsel them to save and not spend the money. Didn't do it. Mentally fit also goes with financially fit, yes?


    [Brother Steve, great post. Man, E. Joseph. If you have Ockham, you've read the story where I met him. My mentor Lew Williams produced the first seminar E. Joseph ever spoke at. He was a great man. Tim LOVES customer service and works hard to support my customers.]

  • Dave In Wales says:

    Hi Marlon

    Can't buy your book right now, as it would distract me from the project I'm concentrating on and I really need to start monetizing.

    Haven't moderated a group discussion before – but I'd be up for it, doesn't sound like it's too intense. If you can use my services on this basis, count me in 🙂

    [Hey Dave, I need people willing to host these discussion groups in ALL cities and countries. You'll have to buy the product. I am setting up a referral system. I'll be communicating more on this shortly.]

  • Govert Vetten says:

    Hey Marlon, I read a lot of the above statements and would've liked to be able to write a similar one, but I got no answer yet to what I wrote you the evening of the 4th already:

    Hello Marlon,

    The evening before yesterday I purchased the Ockham's Razor Income System, including the Swipe File.

    It was late, so I saved everything to work on it the next morning.

    Stupid, because I forgot to save the Clickbank and Paypal billing statements, which -as you know- contain the

    order numbers that are used to form one's passwords.

    So: I couldn't come into the content to work further. Is there any solution for this inconvenience?

    Hoping to hear from you soon, sincerely,

    Govert Vetten

    [email protected]

    [Brother Govert, I'm sorry there's been a problem there. Let me help you get the product you ordered. Here is what you do: Go to You open a ticket. That will give you a tracking number. All day long M-F US hours Tim answers support tickets. He is also on live chat during that time. And we also answer the phone. So there IS no way you can't get a customer service problem resolved. We have a support desk, phone and live chat. Do NOT email. Do NOT post support tickets to the blog. They don't get answered there. DO use and you'll find you get a very speedy answer. If you ordered and didn't get your PDF, Tim will help you.]

  • ernest says:

    I marlon ernest here.yes I would buy it, but not sure if it is the right product I need right now .I need to work more on building my web site at yahoo.I'am really wasting to much of my time and money on crap that dosen't work.I hate to say it but you told me so. money is tite right now.anyway I still havent't created a product yet,I have alot of ideas but NOT PUT TOGETHER YET.I did have a website 2 years ago on a cleaning service.I bought your software on push button sales letter, it was good but cant find it,need to start over, need to focus,PS : I dont care what any body says, your info PRODUCTS and SOFTWARE is very valuable and you are always there ,you don't hide away

    [Brother Ernest, thanks man. Listen go to: and tell Tim you bought push button letters in the past and ask if he can locate your login for you. Ernest, if you need to create a product, I recommend Promo Dashboard. If you need to promote a product, I recommend Promo Dashboard. If you need the big picture, ideas, inspiration and a strategy, that's Ockham. It's more a big picture product than a doingness product. But WILL help you get FOCUS and get your head together. It sounds like that is what you need.]

  • Keith deBolt says:

    Hey, Marlon-

    Bought the product (of course!).

    I don't ever mind spending $55 to get inside the head od a marketing genius like yourself, especially when it IS you!

    I am taking it up to bed for a good long read tonight….

    But I didn't get any bonuses on the left hand column… isn't that where they always show up? Am I missing something?

    I'll report back on the product tomorrow!

    [Keith Tim is on live chat at 9 a.m. cst in the morning. Ask him WHERE we put the bonuses. The video I'm doing is emailed. The teleseminar hasn't been held yet. You won't get the transcript until after the teleseminar is held. The wording on that is bad. I have to change it. Something got lost in the translation with my staff. I will also give you an invite to attend a Study Group when we get leaders signed up. I thought we'd get lots. But that's going slow. I have to get a new plan for it. There will be more bonuses there as time goes on, I'm sure. But the ebook is 189 pages. It's plenty of value as you'll see without any bonuses.]

    Keith deBolt

  • Ola says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Thank you so much for writing this book.

    It's one of your best. And you truly over deliver.

    Also… what's so interesting about it is that it is actually 3-4 books in one.

    1. The background and the story of Marlon (it was really fun to read)

    2. An A to Z high-level business course giving someone a true education in direct marketing.

    3. Lots and lots of actual case studies from your own experience selling products.

    4. A current up-to-date "This is what's working RIGHT NOW" from you and all your friends.

    5. And of course the great swipe file with all of the classic "Marlonastic" ad creatives!

    Who is it for?

    It's both for someone starting out and for marketers with some experience wanting to take their business to the next level.

    Bottom line: It's a great book.

    Thanks again,


    [Hi Brother Ola, I didn't think about the 4 books in 1 angle. Should have used that in the sales letter! Thanks for your feedback. I HOPE some of our brothers and sisters realize this isn't just the same old same old.]

  • […] Marlon Sanders has an amazing relationship with his blog readers. Don’t believe me? Check this out: […]

    [Hey brother, thanks for saying that. My folks are amazing. It’s about them. Not me.]

  • Graham Hawarth says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Here's my KISS on ORIS

    1. I love it

    2. Got to page 72 – and started again – to much to take in plus I'm enjoying it all

    3. No hype – no bullsh*t

    4. You ooze knowledge from every page

    5. It might well be an overview – but it is a totally in depth one. I'm picking up so much info to use that I might even start all over again at page one 😉

    I want to give a ray of hope to all those people who can't afford to buy right now. I sympathise because I've been there.

    In Dec I promoted my first CB product to someone else's list. How did I do it? Well I looked at small marketers with modest lists and researched their markets.

    Then I went to CB and searched for a product in their market that had a high affiliate return and a residual for month on month income.

    I tested it to my own small list and it converted at over 10%!!

    Showed the stats to my chosen marketer and offer to write all the emails AND cover all support questions.

    We did the deal to split the profits 50/50. So I bought the product (so that I knew what I was talking about) then wrote the email campaign (only 4 emails).

    Spent about 10 hrs answering support questions by email.

    A 10 day period brought in $13,000

    I did that with no list (hardly) – no product of my own and no marketing reputation to back me up.

    But, I thought outside the box and targeted a list owner who was a 'one man band'. Offered to do all the work and he supplied the list. It was a no brainer for him and he practically bit my arm off to do the deal.

    It was easy money and anyone could replicate the method.

    So no product – no list – no money – NO excuse – go do it. OK, you need to buy the product to talk intelligently about it, but that really is the only expense.

    Now I've got ORIS, I'll have a lot more ammo to use when I go for my next promo partner.


    [Graham, that is so awesome. Write your own ebook on how you did that your FIRST try and sell on Clickbank or a Warriors WSO or through more JV partners! Really, it sounds easy to you but most people have NO idea what you just said. Walk people through the A to Z of it. But if you could duplicate it 1X or 2X more times then you would have a REAL winner. And if you could teach a few others and they could ALSO do it then you are hitting the bigime.]

  • Hi Marlon,

    I just bought OR and the swipe file. Haven't read any of it yet… haven't even downloaded, for that matter. But I wanted to check your blog first.

    I KNOW this has to be a winner for me and everyone. You always have great stuff, and I really appreciate you sharing of YOURSELF so much. Your from-the-heart "sales letter" really touched me with your sincerity. It even brought tears to my eyes, because I felt like a prodigal son (daughter) coming home finally.

    You see, I have your Amazing Formula from way back, and have both the Marketing Dashboard and Design Dashboard. Not that I've done much with any of them.

    But I have a zillion other things and other "mentors" too… so lack of focus has always been an issue. I have hardly followed you AT ALL over the years, just reading your emails occasionally, I am ashamed to say. Because, now that I've started noticing again how REAL you are, and how much useful advice you give, I'm realizing how much time (and money) I have wasted going all those other directions and accomplishing next to nothing.

    [I had to chuckle at Rainer's comments about having Joe Cossman's tapes, because my late husband and I had that set, too. Might still be in the back of a closet somewhere. We were always learning, even back in the 70's, but not DOING much, even in the old offline world.]

    Back to the product at hand. I like your idea of study groups. I would even consider applying to be a Group Leader.

    Except for a couple of things. For one, I'm not sure I could commit the time… moreso than the money.

    I'm so overwhelmed right now with figuring out where to focus my efforts, and sort of desperate to make SOMETHING happen soon. I retired from my j.o.b. last April, and am doing some things online, but still with little results due to not knowing WHAT to do that's most important.

    I'm also a little hesitant about learning the mechanics of doing the calls. But at the same time, I WANT to learn how, because I do love to "teach" and to share info and ideas that can help people. So, sooner or later, I need to know how to use the technology and get out there and get my feet wet. So my "fear" would not, in itself, hold me back from getting the leaders kit.

    The second thing that IS holding me back from applying to be a Group Leader is, you kinda confused me. First you talked about training leaders for free (except for the unlock codes), and said there is no licensing fee, that you are "giving" the opportunity.

    Then you explain the pin codes are $10 each in blocks of 12, so 12 pin codes are $120. So far, so good.

    But I was shocked and confused to get to the bottom and see that big red $233. Where did the extra $113 come from? There's no explanation at all. It can't be for a license fee. It must be for a kit (?) but you never mentioned any expense except for the Pin Codes.

    Also confusing is the fact that there's nowhere else to go after that. There is no "no thanks" button at the bottom of the page.

    So that's the real reason I'm reading this blog right now instead of the ebook I just bought! I'm not sure how to proceed to get my download if I DON'T say "yes Marlon, I want the system" (to be a group leader.) It just leaves me hanging.

    By the way, like a couple of others have said, I might want to be a group leader a little later on, after I've gotten a little more order in my life… if any positions are still open at that point.

    At any rate, I'm looking forward to reading Ockham's Razor and getting great ideas from it. And I'll be making it a priority from now on to read EVERYTHING that comes from you, Marlon. You're the real deal, and like someone said, you really do have a way of connecting with your readers. Thanks!

    [Arline! How are you? Thank you so much for sharing about the Group Leader thing. I can see I DID confuse. I'm on half a brain right now. I can't work out due to tearing a muscle (hernia) in Dec. working out with a personal trainer. When I don't work out I sleep worth crap. Anyway, that'll be taken care of soon. Now, can you do work on Elance? Or do something part time to support yourself? In this economy I'd recommend it. Building a business takes time. There is a learning curve. I just don't want you to get in a serious bind. So I would say do what you need to do to pay your bills. And build your business in the time you have left. E. Joseph Cossman was legendary by the way.]

  • OK, so I finally had the opportunity to read this dynamite ebook. Absolutely fabulous! Love the whole "Keep it simple" strategy. Tons of great insights and examples on how to apply them. Very inspiring and surprisingly practical too. Marlon, you've just taken a subject that can be so overwhelming it can make one's head spin and explained it in a way that makes perfect sense. Best $55 I've spent in a long time!

    Fabulous ideas for creating infoproducts of various sorts and using them to build a business that never stops growing. Highly recommended reading– make that studying. That's so much good stuff in here. I've highlighted sections on so many pages, it's going to take a while to review my notes. Superb book, Marlon! And thank you for sharing so much of your experience so openly.


    [Brother Doug, thanks so much for sharing. People who GET the ebook are loving it. But CONVINCING our brothers and sisters here that it's worth $55 and that it's fresh thinking is a challenge!!]

  • Tia Dobi says:


    You delight inform take a licking and keep on tickin…to the tune of hundreds of thousand$$. Yea bud.

    Help me out (Keepin in simple). Prospect: She's laid off, puhlenty of time, computer-savvy, lotsa smarts (but not too pretty…just enough).

    Hybrid writer (journalist/direct response).

    Where does she start w/the MS System? Just one. Just one thing.

    Is this it?

    We love you in LA – know you're married. What do you think @ a MS doll? With so many action figures, we think it would sell well.

    [Hi Tia, not married. Never been. Probably like working too much for that although I mostly goof around and shop a lot. Were you laid off or someone you know? If you were, don't feel bad. This economy is just wacked.] A Marlon Sanders doll. You're funny. The MS System. First, target a group. You know that. Then build your list. And start communicating with emails/ezines and make affiliate offers. Eventually your own products. If it's you or someone of your caliber we're talking about, given the luxury of some time, I'd do a book and branding because of your rich experience. If you or someone of your talent is looking for a job, go to Agora in Maryland.,, Agora is an enormously savvy direct marketing company with dozens of companies under its umbrella. If you can get publicity that sells say Michael Masteron's Ready, Fire, Aim book better than it's already selling, or Bill Bonner's books, then I think a door would be open. In the IM market, the guy with the deepest pockets is Armand hands down. But he only has 7 employees. Joe Vitale does TONS of publicity and I believe is ALWAYS looking for publicity help. But I don't know his budget.]

  • Rainer says:

    I've got so many things to read but the first thing I grabbed last night when going to bed was your new product Ockham's Razor.

    I wasn't sure what to expect but as tired as I was, I managed to get through the first few chapters. I finally had to put it down not because I was falling asleep but because it was keeping me AWAKE!

    I really appreciated the rundown and history of your products. It's like knowing the reason behind a particular song. You can relate better to the product and it's damn INTERESTING!

    There is something about your writing that builds a bond with your customers. In my case, I really like the history of Marlon Sanders because I can relate to it very well.

    Aside from being about the same age (you're about Jack Benny's age, 39, right? :-)), the parallels are sometimes eerie. For example, I have in front of me one of my first programs from Nightingale-Conant called "Your Secret Wealth" by Jay Abraham. In my closet, I have a suitcase-style program I got while attending probably one of the last seminars by E. Joseph Cossman. These programs were all done back in the old days of tape cassettes.

    I bought these programs and attended these seminars while building several brick-and-mortar businesses – real estate, rooming houses, laundromats, restaurants, selling wall murals door-to-door at 10 o'clock at night (talk about targeting the WRONG audience doing that one!)

    I took up acting & stunt work, a radio broadcasting course, the "everyone's-doing-it" real estate course, played Santa Claus in a mall one Xmas, MLM, all with 2 university degrees, being an Olympian athlete and still searching for that elusive business that is not really work because you love it so much.

    Eventually I fell into direct marketing, specifically direct mail production which I am still doing today. Built it from the ground up sleeping on the floor with a phone book for a pillow. Created new systems. Built it up to 40 employees but couldn't take the commute anymore. Needed a lifestyle change. Sold it.

    Now I'm a one-person dm outfit (until I outsource). But it's not a leveraged business and I'm moving more and more into info products on the web. THAT I love to do, especially the writing.

    I'm s-l-o-w-l-y weaning myself OFF most of the other monthly continuity programs out there and whittling it down to just a few, you being one of them.

    Besides, doing too many of these programs gets expensive and your head spins way too much at the end of the day. Although I don't regret what I've spent money on because it gives me a better perspective on the BIG picture.

    I feel like I rambled – it's a longer post than usual but it helps to release some of the built-up energy that's in me – I need an outlet (and making money while doing it would be great!)

    Take care,


    [Hi Brother Rainer, thanks! I keep TRYING to tell our brothers and sisters here this is an exceptional product. But people are tight on money and have gotten a LOT of mediocre stuff. So it's hard for them to believe it can be anything different. One guy on the blog here flat out SAID he didn't believe it was anything new or different at all. That he thought it was the same old, same old. Unbelievable.]

  • Faith says:

    Marlon has such a great easy way of explaining things & I was not bored one bit! It was like he was right there in front of me talking to me. I devoured this in a single sitting with lots of Aha moments. This is definitely a keeper and a reference check list for me!

    Much thanks for including some book titles that I'll check out later. Too many eBooks or Courses don't include where they've been or the resources that got them where they are today- as if they 'sprung up all aknowing'. I would be interested in a report on all the great books or resources you have read or used/using & why. As I'm sure many others are too.

    O.R.I.S is way under priced for the great & many diverse info included! Snatched both basic + upgrade.

    Thanks a million Marlon. I always read your emails + love your products. Hope you get better soon from your exercise mishap – keep the content + personality coming! Luv ya!


    [Faith, thank you. ! You'll always have skeptics and doubters. But it's great to have FAITHI hope it serves you well. I'm looking for a few good discussion Group Leaders. You would be awesome. If the money is a problem, let me know.]

  • Rocky says:

    Hey Marlon,

    I ordered last night and have spent today reading and taking notes (not finished yet but close). My friend, by the time I got to page 31 I'd received 10 times what your book cost me. Since then I've had so many ah-ha's that I don't know which ones to tackle first.

    Now I've got a huge list of tasks and projects my outsourced staff can get to work on and implement for me – before I read your ebook I wasn't really sure if I could keep them busy…there's no problems with that now.

    I've read a lot of comments here from people who are sitting on the fence, and all I can say is that anybody who doesn't do whatever they can to grab this product and STUDY what you are saying, simply isn't serious.

    It's what I will be using to teach my teenage daughter IM; it's the perfect text book on how to set up a profitable online business.

    Thank you for creating it.



    [Rocky, thanks. I really did put a lot into writing it. And yeah, some people aren't taking it seriously. Not sure why.]

  • Rainer says:

    Marlon, don't take my comment above too seriously… I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek. Of course, I don't HAVE to buy anything but I do because I think it's worth it. In the end, we're all running a business to make a profit.


    [Thanks bro, I hear ya. I understand I'm selling a few thing right now. The good news is I'm not endorsing crap. The reason I promoted SEO Lies is it really is the best single thing I've read on seo and it was a buck. Justin sent me his Google Android and it's like "implementation done for you". You just run the ad for the outsourcer. All the training is done for you on video for the outsourcers. My product I thought would be out in Dec. It took forever to write. I wrote 250 or 300 pages then cut down to 189]

  • Oscar Toft says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I returned home from some offline IT support work this afternoon, Norwegian time, with a firm decision to get in on this today. Sounds like an amazing product.

    What do I find when checking my bank account?

    A yearly subscription, which I by the way had forgotten about, had been withdrawn from my account just this afternoon. It was a withdrawal of $129. That leaves my bank acount at a balance of about $30 for the next few days to come. Really annoying. I was planning to buy while I still could get all your bonuses.

    Will be back though when the influx of money starts again sometime around the weekend.

    [Oscar, no worries. I understand that a lot of people are tight on money now. By the way, if you didn't check out the Marketing Bullies site, check it out. He shows you how to break down bills into daily amounts.

  • Jacques says:

    Marlon, I'm the guy who couldn't buy yesterday because the shopping cart won't let me. Ken, from your office, called me this morning and I purchased my copy. I'm on page 43 now. But frankly, as of page 14 I had my money worth already because anybody can learn from your story and it worth every penny of the $55. From there every page is pure profit. I'll be done by tomorrow. I'm going to take the challenge on page 40 and create 1-5 videos per DAY and post them on the [secret] website.

    I'm also ready to sign up to be a group leader but have a question. Who is buying the pin codes? Do we pay and resell them?

    [Hi Jacques, yes you basically would buy pin codes and resell to the people in your group. I'm thinking about doing this so you don't have to buy them in advance. Just buy AFTER people sign up. Glad you like the product.]

  • susan says:

    Does this work with affiliate products, or just your own products(I dont have any)

    [Susan, it works for affiliate programs as well as your own products. It's an overall big picture and understanding of marketing. But if what you want is step by step, then you need to get a training program for affiliates. This is more a big picture product not a DOINGNESS product like my Dashboards are.]

  • John Willard says:

    Marlon. It's me again. You asked me MY

    opinion, not whether I agreed with anyone

    else. No matter what the others have

    written, I told you my reaction. Further,

    it sort of sounds like a re-hash of previously offered programs. Sorry, but

    that's the way I see it. No use telling me

    how wrong I could be. It won't change a

    thing with me.

    [John, this is a symbiotic exchange of opinions. True, I asked you to post an opinion.

    And I believe I also said I'd reply. So I did.]

  • Rainer says:

    Okay, okay, okay, brother Marlon… I give up!

    Slow down the presses, I'm still trying to devour your last promotion (thank God, it's ReplaceMyself and I'm going to outsource).

    I had to see what OR techniques you've been using on me, so I purchased it along with – of course – the SWIPE file to add to my own.

    You're crankin' 'em out FASTER than I can buy 'em!

    P.S. Give me at least a week or two so I can absorb OR before you shoot me the next one.



    [Hi, I promised Justin I'd email for Google Android which is a set of training videos you just hand off to outsourcers and his system for hiring them. His hiring system is a bit different from Johns and the training is specifically for his SEO Lies system. I understand you can't buy everything. Really, that's OK. I try hard to give quality content to my list consistently. Sometimes, though, I do have to get bills paid. It's a symbiotic relationship with your list. I try not to take more than I give. But to put this in perspective, to have any interaction with marketers on my level is $700-$2500 a month. I'm here interacting and giving a lot of free articles and in return I'm asking for let's see a $55 purchase and a $100 purchase. Not really out of the ballpark.]

  • Ellie Kierson says:


    I'm looking for a way to easily rewrite. edit and spiff up all of the "plr ebooks" I have on my hard-drive and the slaes letters that go along with them. Is your Product DashBoard something I can use to do this efficiently?

    [Ellie, nope. I'm not into the rewriting thing. I would go to the plr forums or Marketing Warriors for help.]

  • Norm says:

    Hi, Marlon,

    Just read a lot of the comments about Your "Ockham’s Razor system".

    You sure do a gread job, Marlon.

    Norm A.

    [Hey Norm, thanks man. I try!]

  • Tom L says:

    Looks like a great product, but I would like to see the Table of Contents before purchasing. Is there anyway you can post the TOC?


    [Hey Tom, the table of contents really is lame. It's all in the content. Seriously, I have a full time guy on live chat and an after hours support desk. It's EASY to get a refund from us. We do NOT make it hard. The content is largely unique. Some is duplicate. But I can't FATHOM you not getting multiples of what you pay for it. Honestly. It's like 189 pages for $55. It contains several NEW concepts so the toc wouldn't mean much.]

  • Hi, Marlon,

    I've been marketing and helping people market offline and online since 1968… I've bought tons of John Caples and David Ogilvy and Ben Suarez and Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham and Marlon Sanders, and more.

    In my opinion, Marlon, this product is your best… and the best I've seen online. You simplify the marketing focus to TWO key factors, then expand on those with a detailed, usable, step-by-step strategy. In a world now dominated by giant product launches and ever more complicated "new things you have to do" this settles the dust.

    Follow this plan for amazing success.

    Side note to John Willard: You're not alone; lots of people hate long sales letters. But they work. Keep in mind you can skim the letter, read the subheads and highlighted material, and make a decision. Marlon doesn't sneak in a recurring membership charge; he's as honest and straight forward as you'll find online. And if you remain decided not to buy, it only hurts you.

    [Rich thanks. On the people you mentioned, if we stand tall, it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants like Ogilvy, Caples, Lester Wonderman, and so many others. We are in their debt.]

  • Garry says:

    The Group Leader idea is a nice, new feature that I haven't seen before, so I like it. However, I probably cannot recruit participants for a group, so I expect that I would not be qualified to be a Group Leader.

    [Gary, I expect to be able to funnel people to leaders but I can't guarantee it. I have to see how many sign up.]

  • Hi marlon a product any product is useful but producing one and then marketing it the right way in the times of social media is hard

    I saw you in 2000 at wembley and marketing has changed, and its not all about marketing your product its about being social. and someone going on twitter or facebook and saying wanna buy my product is gonna quickly get ignored and de friended quickly

    [Hi David, did you perceive I did that? I have 100 tweets the last several days and maybe TWO were for my product. My autoresponder automatically goes into my Twitter. MOST of the emails that go to Twitter are BLOG posts and content. But I do happen to be doing a launch right now. Almost EVERYONE on my list is a customer. They pretty much want to be in the loop. I'll ask my tweets though.]

  • John Willard says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Sorry to comment contrary to the other posts. BUT, your long presentation cast

    doubts in my mind as to the real value of

    your system. No, I do not expect to buy.

    The added bonuses seem to cheapen your


    [Hi Brother, fair enough. Good luck in your marketing. John, where were YOU in 1998? I was right here on the Net making a full time living. Check the whois on and the back ezine issues for that year at But why don't you go snag my freebie ebook at: and then go search my name on Google and see how long i've been around then go watch my videos on Youtube then ask about me in an online marketing forum.]

  • Marlon,

    YOUR best work yet.

    I bought it (along with the swipes) and devoured it. GREAT product (as always).

    It probably gives far too much information, the kind that makes people money. You certainly didn't hold back any secrets.

    I'm not getting people who can't afford it…are they nuts? 89 bucks (with swipes) is bargain basement pricing…

    I've followed you since I worked at SCI and wrote for the NPGS UPDATE HOTLINE, the issue that featured you was one of my favorites.

    Anyhow, GREAT JOB. It will become a classic along with AMAZING FORMULA (the GO, or starting point for Internet riches). Combined, Amazing Formula and Ockham's Razor is the ONE, TWO knockout punch that could put someone over the top.

    GREAT Job. Thanks.


    Gordon "Jay" Alexander

    Dean, Suarez Businss Institute

    [Gordon! Bro, are you Twitter. Listen, download Tweetdeck. I think it's It's an amazing program and will allow us to interact on Twitter SO EASY. You just type in to find me. Gordon, did you ever market the Harvey Brody course? It's a great course. Are you guys still doing the 12 product focus groups?]

  • Damian says:

    Hi Marlon

    Got your email asking for a reply to your blog. I am getting more and more interested in Internet Marketing as the days go on….I have to be honest….I have forked out cash on 2 (so called) Guaranteed Income products and after a month I am not making a cent. I have followed the advice to the letter.

    In fact I put myslef in debt and not really in a position to buy your product as I'm unemployed. I want to beleive in your product but I need to see some benefit from my others first. One of those products being a friend of yours Michael Matthews

    [Brother Michael, go here:
    Follow the tutorials there. Also, you can go to and learn to do article marketing. Go to and start doing freelance. You can SELL the marketing skills you learn to get cash in.]

  • surgana says:

    hey marlon,

    i had promote your system from my facebook, twiter, blog and my list.

    but till now, nothing, no one joined.


    [Hi Surgana, it's converting 4.88% overall. May I suggest you go through the product, and then write a PERSONAL endorsement of something you learned or how it helped you? If people are following you, they'll put weight in this. I mean, review what you got from it personally without giving away the secrets. It's an art. But people want more than a link. They want to hear that YOU read it and that it specifically helped you in some way.]

  • Steve says:

    Hello Marlon

    Looked at the sales page and liked what I saw. Would I buy it? I might and I might not.

    People often come to me to seek clarification because I can see simple solutions to challenges and problems.

    Ockham's Razor should be taken out a bit more often. There is far too much b.s and c**p out there.

    My challenge is simple – I'm far, far better at fixing things than starting things. So give me a business and ask me to improve it and I probably can.

    Ockam's Razor helped me see a profit opportunity in a Car Rental company I worked at as my first sales job.

    We started offering car servicing as a package and created around £1m in todays money on the bottom line in the first year. (This was back in the 80's)

    So, I'm great at improving things and useless at starting from scratch.

    If someone creates a product then I could probably add value by doing all the marketing of it. Setting up JV's etc

    Would I attend a 6 week study group? I might be interested if I can find the time and the cash.

    A group leader – Yes, possibly with the understanding that I can improve on an idea that exists but don't ask me to create an idea from scratch.

    I have your Info Product course and a couple of others from you.

    You are one of the best Marlon and long may that continue.

    Are you interested in setting up group leaders in other parts of the world?

    UK for example?

    Stay healthy, wealthy and wise.


    From a snowy UK:-)

    [Steve, I'm seeking group leaders in all parts of the world. I'll write more on this. Basically, you lead a discussion group on the ebook and get paid.]

  • Jerry Reeder says:

    I tried to buy it and I, too, can't add it to my existing account

    Please help, I gave a talk last night on list building last night, in front of thirty people and some were asking me about it,

    I told them I would buy it first and let them know if it fit their situation.

    [Jerry, thanks for reminding me ….I'll get on this when my programmer is in 20 min from now]

  • Hi Marlon,

    A fellow Texan here! (Pasadena, Texas, a Houston suburb)

    I just bought your Ockham's Razor system and can't wait to dig into it!

    But, it's late at night right now and us Old Dudes need our shut eye …

    … so I look forward to it, in the next few days. I was blown away by your sales letter-AWESOME! I wanted to be a group Leader, in a study group, but I am too tight on the budget right now and can't fork over the cash to get in. I hope I can get in later AFTER I'm in the money!

    Look forward to working with you. I am a Technical Illustrator with 40+ years Grachics experience. I have been studying the IM for some time now, but like you mentioned, it seemed every dang program/ebook I bought just didn't cut it! They never give you quite enough to really make it, I always had more questions than answers from their junk, Opps! sorry, … their programs!!!

    I like what you say, how you say it, and this Ockham's Razor Income program appears to be just what I need.

    Thanks alot and I look forward to meeting you someday soon, after I MAKE IT!


    Sam Nicholson

    Nichol Marketing

    [Hey Sam, post back here after you read it and let me know if it helped you. On the Group Leader thing, I'll look at our results. If we don't have lots signing up, I may take a more affordable route. I'll think about that.]

  • Shane Kruger says:

    Hey Marlon. Shane here. I would really like to buy this product. I did buy the Promo Dashboard which I absolutely love, and I am almost finished all the icons. But I am having a bit of trouble on what to buy next. I was trying to decide between The Marketing Dashboard, and The Evergreen Traffic system, and now you come along with this product. So I am a bit confused. What would you recommend someone buy after the Promo Dashboard?

    I would like the Marketing Dashboard but how much of an overlap is there between the promo dashboard and the marketing dashboard?

    It seems to me that going from the Promo Dashboard, then maybe to the Evergreen Traffic System, then to Ockhams Razor product seems the way to go. What do you think?


    Shane Kruger

    [Shane, Ockham's Razor is mainly big picture. It's an understanding product more than a doing product. But the understanding is really profound. It's something you can read while sucking down a tea or cup of joe at a coffee shop. The Dashboards as you know are highly intensive doingness tools. Evergreen System is great for organic traffic. Really really good. Marketing Dashboard isn't as detailed as our later Dashboards since it was my first. If what you want is traffic then in terms of my products I have Evergreen and I have That helps you set up your own affiliate program and duplicate the steps I take in mine. But that is only if you want to get traffic via an affiliateprogram. It's not a real newbie dashboard. I'd call it intermediate. The other good way to get traffic pay per click. I don't have a product on that. There isn't any one perfect product on that topic from what I've seen, although I haven't seen the update on Perry's ebook in forever. I liked Mind Valley Labs course but it didn't cover landing pages that much. And landing pages are critical. Tomorrow Justin comes out with his Android panel which is a way to implement seo lies using outsourcers. Very good stuff. I don't think Marketing Dashboard is what you need right now since you have been through Promo Dashboard. Or off the cuff I don't think so.]

  • james says:

    Hi Marlon

    Complete newbie. Trying to get up and running. Need guidance on easy simple and low cost ways to generate traffic. Am ordring the design dashboard.Started reading Amazing Formula. Is the OR compatible with the Amazing Formula? Many thanks for the Marketing Bully.

    Looking forward to learning more from you.

    James B.

    [Hi James, Marketing Bully is great for newbies. Very nice stuff. Now, are you looking to drive traffic to your own product or an affiliate product? I assume affiliate products. What MOST affiliates do is build their list by offering freebies then they jump on big product launches by offering exclusive bonuses. Promo Dashboard helps with targeting your audience, finding the blogs and forums you can run ads for your freebie on, creating your freebie offer, setting up your name squeeze page. All those things. But it does not cover traffic in depth. More creating your freebie offer, name squeeze and email follow up to make sales.]

  • Everyone should get on Twitter and follow Marlon! He's awesome!

    Kindest Regards,

    Sherrie Rose

    [Sister Sherrie, thanks for saying that. I think I've probably wrapped it up tonight on Twitter but I'll be on tomorrow.]

  • Marlon,

    You are the master of re-purposing your content into new and exciting products. I've recommended you for over a decade.

    I still laugh when I think of the comments that Bart made over lunch at Yanik's event in LA. And they weren't too complimentary towards you ability with the ladies…

    Ockam's Razor may be your best work yet. Focusing on the "community" of business builders. Ideas first, and when needed, go to the dashboard.

    I've taken my book content (7 Ways to Fill Her Love Bucket) and turned it into a membership site:
    It is a 4-week program. No study group.

    I do like your study group idea. Of course, it always depends on WHO is in the mastermind group, if they show up, if they participate. That is an ingredient that you cannot control, Marlon.

    I've always liked your style, Marlon, and I love proven methods. I trust this will be a successful venture for you!

    Sherrie Rose

    The Love Linguist

    [Hey Sherrie, you're awesome. Thanks for being here and for sharing! Bart is a great guy. He's like a brother.]

  • Kevin Doherty says:

    Marlon, your products have always been top notch. Bought the Razor to slice through all the confusion that happens when I don't stay focused. Definitely interested in leadership role once the course is completed. Thank you for all you do.

    [Kevin, post back here after you read it and let me hear from you. I hope it serves you well.]

  • Marlon… Just purchased and now my antique printer is working overtime to crank it out so I have some compelling bedtime reading tonight.

    I'm still pumped up from the series of newsletters you've sent out the past few weeks. Awesome stuff! As are all your products I have. Just wanted to say THANK YOU! Great value and rock-solid information that works.


    [Doug, what you'll read fits RIGHT IN with what I've been writing. Or in my brain it does. After you read, post your thoughts to the blog so I can hear feedback from you.]

  • Janice Nuzzo says:

    Hi, Marlon.

    OR looks like what I want to achieve. The study groups look good and I would be willing to take a shot at it.

    The only reason I wouldn't buy OR is that your support desk suggested that, without an ebook, it would be better to use Product Dashboard. We were also told that OR is for marketing and we should have an ebook already.

    We know how to build a website, but are unsure as to whether this would be the best choice.



    [Jan, Ockham's Razor is big picture. It isn't a highly detailed step by step system like the Dashboards are. But a lot of people want to read some exciting ideas that give a bigger picture and learn new ideas. The Dashboards aren't about IDEAS. They're just about breaking down the process of DOING. So that is the difference.]

  • Jacques says:

    I tried to buy it but the system wouldn't allow me. I bought a lot of products from you but recently I can't buy anything else because the shopping cart would say: "Username already exists. Password entered does not match our record. Please, try again". Out of frustration I just abandon.

    [Brother Jacques, thank you for telling me that. ANYONE ELSE having this problem? Let me know. I'll try to figure out why you're having this problem. Is that the Craig Proctor Quantum Leap? I love his stuff.]

  • Frank Gorka says:

    Hey Marlon Frank Gorka Here Brother. You

    just gave everyone on your list a way to

    have a bunch of CASH COWS on products

    that when they had bought them they never dreamed they could use them as CASH COWS for their future.

    And have them keep paying them for years to come like clock work.

    Well done Marlon you have a HUGE HUGE HIT HERE my friend, this will benefit every one on your list if they decide to take acton and get the STINKING POINT.

    God Bless and Take Care Marlon

    Frank Gorka

    [Brother Frank, thank you my friend. Truthfully, I try to serve my people well. I think you lead by serving.]

  • Michelle says:

    [Hi Michelle, fair enough. It's all good. The Group Leader is more like a host and discussion leader. You're not putting yourself out there as an expert. You're moderating a group discussion. Someone who had never read the product could actually moderate a discussion.]

    Well dang Marlon. If that's the case, I'll just need to finish up some graphic jobs – get the cash together, and I might just join you on that. Any particular time limit?



    [I don't know on the time limit Michelle. I'm going to first see how many people WANT to lead groups. I'll then make decisions from there.]

  • Michelle says:

    Shoot, forgot a couple answers from the last post because I kept "rambling".

    Would love to join as a group leader AFTER I have already been through most of the material, at least enough to try some things out first.

    Would like to take part in a group – BEFORE becoming a leader, so that I make sure things get done as they are supposed to get done.

    You are totally correct in saying that the best way to internalize the knowledge is to turn around an teach it.

    Once I get this Ockham's Razor into practice and pull in some more cash for the bills, I'll also have MORE TIME to teach! 😉



    [Hi Michelle, fair enough. It's all good. The Group Leader is more like a host and discussion leader. You're not putting yourself out there as an expert. You're moderating a group discussion. Someone who had never read the product could actually moderate a discussion.]

  • Michelle says:

    Hiya Marlon!

    Just purchased Ockham's Razor today, and DID start reading until the kids got wild, and I had to get off the PC. Heh.

    Started thinking throughout the sales letter – "Ok, please Marlon, make this something I can afford right this minute…" was expecting like $197.00. When I saw $55.00 – I checked the Paypal account, and had $50.00 left. Hey, $5.00 out of the bank account to cover the rest? NO PROB! SOLD!

    I'm at this moment actually dying to get back to it… just got the kids out of the house, and ready to sit and read for a while. Glad you have blogging in there, because I've just started using those much more.

    Also looking forward to reading the info about emailing, because I just canned about 4000+ people the beginning of this year. Long story, but I now have around 155 really great folks on ONE list, then some others are separated out to different niche areas. It won't be too much of a problem to build that back up, but over 4000+ people that I basically "let down" by not having much of an idea what to do with them! 😛 Sad.

    Would I purchase the ebook again? Yep. You were the push for me to start on MySpace, how long ago?

    I also have design dashboard (or did – until I changed computers, forgot the login, and don't know if I can dig up the orig. pay receipt). Will need to send a ticket into the helpdesk, because I've wanted to get back in there for the last couple weeks to check on a couple things I remember being in there.

    Never a dull moment. But for NOW – back to Ockham's Razor!

    Thanks Marlon,

    Oh, and if I missed it – Happy Birthday! 🙂


  • @Marlon, most definitely, it's what ebook publishers need to know, I've launched one couple weeks back, and this is something that will take it to the next level…

    Terrance Charles

    [Hi Terrance, are you advertising on blogs, and in ezines and forums targeting your folks?]

  • Jerry Reeder says:

    I will be buying it. I WANT Your swipe file!

    [Hi Jerry, cool. I think you'll like it. We dug as deep and far as we had records far. I really dug back in our archives.]

  • Marlon,

    As a long time customer and loyal follower I am eager to learn more! You're one of a very few that I believe over-deliver every time. I'm sure this product is like all the rest…awesome!


    Drew Laughlin

    Author of Expect Success

  • Trevor says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Answers to your questions…

    What I like about it is:

    1. You say it's simple. Because I am so busy, I need simple and straight forward. I'm in "action mode" right now, so time is very limited.

    2. I like learning proven methods. And you've certainly been around the block for awhile and proven what you bring to the table.

    3. The cost. Who can't like the cost? $55 bucks to learn from an internet marketing legend? No brainer if you asked me.

    Would I buy it? Of course. Why? Because it's a great deal. Why else? Because I'm sure if I get off my ass and apply anything you teach in this course that I'll get a very good return on my investment.

    Would I attend a 6 week study group? Can't right now. Need to focus and continue to execute and take action. Just don't have the time.

    Would I want to be a group leader? Can't right now. Again, I just don't have the

    time. My business is growing fast right

    now and I need to focus on that.

    Hope that helps. I look forward to the course.


    [Hey Trevor, cool man. Thanks. You rock. Good luck.]

  • glen says:


    i am a newbie. i know very little, looking far & wide for direction and instruction. I have a couple of your products i am learning with/thru. i really like your "energy" & attitude about biz/muny making, your affordable products, your experiences coming up thru & with the development of the milieu/ technology. and, of course, your expertise.

    VERY interested in the group learning opportunity and VERY interested in working with you as a group leader if my lack of experience/knowledge can be overcome by staying one step ahead of my group!!!!

    [Glen, I am personally training the Group Leaders so no experience is required. If you signed up then I'll be sending you the application in a few days. You sound like you'll do great though.]

    much more to say offline. would love to join your team.


  • Paul says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I am like many others totally disallutioned. I have tried a number of different programs and spent a fair amount to find it to be more hype than anything worth while. What I really need is someone honest and knowledgeable to point me in the right direction.


    [Brother Paul, I'm not a savior. S

  • Kat says:

    I just bought it,I love these 3 things that can show you how to sell anything,where to sell it and to whom:

    1.The Secret II 'Where to find new customers'

    2.SECRET SHORTCUT -that can save you a fortune.

    3.advertising and promoting heavily

    The best is 'How To Erase The Costs Of

    Advertising '

    No..the best is that funny price!

    272 pages of pure advertising gold!

    Thanks Marlon


    [Hi Kat, yeah, some of our brothers and sisters who posted here really have NO idea what they're missing! It's OUR secret…:P]

  • Norm says:


    What I like about it is that trusty old You is making it available.

    I would buy it, except that now, I need

    something simpler that I can manage to make just a little income from.

    Until I've made just a little income, I don't want to get into complicated (for me)study groups. Been there, done that.

    I'd love to be a group leader, but I don't think I would have the contemporary competence to establish any credibility. Besides, I think I like my solitude too much.

    Meanwhile, it's marvelous to observe all you creative gurus. Keep up the great work!


    Norm A.

    PS: Oops, I found it again.

    [Brother Norm, the group leader leads a discussion group. There aren't a lot of credentials required. In terms of something simple you can make income from, I recommend this free tutorial:

  • Sylvia Hicks says:

    Hi, Marlon! Your system looks great and I really like your background information. My problem is that I already decided I'm not going to try an Internet business as so far it has taken so much of my time and resources with nothing to show, but ever increasing bills and problems. My problem was that I could not see my own specific niche within healing products so now I am just trying to cut down my emails so I can sort them in a reasonable time, and write or work on healing in other words.

    [Sylvia, I'm here to serve. So if you change your mind, come back to me later. I am a big believer in getting people on a list and sending out emails that sell stuff. Either your own products or affiliate products. That is how I think you get your bills paid. You sell stuff. With that said, here is a great perspective on paying bills:

  • Doris Butters says:

    Marlon I like this very much and if I had enough money which I do not have at this time ! I would buy it .. I will have to wait untill I make a little more than I spend…

    [Sister Doris, I understand my friend. No worries. I'm here to serve you when the time is right. Go to Marketing Bully and go through his free tutorials over the on paying your bills. Be sure to click the little Clickbank link at the bottom also.

  • Hi Marlon

    I was looking at this earlier as well as all your other recent products. I know you are a legend, but have never checked out your products before, they look extremely useful!

    I have spent my fair share on products over the last few years – some good, some not so good.

    I also know I will be back to grab this as soon as I can focus on it – right now Im finishing up coaching with Alex Jeffries and am launching my product, new new media world in mid feb, so I am snowed under!

    But I will be back and checking it all out believe me

    so yes I would buy it, because I know you're the real deal and behind it…also who can resist 75% from sale 1?

    Im not sure I'd go for coaching groups, simply because Im in the UK and it wou;ld be a bit of a track 🙂


    [Jerry, the groups are over the phone. And you can become a Group Leader and lead your own discussion group in the UK. It's not a bad gig.]

  • Dear Marlon,

    Thank you so much. What an opportunity. I am struggling to promote my book and may be this can be a right answer. I need your guidence, believe me. You have an experience within this branch. Let me tell you that I published my book in United States. Thank you so much Marlon for this idea. It is a wake up call.



    [Hi Balthazar, I would look at running banner ads in forums your target audience reads and also buying ads on blogs they read. Then look for ezines they read and runs ads there. My Promo Dashboard at has a ton of step by step stuff on promoting products. Ockham's Razor is bigger picture and not a "step by step" product. But there is a ton to be learned and gained from it. Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes.]

  • Graham Hawarth says:

    Hi Marlon,

    The products that I've bought from you in the past have always been top notch and this one looks no different.

    I'm one of the many who don't really know what to focus on first. Your ebook looks like I'll be able to take your ideas and strategies and blend into my own more profitable sales processes.

    The study groups are very interesting. The only drawback is how much time they will consume (you don't say, except for six weeks).

    I'll be buying just as soon as my PP account is 're-populated'. Will miss out on the early bird bonus, but the mortgage payment has to come first 🙁

    I look forward to studying your new ebook Marlon.


  • Marlon,

    For $55? From someone like you? Of course! Only one problem…

    As a neophyte Internet guy (the address is my client) I would snatch it up in a second–because I like your heart attitude–it's like mine in wanting to over-deliver.

    However, the other day, the grocery store wouldn't take a measly $40 charge on my debit card. Why? Long story short…seems an international card ring got ahold of it and I was literally thousands of dollars overdrawn (I've been at the same bank for 25+ years). The police and the bank say they are working everything out, but it's a nightmare. They advised me to go on cash for the foreseeable future. Sigh!

    Not trying to cop out–especially as I've got a number of things I want to do as to e-books, etc. But that's my story and I'm sorry I have to stick to it.

    Best regards,


    [Brother Steve, good GOSH! That's terrible. Man, I feel for you. We used to get hit by fraud teams. They can be tough. I'm here to serve so no worries my friend. Cash? Man, that sucks!]

  • Hey Marlon, I got couple emails from other marketers about this, I just checked it out, looks good. You always deliver so no doubt about it.

    Terrance Charles

    [Hi Terrance, does it hit any hot buttons with you and/or your list? Or does it miss the mark for you?]

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