Marketing System — 6-Step Formula To Build Your Marketing System From Scratch - Online and Info Product Marketing

Marketing System — 6-Step Formula To Build Your Marketing System From Scratch



Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Re: 6-Steps To Build From Scratch

Today's Marlon's Marketing Minute:

How To Build Your Marketing System From Scratch —
Beginning With No Traffic, No List And No Graphics
Or Web Page — In Six Steps You CAN Do



Marlon here.

Today's article tells you how to build your marketing
system from scratch.

There are so many offers in the marketplace right now.
So much being said. So much being sold.  That's good on
the one hand.  On the other, it can be confusing or

My job one has always been to SIMPLIFY things.  So I'm
gonna break it down for you right now.  This is the
Cliff Notes version of “The Amazing Formula.”

So print it, read it and benefit.

Print it in your blog.  Pass it along. Spread the news.
Internet marketing is simpler than a lot of people make
it out to be.

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #21, June 14, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement:  Who Else Wants To Increase Sales,
Reactive Dead Customers, Build Your List Or Become Famous
In Your Niche?

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: 6-Step Formula To Build From Scratch

How To Build Your Marketing System From Scratch —
Beginning With No Traffic, No List And No Graphics
Or Web Page — In Six Steps You CAN Do

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



FREE V-COURSE demonstrations how to use video to get more
folks to buy, to make additional sales to customers and even
build your list if you're a “nobody.”


Well, so does Santos, who is my Executive Director.  So now,
he's using video, and you can too.  Join his V-Course and see it
happen live, in action:

Read today's article for more insight on how this V-Course is
growing at 20 people a day just from his Facebook and word-of-


One: Do You Have Unresolved Customer Support Issues?

If you have a customer support issue of ANY type, whether it
may be a question on affiliate commissions, product not
received, problem logging in or just something you're confused
about, here is how to get help:

Two: EVERGREEN TRAFFIC PDF — For you folks who were on the
call on Wed., I promised a PDF. I have to get a spurt of
energy and fix it up some.  I WILL. NO worries.  Hang out.

I have NOT forgotten you.

C. How To Build Your Marketing System From Scratch —
Beginning With No Traffic, No List And No Graphics
Or Web Page — In Six Steps You CAN Do

By Marlon Sanders


This article tells you how to build your marketing
system from scratch.

There are so many offers in the marketplace right now.
So much being said. So much being sold.  That's good on
the one hand.  On the other, it can be confusing or

My job one has always been to SIMPLIFY things.  So I'm
gonna break it down for you right now.  This is the
Cliff Notes version of “The Amazing Formula.”

Step one: Decide on your target market

I'm tired of discussing this. If you have problems on
it, see

That's the absolute best help I can give you.

Step two: Decide your source of traffic
— paid, organic or affiliate.

a.  Paid —

You buy the traffic from pay-per-click ads,
text ads, banner ads or cpm email advertising.

b.  Organic —

You use the Evergreen Traffic System or
variations of it to get organic traffic. That is, listings
on the left or free side of Google, MSN and Yahoo search
results.  I'll include video marketing on the video sites
like Youtube in this.

Article marketing is part of organic marketing because the
idea is that by submitting your article to directories you
get inbound links. And those links boost your rank in the
Google organic search results.

c.  Affiliate —

I'll include the cpa or cost per action
networks like, and Hydra in this.
They're basically advanced affiliate programs.

I'll include Clickbank marketing in this, since one of the
main reasons to use Clickbank is accessing their affiliate

The bread-and-butter here is starting your own affiliate

Product launches are simply an advanced version of affiliate
marketing.  You're getting traffic from others in exchange
for paying a split of profits. is my system.  Now, if
you're in Internet marketing as a niche, then good luck.
But in most other target markets, it still works like a

I could add in here viral marketing through brandable
pdf reports.  This is an affiliate marketing method as is
Mike's Butterfly method.  It's all based on affiliate

Step three: Develop a conversion process

Somewhere along the way people end up on a page that
gets 'em to buy or to get on a teleconference or live video
streaming session where you get 'em to buy.

The goal is an ACTION or sale.  So it's a conversion
page, call or video session.  See: for info on how to set up
these new live video sessions.

Step four: Pick a way to get people on your email list

This can be a “name squeeze” page where people insert their
name and email to get something free.  Or it can be a
sidebar on your sales page where they do the same. Or a pop

Your goal on a name squeeze page is to get 20% or more to
get on your list.  You MUST track this percentage.  On one
of my pages I found out if was only 5%.  That's 15% below
the goal.

If people are NOT joining, you have a problem with the match
between your message and the folks going to your page, that is,
your market.

Or you're not offering an enticing enough reason to join.

With affiliate program traffic, I've always used a full-blown
sales letter vs. a name squeeze, so my affiliates get a
commission as quickly as possible.

I've relied on fly ins (pop-ups) to collect email addresses.
And also the sidebar.  My join rate isn't nearly as good
as a namesqueeze though.

The BIG idea in Internet marketing right now is to offer
something really BIG free like a boot camp or seminar and
then make money on an immediate offer, also referred to as
an upsell or special offer.

All this is, is upping the ante on the free offer to get
people to join a list.  The reason for this is Internet
marketing is SO competitive, people are immune to the
ordinary offers.

But in regular markets or through other sources of traffic
like banner ads or pay-per-click, your plain ol' vanilla
offers still work gangbusters.

Terry Dean made the free ebook for joining the list offer
famous 3 or 4 years ago.  And believe it or not, it STILL
works like a champ in your ordinary, everyday markets.

In creating the product on using
live streaming video in your business (for free) Santos
created a little list you could join for his mini-video

We're adding 20 people a day just from his Facebook site
and word of mouth.  It's kind of surprising the way it is
growing.  Maybe we'll convert it into its own little list.

My point is, if you blog, or do video, or podcast, or write
articles in your niche — you may find it's a bit easier
to grow a list than you THOUGHT.

Tinu's Evergreen Traffic System absolutely works. But to
work it, you need to WRITE 300, 500, or 1,000 words a day.
Or do podcasts or videos.

But really, the core is blog posts and article writing.
If you don't have much money to get started, I recommend

Step five: Your initial offer

The FIRST sale is the hardest.  We call this the front end
of the business.

The thing in vogue at the moment is the $1 to $7 offer.  I
thought the whole $7 ebook offer was a clever way to build
your list. Some people are offering 100% commissions but
that offer is dicey with Paypal.  You want to AVOID something
where it appears people are buying the rights to sell
the rights.

Still, $1 to $10 for an initial purchase has been popular
since the record club days.

However, if your traffic is coming from affiliate programs,
you better have an immediate upsell (special offer) to snag
money right away, so you have something to pay affiliates
for sending you traffic.

The other thing in vogue at the moment is offering 90% to
100% commissions on the initial sale and presenting a
series of immediate special offers to “monetize the traffic.”

In other words, people join the list to snag some free
bootee but then you present some special offers after they
join the list to try to get immediate money.

You need to keep your prospect list separate from your
customer list and only send non-customer type emails.

In reality, this is a bit harder to do than it sounds.  I've
NOT done this over the years but would have made more sales
if I did.

The BEST conversion emails you'll see are from:

John Alanis —
John follows the Matt Furey model.

Matt Furey —
Amazing emails every day.

Eben Pagan —
Classic emails.

If you're a business-to-business marketer, you need to
find your own model.  The same approach works with tweaking
in b-to-b.

Step six: Your back end offers

The back end of the business is the follow up marketing or

It seems like every since Mike Filsaime came out and said
“membership sites are it” everybody and their dog has
followed up with a membership site.

Why?  They work!  I recommend them.

But you can also simply send out affiliate offers to your
list or your own on a weekly, 2X or 3X weekly basis.

Web Graphics, HTML, Programming And Whatnot

Web graphics — I'd be remiss if I didn't recommend our

The only caveat is that Adobe may not be offering free trials
on Elements.  You have to check on that.  The program costs
$100 or less (on Ebay).

You can also create graphics on Power Point if you're a
real newbie. Then just screen capture them using Snagit on
a PC or Skitch on a Mac.

HTML — I recommend Web Expression for beginners, although
Dreamweaver is the standard on Mac and Pc. And you save
time if you just learn it to start.

I muck around on Web Expression and force my designer to
“fix it.”

Well, that's “The Amazing Formula” in a nutshell.

This is a “doable” process.  You don't have to be the rocket
scientist from on high to do it.

I've literally seen this process work in enormously competitive
markets like Internet marketing with people only doing the

I hope this makes you see things in a SIMPLER, more understandable
and doable light.

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Info Product Dashboard.”
If you want to create your own info products, go to:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URLs for MY
products into the article in place of MY links.
D. “Services You Can Use”


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
bundle.  Avoid going down the wrong path.

Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.

Join Santos and learn how to market with live, streaming video:


Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.

  • […] Marlon’s Marketing Minute Blog […]

  • The whole newsletter has been posted on this page TWICE! You guys might want to fix that?

  • Bob Maddox says:

    This is a response to a request for comments by Santos about Push Button Channel.

    Hi Santos,

    I really like what you are doing with PBC. I really believe that all the people that are already set up and are active on the net would benefit enormously from your product.

    The only thing that prevents me from buying it is, I am too inexperienced in this game technologically. Although it is my intense desire to be out on the net marketing I am overwhelmed with all the people out there selling things more or less successfully however I have never made a blog, a website, a mini site or a splash page or a landing page etc.

    I have been lurking on the outside edge of Internet Marketing for a long time (years) and have bought a lot of stuff including Marlins Website Dashboard. I just get overwhelmed and stuck because there is no place I have found that can take a person like me from ground zero and step by step take me through all the processes like hosting, domains, and FTP, (I have some domains just sitting there) etc.

    Sooner or later those of us that are married find problems with buying with no action that puts dollars back in the bank. The gurus are making money because they know how to keep on filling up the pipeline. But falling out the end of the pipeline there must be many more people like me that can't or won't go any further in their quest because they have spent money without result. So far no one really seems to care. The gurus are throwing out the babies with the bath water.

    I know there are tons of people in my same situation that would love to participate in this business and thus become customers again because we are getting a return on our investments. However so far no one has showed up to help people like me go step by step without more expensive investing. I wonder how many new people would flock to a guru that would take a chance on us and set up a simple get started system that would actually launch and put the newbie on the net with an income producing business.

    I'll bet the newbies would be thankful and very loyal to the people that helped them finally get up and running. I would also say as a whole we are not being cheap to want this because we have already been bled dry by all the so called gurus that sell us the parts but no way to put it all together. I would like to hear how you feel about this possibility.


    A Hopefully Persistent

    Bob Maddox

  • Lowell says:


    This is great info but….

    Don't your people know how to make the links clickable?

    Let me know if you need help on this.


  • >