My friend with the flying car - Online and Info Product Marketing

My friend with the flying car




I've got another little update in this issue from my
experience last weekend at:

“Who Wants To Be The Next Internet Millionaire.”

Actually, I reveal why I'm trying to hook Joel up with the ex-
employee of my friend who owns a flying car (plus the patents).
It's kinda an unusual story.

Oh, there's also a tidbit on my friend who sells 1,500 books
a month via direct mail and back ends it with a 4 G product.

I'm off to do an interview for Matt's vacant position,
so I wrote “News and Happenings” vs. an article. But there
are some juicy bits in it.

The Q and A has a good idea in it also.

Do you like my articles and ezines?

Frankly, I'm one of the only major names in this industry who makes
an attempt anymore to put out regular quality content without
charging for it.

When others do it, it's mostly part of a strategy for a product

I hope you read this and refer your friends to it.  Pass issues
along to a few friends.  Post the articles on your blog.

Make it worth my time to keep bringing you valuable ideas that
don't cost you anything but reading time.

Best wishes,


Marlon's Marketing Minute Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 2, #10, August 4, 2007

This issue contains:

A. From The Mail Bag:
Millionaire speaks out on Marlon Sanders

B. Announcements from Marlon

C. Main Article: “News and Happenings From Marlon”

D. Services You Can Use

E. Ask Marlon Sanders

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


If'n U Ain't Got Your Own Affiliate Program, You're Buyin'
From People Who Do!

The ONLY thing Internet marketers ALL agree on is you should
promote THEIR affiliate program and BUY from someone promoting
THEIR product.

Go and do thou likewise:

Or maybe you CAN'T handle the truth?

By the way, there IS no other product that takes you BEYOND
just setting up software.  And reveals all the details behind
a highly successful affiliate program.

This IS the one and only. And it's step-by-step.  It's good.
Matt wrote it based on how I had him run my program. And then
I went through and edited, wrote and re-wrote every single

LAST CHANCE:   Conference call is Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. CST.
Buy now and you can still get on it.


“Millionaire Speaks Out About Marlon Sanders”

Hi Marlon

… Your book, the Amazing Formula, was one of the first
books I bought on Internet Marketing back in '97-98…
sometime around then… which is when I first went online
and started teaching how I invest in real estate. I've
read a lot of books on copywriting, but yours is one of
the clearest, easiest to follow outlines to writing
powerful, hard hitting sales letters I've ever read…

and it's influence has made me a ton of money (I'm talking
millions) over the years.

I saw you were on my list some time ago and I've been
meaning to drop you line and thank you for that book and
let you know it was of inestimable value to me.

Best Wishes,
Joe Crump


B. “Announcements from Marlon”

One: Affilite Dashboard conference call

It's Tuesday at 11 a.m. CST but a NEW dial in number for the
call.  It'll be emailed this weekend and again on Monday.

I'm using the service discussed in the article below. I
LOVE it!

Two: Red Factor hot design?

If you're a Red Factor member and you NEVER got access
to the really neat set of tabs we set up with all the content
(vs. an ugly page with links), contact Tim at our support

The site is well organized and hot looking!

Three: Milcers —

If you post your question in the forum this weekend, I'll get
it answered.  Thanks to Ryan Deiss' program, I'm studying some
new designs for Milcers.

Four:  New blog —

See the article below for more.

Five:  Ipod and Nano and coaching transcript winners

I sent out an email yesterday.  All are mailed UPS.  The
PDF's will be hand sent when Tim has a few spare minutes.

C. “News and Happenings From Marlon”
By Marlon Sanders

Normally in this spot I have an article.  But today I have
an interview for Matt's post.  So I'm writing in a hurry.

Here are some little tidbits that you'll get a valuable
idea or two from.

Issue 1:  “Who Wants To Be The Next Internet Millionaire”
part two.

“It is's now one week removed from speaking at
“Who Wants To Be The Next Internet Millionaire.”

I've spoken to my new friend Barry Goss several
times.  He's a bright guy.  And like all my friends,
he's a definite personality.

I'd heard about Instant Teleseminar but really, it seemed
to be like a knock off of GoToWebinar.  So I didn't pay
any attention to it.

Well, I was wrong.  It rocks.

My lips are sealed aboout the rest of the event.  The funny
thing is how you can meet someone at a seminar you never
knew existed and both learn from each other.

Barry made 100 G's in a day off a Butterfly Marketing style
promotion. One of his sites is:

Pretty cool stuff.  In his private membership site, one of
the things he does is embeds the code for a new You Tube
video each week.

In his words, it creates “sticktivity” for the site.

What a fantastic idea.

Issue 2:  Since announcing last week that I spoke at the
Internet Millionaire filming, several old friends contacted

I had the best talk with one of them, reminiscing about
Gary Halbert, who was a good friend of his.  And I believe
wrote most or all of his direct mail sales letter.

We swapped Gary Halbert stories until our phone batteries were
dead!  I can only laugh about these stories now…this far removed
from his passing.

He brings in 1,000 to 1,500 orders a month like clockwork
by mailing one letter.  That's the front end (initial sale).
The back end is 4 g's (1 G = 1 Grand or $1,000).

If you don't understand the terminology of front end and back
end, refer to your copy of Amazing Formula.

Don't bother asking me who he is so you can try to knock him
off (those of you who prefer being a knockoff artist to creating).
I won't tell you.

I understand the whole knockoff concept.  What I can't stand is
the mindset of the whole market right now is to rip off people's
successful pay-per-click. Rip off their ads. Rip off their

I'm just not on board with it. Yeah, it's part of business.  But
it's a part of business I can't stand. That's why in my higher
level teachings, I show how to create Barriers to Entries against
these people.

Not that I didn't do some of that when I was young in the business.
And you know? Just even writing about the whole thing makes me

I see a lot of people moving to software as the back end.
Membership sites are great for recurring billing. But the problem
people are having is the stick rate.  I think people are finding
it's hard to get even 60% or 70% to stick.

One of my friends and clients who is cleaning up has a recurring
billing membership site built around software.  The information
is just an added value.

The trick is the software has to be something a knockoff artist
can't throw up on RAC (rentacoder) and get duplicated for $300.

Issue 3:  The Man With The Flying Car

Joel Comm wanted some big time publicity for “Who Wants To
Be The Next Internet Millionaire.”

I have a friend named Virgil who has been on Oprah probably
100 times.  And equal numbers on every other TV talk show.
Write ups in print media galore.

Virgil sold his business that was on all the TV talk shows
to his partner.  So he is presenting my request to the
person behind the scenes who made all the magic happen.

Well, we'll see. But my friend is a fascinating character.
One, he holds patents on a flying car as incredible as it
sounds.  I didn't believe him at first.  But I do now.

He has a contract with BMW or someone like that who is putting
them into production. I don't think I would have the guts to ride
in it. But he says he rides it/flies it daily.

Crazy!  Well, that's what I thought until I saw 2 other companies
announce a similar vehicle.  Virgil says theirs have had crashes.
His hasn't.

Two, he is making a small (or big) fortune off a niche
called Sugar Gliders.  These are little animals that are
the most amazing pets.

Virgil didn't need the money. But he did wanna teach his
daughters to sell.  And this was the vehicle to do it.

One great reason to be in marketing is to teach it to
your son or daughter.

Oh, don't bother trying to knock off his Sugar Glider business.
He has tied up all U.S. production with contracts.

I lost a $1.00 bet with him because he did his own illustration
for his brochure. And I bet him it sucked.  I was wrong.  Actually,
I knew I was losing when he began telling me how he created multiple
illustrations and surveyed school kids across the nation.

Sheez.  He used MY method…the survey.  And that's why he was a
millionaire at age 21 (or somewhere in there).

Issue 3:  The new blog

Well, I'm gonna re-do the survey 'cause frankly, I don't believe
it. I don't believe you all REALLY wanna see me on my web site
in a “respectable” 3-piece suit vs. my typical crazy poses.

However, that's how you voted.

But I have reason to believe the results were flawed.  So I'll
re-do the survey.  For all of you who take my surveys, you have
my gratitude.

I have more articles to add to it after I get Matt's position
filled (should happen in the next 2 or 3 weeks).

Anyway, the blog for NOW looks like this:

I THINK the comments feature is operational.  So you can add your
comments if you like it or not.  I may take awhile to approve
them.  Which brings me to …..

Issue 4:  My two cents on your own affiliate program

Some people don't understand WHY get the Affiliate Dashboard.

a.  It DOES cover getting affiliates.
b.  It DOES cover much more than just setting up the software.
c.  It DOES require buying some sort of affiliate software or
platform. Or using Clickbank.
d.  It DOES contain templates and things to make it easy
e.  It's the single most step-by-step product that exists on the
topic.  Actually, it's really the only one I know of that walks
you step-by-step through all the mechanics.

The devil is in the details.  Anyone can say “Go start an affiliate
program.”  But here, I tried to cover ALL the details that make
our program successful.

The money is in the DOING.  The implementation. Everyone wants to
dazzle you with sexy ideas of how they made a fortune doing this or
that. And then when you try to DO it you get all frustrated because
the implementation isn't there.

That's why I created Design Dashboard and Affiliate Dashboard.

I realize starting an affiliate program isn't “new and sexy.”
But THINK:  How are all those “new and sexy” ideas SOLD to you?
Joint ventures that are based on an AFFILIATE PROGRAM.

You'll notice they also have their OWN product to sell you.

So I recommend you go and do likewise.  Granted, starting out it's
more of a challenge to get a product to sell.

You CAN use private label rights.

But what my new friend (see above) Barry did was interviewed people
for his private site.

That's a great way to get started.

And while getting interviews with Internet marketing gurus may not
be easy. In most markets, it's a piece of cake.

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.” If you'd like to get on his
mailing list and receive tips, articles and information
about online marketing, visit:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
“Amazing Formula” in place of the existing URL>

D. “Services You Can Use”


step instructions. You want videos. You want it all
covered without “holes.” Then here's the URL for you:

A TO Z SYSTEM? You want to point and click your way to
sales? Then you need the Marketing Dashboard. People rave
about. Oh, did I mention that it's step-by- step:


E. Ask Marlon Sanders!


Marlon, how do I get affiliates?  I'm a nobody?



If you're in a niche market, you shouldn't run into much

Go look at and study all the programs
and look at their pay outs.  A lot of them are pretty low.

You can go into the market with a high front end commission
to affiliates and clean up on the back end.   Again, if you
don't understand my terminology here, re-read Amazing Formula.

This was my original strategy on Amazing Formula. I paid out
60% which almost no one was doing. And I made my money on
the back end with what was originally called “The Big Course.”

In a lot of markets, you still have a small number of affiliate
programs offered.

If you wanna ramp up your brain juices to the possibilities,
start here:

Or just type “cost per action” into Google or “cpa network.”

Remember that if these products are paying out 100% or more
on the front end, it's because they have recurring billing or a
big ticket immediately sold on the back end to recoup their


Copyright 2007 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
