PDF Download: New issue of Marlon’s Marketing Method: 67-page blowout pre-birthday, make your opt-ins and subscribers go up via daily FOCUS - Online and Info Product Marketing

PDF Download: New issue of Marlon’s Marketing Method: 67-page blowout pre-birthday, make your opt-ins and subscribers go up via daily FOCUS

You've been reporting SUCCESS in your Internet marketing using the dailyFOCUS method.  What you focus on, expands.  You can call it a law of attraction, a basic principle or good ol' fashon common sense. But it really does WORK!


Next week is my Birthday…the EXACT day is a secret. But I'm CELEBRATING early by giving you this huge 67-page mega blowout edition.

Many people are reporting successes with this. Today I feature a few Q & A, feedback from the blog, specific tips.

* If you don't have a target market, read this issue

* If youre opt ins aren't growing every day, read this issue

* If you feel like you aren't succeeding, read this issue

* If you're confused, read this issue

* If you're distracted or lack focus, read this issue.


Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

PS: Momentum is GROWING on this new formula. People are succeeding with it.

YOU can too. Read today's issue now.


  • Just got a chance to download it. Will comment on it asap. Meantime, have to tell you ~ love the 39 yr old crowd. Jack Benny would be proud of how his list is still growing hehehe even if it does date you.

    Cheers and make it a super happy day.!

  • Stephanie says:

    Happy Birthday Marlon! You've sold me on the tracking thing. I've got a brand spankin' new site I'm going to try this out on. Just knowing I'll be charting my optins seems to put the pressure on – cool! Thanks!

  • Thank you Marlon for this special report. You reminded me how to eat an elephant, one bite at a time. The most profound advice in this meaty report was to make a graph for a monthly goal of opt ins. That is so easy, and I know it will work. It keeps you focused on the prize!

    Donna Blevins

    The Poker MindSet Coach

    • marlon says:

      Hey Donna,

      Great to hear from you! Yeah, it's funny that the SIMPLEST things are often the ones that do the MOST! Like this week in a 2-day stretch my opt ins took a leap, so I started digging to see WHY! Simple things.

  • Bill H says:

    Marlin, first of all Happy Birthday! I think we are very close to the same age. I'm not telling what that is however. Thanks for all the great information. I really need to concentrate on the opt-ins since I don't have any yet. I'll chart the 0's and go from there, but your idea of paying attention to it makes sense and motivates me to find productive and innovative ways to move it off the zero mark. I have a site up and have a product to market so I really need to move the needle to make sales. You provide so many terrific ideas for dong things I can't begin to thank you for all your help. Hope you have a great day on your birthday and always.

    • marlon says:


      Congratulations on having a product. NOW, set up an affiliate program. Then start giving away copies to people with Twitter followings and influencers on Facebook. That should get the ball rolling.


  • Ryan K says:

    Very cool@ I need this. I am finally gonna concentrate on growing my list leaps and bounds this year.

    • marlon says:

      Ryan, the key is the chart! Do it daily and you'll be rocking..it's WORKING for the people here who are trying it, some in BIG ways and others in nice, steady progress.

  • Steve says:

    Hey Marlon,

    Happy early Birthday! Mines tomorrow! Great stuff here. I'm going to keep focused and implement DAILY!


  • Joe Lavery says:


    Glad you made those changes, the blog is looking good! ! Can't wait to check out this issue too! I'll hit you up on Skype soon! Thanks for all you do man!

    Joe Lavery

  • marlon says:


    You rock.

    Thanks again for commenting.


  • Luis says:

    Hey Marlon. Chunky issue! Love it. Although there are a lot gems in today's ezine, I'm going to choose to focus on just one thing, tracking daily, weekly, and monthly subscribers. As I mentioned before, doing this got me subscribers right away. I'm going to keep that up. Thanks!

    – Luis

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