Post comments on pimp your web site webinar here - Online and Info Product Marketing
  • Yvette Thomas says:

    I am trying to get and print out Marlon's In-Depth 16-Point guide to hiring your first part time virtual assistant. If the link could be emailed to me, or let me know how to get to Marlon's blog, I would greatly appreciate it very much. This is very important to me. THANK YOU

    [Hey Yvette, we'll get this to you one way or the other. Marlon]

  • Jim says:

    I thought it was great… how you totally re-wrote that real estate ad off the cuff was incredible.

    Thanks for the tip on showing the subject line of the email on the opt-in confirmation page, I never realized that.


  • Hi Marlon,

    Thank you so much for your critique on my website and the others as well! It was very beneficial and I appreciate your honest input. Thank you, thank you!!! As always, I appreciate your upfront, honest attitude!


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