Post Your Comments Here On My Seo Ezine Issue - Online and Info Product Marketing

Post Your Comments Here On My Seo Ezine Issue


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Oh, there's also a contest for the person who can figure out why the 3 sites in the ezine aren't spidered by Google and HOW to get 'em spidered, for all you seo experts.

  • Desmond says:

    Sorry if this is a duplicate post. Have you tried poisting a article on or linking to the sites that arent getting google love?


  • I'm not sure if you can use Plug-ins on your wordpress site…but I used Google XML Sitemaps AND All in One SEO Pack and google LOVES my site. I do know you can create google sitemaps independently and then post it on your site and also log in to add the sitemap with google. That always gets them running.

    I would think one of the challenges may be duplicate content since they already have your other sites on there for Sales Letter Software and since there really aren't many sites that come up with results…that might be the issue?

    Google thinks their God…so do many other people…and who can ever really figure out what humans do anyways 🙂

  • Sunshine says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Overview: Your wordpress site does show in "G" up as a part of the content from this blog but not on it's on as of a few minutes ago. Your Blogger blog shows up for the term "truth in internet marketing" on the first page of G.

    1. Ad your targeted keyword phrase once or twice in your blog post content. I noticed you didn't have the keyword phrase "sales letter software" written anywhere in your content at your WordPress Blog.

    2. Create Anchored Text (link building)for your keyword phrase on the URL you wish to have indexed.

    This site seems to be an authority site by "G" as it indexes your post very quickly.

    Include your targeted keyword phrase as Both anchored text andcontent within one of your blog post or edit the one you've written and include it. (write a few post this way and see what happens)

    3. Include this blog as a RSS Feed over at your Squidoo lense. I noticed other feeds but not this one. Therefore, everytime you update this blog, your Squidoo lense will update automatically with the content posted here.

    4. I also checked Digg and didn't notice any of your sites there. This is still working for getting sites indexed… BUT, your site won't show up after a few days for your term in a broad match. It will usually only show up as an exact match, provided it's not in too competitive of a niche.

    5. Lastly – This is a biggie. Your Blog title and post title need to both always have the keyword phrase toward the absolute front of the title in both cases – not toward the end. Your WordPress blog is good for the blog title but not the post title.

    Also, you'll need to either rewrite the original wordpress post with something more accurately highlighting your targeted keyword phrase with the keyword at the beginning ie.

    "Sales Letter Software|Created by a The Original Master of Sales Copywriting" (please forgive me here, this is just a suggestion, I'm definitely not a copywriter:)

    I've certainly appreciated your honesty and integrity throughout the years online and I hope this will be helpful to you in some way.



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