Post Your Comments Here To Win A Copy - Online and Info Product Marketing

Post Your Comments Here To Win A Copy

Click The Comments Link At The End Of This Post And Tell Me Why YOU Should Win A Copy Of My New WP Leads and Sales Dashboard but READ What Comments I’m Looking For FIRST!

If you post a video on YouTube, you’ll be eligible to be 1 of 5 people to WIN an additional FREE gift that is very valuable. Here are some guidelines on what topics to address:

1. I’m NOT looking for sob stories or how broke you are!

2. But WHAT would having your OWN blog that spits out leads and sales daily DO for your life in a positive way?

3. What has STOPPED you from HAVING your own blog that WORKS and how could this HELP you!

4. What has been MISSING in any products you have bought on the topic?

5. What do you NEED in order to break through and actually CREATE your a blog that gets you leads and sales?

P.S. The Rules

1. No purchase required for entry
2. Void where prohibited
3. Chances of winning depend on the number of entries.
4. Additional rules and requirements may be posted on the blog
5. Offer expires in around 72 hours.

OK, here’s the comments link.

  • jouesi says:

    This is very awesome post. Its really great ! your post is really highly informative and impressive for all guy, I am appreciate to me. I need for this to convert to sales. My goal is to teach the regular person who is trying to crowd fund. I use online and offline events. The internet is the best way to reach the most amount of people. Thank you by sharing us.get a professional emai.

  • Audre says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Most WordPress training products show how to set it up — maybe how to customize a theme.

    But I haven’t seen any before that take you by the hand and show you how to set up WordPress and use it for online business like your new WP Leads & Sales Dashboard. Brilliant!

    I teach offline business owners how to promote their small businesses online. A WordPress site is always my first recommendation for their web hub to generate leads.

    The way I want to use WP Leads & Sales Dashboard is to recommend it to my clients so they can do basic site management themselves.

    I also want to promote it on my freelance website for people who don’t want to hire me directly, but need a good DIY lead gen solution.

    I’d love to win your contest — but I’ll buy your new dashboard anyway if I don’t. I already own and use a couple of your dashboards (Info-Product and Promo), so I’ll have no problem recommending WP Leads & Sales Dashboard. It’s a great fit for my clients!

  • marlon says:

    BLOG CONTEST FOR WP LEADS AND SALES DASHBOARD IS OVER as of 9:05 p.m. CST. Thanks for all your submissions.

  • Here is a video I created in honor of the latest Dashboard.

    I own a number of them and honestly Marlon’s Dashboards are packed with incredible content. Marlon’s step by step approach make completing tasks, simple easy and step by step.
    You know the old joke: Q: “How do you eat an elephant?”
    A: “One bite at a time”.
    That’s how you go through the dashboards, one bite at a time.
    Marlon You Are: Awesome and Amazing.
    Here is the video:

  • Hey Marlon,
    This looks like a sweet product. Been building WP sites for a while and always interested in finding out what others are doing. Will probably get some excellent tips and strategies from your dashboard. Just waiting to see the sales page.

    • marlon says:


      MOST of this dashboard is pretty basic. You can see the outline in my post. However, I’ve added throughout advanced tips and then especially on the traffic and monetization icons things that should pay you back multiples.

  • Andy Gage says:

    I DO like Free, and at the moment, I HATE WordPress! But I’d love to get your Dashboard, which I believe will finally provide the MISSING LINK in getting a WordPress Blog to look as I expect/want it to look. That means being able to create and upload a Header of my own that is NOT corrupted by WordPress software. It means that I can place Call-Out boxes and Pictures and Graphics where I WANT them to be, It means finally – after 2 attempts – I can finally create a Writer’s Blog I’m proud of! Btw: I’m not exactly a ‘newbie’., I’ve created 4 good-looking and working Websites in the past, that do EXACTLY what I expect them to do – using Serif WebPlus Web creation program which is infinitely FLEXIBLE/ADAPTABLE – not what I’m getting every time I try to create a WordPress paid-for-hosted Blog, with my own Domain Name. I also happen to be an experienced Direct Response Copywriter, so I don’t have problems with creating Content. I’d just love your Dashboard to finally get results I want from WordPress. (If it did, then I’d probably love it forever)! Andy.

  • Dear Marlon,

    Thank you for the opportunity to win your WordPress dashboard.

    I am taking Connie Regan Green’s productivity challenge on her blog, and came to the sudden realization
    that one of my sites Is in dire need of revamping.

    So I did some research. I tried Weebly, but Connie said a WordPress platform was what she was looking for.

    Then a very funny thing happened. Weebly banned my new site. That is odd, since al I was doing was marketing to Nurse RNs all over the world.

    How controversial can that be?

    Thanks, Marlon

    Kate Loving Shenk

  • Fran Tollett says:

    Hi, Marlon,

    I have a dead blog. It is a dead as a doornail blog. I want to resurrect if from the grave and have it bring me into the marvelous light of internet marketing!

    I really didn’t have much knowledge when I put it up. It’s been neglected now. The best thing to do is revamp the whole thing.

    I know success is possible. I have been running around trying to find out the “secret” to success. The “secret” is consistent and steady work. I have been guilty of running from one shiny new object to another shiny new object and never really finishing anything.

    Another thing that has stopped is FEAR. Of what you say? FEAR that I don’t know what I am doing. FEAR that other people would know I don’t know what I am doing. I have figured out that it’s ok to NOT know everything. It’s ok to let others know I am a human being who is learning things too. I am not very technical. I was going to try and make a video but lol, I don’t know enough to do that. I’ve been working on it all afternoon and it is not happening. 🙂 I put the stress on myself by doing something I have no clue about, but I figured it would be worth a shot. Not successful. I will work on a video again. Not for this competition though. And the experience didn’t kill me! I have found out I need a lot more time and more technical knowledge than I have now.

    In spite of all that, I feel good! Just like the old James Brown tune. I am taking action.
    Winners never quit. Quitters never win. I’m a winner!

    I have been more consistent on working with my Squidoo lenses but haven’t made much money yet. It’s a start. I have recently worked on a few lenses that have received a couple of purple stars so I can write good, unique content. I have to figure out how to use that skill now.

    I think your new WP Sales and Leads Dashboard will help me to do that. It will be step by step, until I finish and have a successful blog spitting out daily leads and sales!
    I will have at least one of each of the three different types of blogs that are all successful. I have also decided that once I learn to do something successfully, it’s a matter of doing it again and again because it’s never a good idea to keep all my eggs in one basket.

    Yes. I want to be a six figure marketer but before I get to that level a few extra hundred dollars a month would let me keep gas in my vehicle. I would be able to have more money than month left over. No more juggling which bills get paid first. You KNOW what I’m talking about. LOL Such simple things would make me happy. Eventually I would be able to have the finances and time freedom to help my family, church and friends. Yeah, it would a BIG difference in my life!

    In conclusion, thank you for the opportunity and I would LOVE a copy of your NEW WP Sales and Leads Dashboard! I will use it and build a FREAKING FANTASTIC blog that spits out daily leads AND sales so pick me. PICK ME!!

  • Piotr says:

    Hi Marlon,
    Well I’ve got a video for you 😀

  • John Racine says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Traffic is the lifeblood of ANY business, whether it be offline or online. I saw it when I was working in retail several years ago and I have most definitely seen it in my online business.

    Look around the internet and there is this traffic program and that traffic program and still another. It is so easy to get overwhelmed and quite frankly, confusing to even the most seasoned veteran.

    I have my own blog, I post content regularly and what I consider to be a decent mix of different types of content: articles, videos, infographics etc. I would be excited to say my results have been mixed, but in fact, they have not. My results have been miserable.

    To have a lead sucking blog with the right traffic would be a change in the way I run my online business. It would allow me to build a fan base, i.e. subscribers to whom I could send a survey and find out what they are struggling with. Then, of course, I could create paid content to solve their problem. Sales 101 I suppose: Find A Need And Fill It.

    I have a very specific plan for 2013 and having this in place would accelerate my results so I can take things to the proverbial “next level”.

    Every product I have invested in from you Marlon has been a Grand Slam and I expect no different with this one. I am excited for the future.

    Thanks Marlon!!


  • Tom Roberts says:

    I’ve been waiting for this from Marlon and Crew for a long time. His dashboards are so thorough and complete. It will be all you ever wanted. I promise! .

    • marlon says:


      I think it’ll be real useful to you.

      We have some good things in it. It’s this balance between putting in it what it needs without trying to do too many things or overwhelm.

      Best wishes,



    We just did this video for Marlon. Great Guy, Great Teacher, Great products.

  • Javi says:

    I need your stuff so my wp site can be a lead pulling magnet that converts to profitable deals.

  • Chad says:

    Hello Marlon,

    This forum is filled with high energy and entrepreneurial spirit. Even your responses elicit passion and a call to action. You Sir are traveling the road less traveled.  I am writing to you Marlon, to help cure my analysis paralysis with a prescription of WP Leads and Sales Dashboard and a herbal blend of Evergreen Marketing. Looking forward to what the rest of this epic year will bring with your help.

    On my way to the road less travel.

  • Hi Marlon,

    Please check out my video-

    4 Reasons I deserve to Win a Copy of Marlon’s new WP Leads and Sales Dashboard

    1-Recognize the Value of Modelling Success
    2-Proven action taker who will use your system
    3-Eager to build a Blog that can bring in sales and leads systematically
    4-Will give feedback / testimonial on my results

    Thank you Marlon !

    Michelle B Williams
    my video entry-

  • Hi Marlon,

    Here are the 4 Reasons I deserve to Win a Copy of Marlon’s new WP Leads and Sales Dashboard and there’s more in my video-

    1-I Recognize the Value of Modelling Success
    2- Proven action taker who will use your system
    3- Eager to build a Blog that can bring in sales and leads systematically
    4-Will give you and other prospects feedback / testimonial on my results

    Thank you Marlon!

    Michelle B Williams

  • Hi Marlon,

    I am a newbie in the online business world and just starting my website, but have over 30 years of experience in senior management in marketing with a few leading textile farms.

    My only strength is, I love to help and coach people for improving their career and personal lives and I am very passionate about it. I am a certified life coach and doing the masters.

    My approach is little different than other life coaches because my approach is from the strategic angle. Basically, I understand that the human society is a part of the universe and it follows the same rules of physics/science that the universe has. In short, the society works under certain power equati ons that guide the universe from apparent stressed situation to less stressed, harmonious state. In the process, energy always flow from a higher level to a lower level (like water flows from uphill to down). Any human being who can understand this rule, can utilize those abundant flow of energy for his/her own benefit and can be successful fairly easily. I had also completed an advanced course in Energo-Cybernetic Strategy(EKS) under Prof. Wolfgang Mewes who discovered the system.

    My problem is, I am not sure, how I can find people who will be interested in this idea and how to help them with value so that going forward I can monetize this. I am good in writing but really need help in founding my business from the bottom. I regard you as one of the best mentors in the world today and need your advice and help.

    Thanks and warm regards

    • marlon says:

      Hi Arun,

      Talk to any existing customers or clients and find out where they hang out.

      Or search the names of books or magazines they might read as keywords on Facebook ads. Also people and fan pages they might like on Facebook.

      Go to sites, blogs and forums they would likely frequent.


  • Piotr says:

    Hi Marlon,
    I think, based on my results, rather meager still, that my traffic generation tactics and skills still require a lot of upgrade to be effective.
    The blog skills also, as you can find on my site.
    Anyway, your solutions, as you present them in your MarlonMarketing ezines , based on solid evergreen marketing fundamentals that work without internet, are the only long term solution that will get me the neccessary profits to finance my freedom: to go anywhere I want, anytime I want.
    I am really sure that I could get the required boost from your product her.

    Thank you Very Much for All your help!

    • marlon says:

      Hi Piotr,

      Well, skills are important. But the #1 thing is to have a starving crowd. If you have a starving crowd and you got what they want, you don’t need lots of skills.


  • Hi Marlon,

    While I already have a blog I’m “stuck in the mud” with the damn thing. So rather than tweek this and tweek that on my existing blog it’s time for one of “Marlon’s Magic Makeovers” .

    Thanking you in advance.


    • marlon says:

      Hey Andrew,

      How are you?

      I think for you it’s best to use it as a means of communicating with your customers and your list. It’s so fast and easy to publish text, audiio and video in a flash. Whatever you get from Google is a bonus.

      You could, if you wanted, amp it up and use it as a way to get traffic from other blogs within the industry. But that is more of a commitment of time and energy. I would think in your industry you can buy the traffic which is a simpler way to do it.


  • nezrulh says:

    Hey there King!

    Ryan Deiss said,”Blogging is DUMP!”
    I know that he’s your friend. You know him. And he knows you.
    Allow me entry to the dashboard and I’ll prove to him how wrong he is.

    Is that a good enough reason King?

    Just teasing you 🙂

    All the best with the launch King. But Ryan was going all out with his “authority model” and it kind of hitting my nerve.

    • marlon says:


      Yeah, Ryan said blogging is dumb. To sell a course on authority blogging!


      It was a fantastic pattern interrupt to get your attention and sell a course on blogging. And, in fact, the pages he used to sell people “blogging is dumb” were ON a blog! Ryan is a very bright, talented and skilled marketer with a fantastic staff.

      A blog is just pages on the Internet. Pages on the Internet arne’t dead.

      Best wishes,


  • Laurie Mills says:

    Hi Marlon,
    I finally got a blog going, I am getting a few visitors but no one has really done much. I am sure I need to find out what extra is needed to get this monetized some how.
    I have a few of your products which stupidly I haven’t really utilised, so I think it is about time to start properly,

    Hey, still waiting for a photo of you in a Ten-Gallon hat, lol.(sorry)
    Regards, Laurie

    • marlon says:

      Hey Laurie,

      See my other posts.

      But congrats on getting your blog going.

      Laurie, remember that there are only 3 steps:

      1. Target buyers

      Are you doing that? Where are you finding them? What are they buying? What are you offering them for free to get them onto your list?

      2. Get them on your list

      3. Send them emails that give them some sort of free bonus to buy what they’re already buying anyway but to buy it from you. You can use screen capture videos, audio, or written mini reports as your bonuses. PLR will even work.

      For you Laurie, it’s better to think of your blog as an EASY way to sends out offers to your list because you can put audio, video and text on a blog fast and easy. For you, I don’t think you should look at your blog as a way to get traffic from Google. I think that would be a mistake. Get your traffic from other places.

      Best wishes,


  • Rich Novek says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I don’t know if I would use the word “deserve” but I would be very appreciative if I were chosen as one of the winners.

    I currently have a growing international ministry and just released my first (but by no means my last) book. In addition, I recently became a certified life coach, specializing in addictions of all kinds. At this point of my life everything I do and everything I am is about helping others.

    I have a WordPress website and blog that I have used as best as I know how to write many helpful articles for those who follow my ministry. Though many people have told me I am a good writer and dynamic speaker, I am basically clueless when it comes to utilizing online technology in a way to create traffic for my two websites.

    I will be 54 in 5 days, and after a lifetime of working “jobs” I haven’t really enjoyed, I have in the last six months taken a leap of faith. And the reason; because I believe my ministry, which has already helped many, has room to grow and help many more in the process.

    Up until now, I have not tried any other “blog focused” programs and so I know I do need to learn. So why wouldn’t I want to learn from an expert who has already been successful, such as yourself on how to best utilize my blog to generate the needed traffic to create good leads and increase sales? The one thing I see that has kept me from succeeding at this point is my lack of blogging knowledge. And so if I had the blogging program you are offering today, I believe I would succeed in the same way as you have.

    What I believe I am missing besides my own lack of blogging knowledge and experience is a well thought out plan by someone (such as yourself) who has already been successful. And I believe your program is what I need so I don’t have to waste any more precious time in trying to figure it out on my own.

    In choosing me as one of your winners you will be helping someone whose sole purpose and mission is in doing the same, helping others. And since I already have my website, blog, and followers in place, I would be able to make a smooth transition to obtain the leads I need to create opportunities for more sales. Thank you and God bless.


    Rich Novek

    • marlon says:


      Good luck with your leap of faith!

      A blog is an easy way to get out communications of audio, video and text.

      It makes it fast, simple and easy to communicate.

      Now, the problem is a lot of people see the blog as a way to get traffic. You CAN use it that way. But relying on it for traffic from Google is a dicey Game at best. I think it’s much better to have a traffic plan you have more control over. To do things outside the blog that don’t rely on Google for traffic.

      If all you use your blog for is to quickly and easily publish communications with your list, it shoudl be a big winner for you.

      Best wishes,


  • Eugene Mills says:

    Hi Marlon,

    The reason I deserver to win is I would pay-it-forward and mention Marlon Sander name every freaking chance i get as the person responsible for my internet success.

    I already have over a dozen blogs making $0 dollars it’s embarrassing. All i ever wanted to do is earn just a little money blogging then go full time to quit my blood sucking j o b to help & inspire people to make this sick world just a little better. After all the way i see it we are all just ONE big dysfunctional family. Some of us with more sense than others… like yourself a modern day internet pioneer.

    Who ever win I hope they will pay-it-forward and give you your due. You sir are My Hero in my mind because i know you are the REAL DEAL Rock on Marlon 🙂

    Eugene Mills

    • marlon says:

      Hey Eugene,

      My brother, you have the drive and ability. You only need 3 things:

      1. Find people who are buyers

      And preferably buyers of something you have a strong interest in or are passionate about.

      2. Get ’em on a list by offering an enticing freebie

      3. Send em emails with offers that give them a reason to buy from you Eugene. Usually that means creating a special little Camtasia video or special report.

      Those are the only 3 steps you need Eugene. If it’s not working for you, isolate it down to which of those 3 steps is the current bottlekneck.

      Best wishes,


  • mark laurie says:

    Hi, Great timing. We are just about finished redesigning my photography website focusing on the experience we deliver more than the actual photography products. The old blog was not very effective mostly because it was not read much. We are also launching another website that will be the new its focus is on knowledge products, personal images, insights and so on. that is built in wordpress.

    Having the blog you described would reduce my marketing budget overall, that alone would be worth it, (photography service blog) It would also vault be to the top of perceived leader in my industry which would open more doors to speaking etc.

    The personal page blog would tap into my skill knowledge and help move the products we have, photo books and lighting techniques. it would also support the industry leader thing, expanding my reach. I am 58, my wife is 62, she is wishing to retire in a few years so I will have to make up her income somewhere (she is part of our photography company.)

    whats stopped or hindered me would be trying to find topics that resonate with possible clients. Our niche is doing personal portraits of women for themselves. Time also gets away so we have not be as prolific as I should be. This might help me get on a track that works constantly.

    I am not sure what is missing.

    Looking forward to the dashboard.


    • marlon says:


      For you it’s a no brainer.

      Yeah, resonating with clients is sometimes an art. It’s a moving target. Surveys are good. Flat out just interacting and talking to customers is good.


  • Paul says:

    Wow! New dashboard? I was suitably impressed with the intro to the one now.

    Anyway, here’s why I really need one and what I’d do with it if one comes my way.

    I teach people how to be prepared for terrorism, natural disaster, and now, against possible nuclear attack by the North Koreans. Mostly, I teach this stuff to the families of emergency responders who have to be sure the family they leave at home during times of crisis is as well-prepared as possible.

    Though I routinely teach for both civilian and government groups, I’m not eligible for grants, for funding, or any government programs because I’m a for-profit, private sector, male who refuses to lie on applications. Therefore, everything I’ve been able to do I’ve self-funded the startup. And being a focused trainer, I know my stuff, but the ins and outs of good promotions still eludes me.

    In short, I’m great with content, but suck and marketing and could use all the help I can get.

    Thanks for putting out the “Marlon’s Marketing Minute” articles! Love those!

    • marlon says:

      Hi Paul,

      This should be a no brainer for you. You obviously klnow what you’re doing and are quite articulate.
      There are only 3 steps you need:

      1. Target your market, responders, buyers.

      2. Get on list

      3. Send emails that send them to audios, youtube videos, blog videos, podcasts, articles, reports.

      And all of those ultimately sell an action.


  • Joe Labedis says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I am writing on behalf of my wife, Sherie. A year ago she self-published a book about her work in 1965 for Martin Luther King. She and three others drove from California to Atlanta in a VW bug. Not only uncomfortable, especially for four people, they drove non-stop in the summer with no air conditioning.

    Her book is about bullets, beatings, burnings, ballots, beliefs, and a blonde from Berkeley.
    She has a website ( and a blog, but really needs to improve both. The blog is good and very informative but it is not generating sales. She is getting tired of doing the work but not getting the results she had hoped for. The Univ. of South Carolina reviewed the book and said they had never seen anything like it, and that it should be in every school and college in South Carolina. They offered her $500 and wanted all the rights. Sherie passed on their generosity. We are hoping to win your offer and get her book in the schools. And, of course, to any individuals who want to know what it was really like to do the hard work, eat the unknown foods, and speak with people who spoke a different kind of English, and, in many cases, did not trust white people. Registering voters was not as easy as many think it might have been. Hard to register when you might lose your job, your house, and get beaten for registering. They had one great argument that overcame those concerns.

    • marlon says:


      I can help you with a blog but you have a bigger task.

      On Amazon there are a lot of really good books on how to market books. I recommend those. What I believe is you need a really great website or blog for the book and then focus on getting publicity. That can be radio talk interviews, TV, web, etc.

      Steve Harrison does boot camps for authors as I recall.


  • Paul Klein says:

    Hi Marlon,

    A new Dashboard product, and it’s about time.

    I know I could use this in my info product services. Having a dashboard to promote and sell seamlessly will remove the tedious steps of doing all these separate things on my own.

    What’s kept me from having my own successful blog to do this is having too many other items on my plate to devote to getting all the pieces in place and then tracking it all.

    What’s been missing from other products or coaching I’ve bought is the actual platform and products to get moving ahead.

    What do I NEED in order to break out and move ahead? This NEW Dashboard! That’s what I NEED!

    Thanks for the opportunity Marlon!


    • marlon says:


      How are you?

      Yeah, it’s been a long time since I’ve gotten a dashboard out.

      I’m hoping to launch this one BEFORE North Korea launches..:)


  • Gary Wilkinson says:

    HI Marlon

    What a great looking product and very timely.

    I am ashamed to say that I have abandoned 2 blogs in about 4 years. They were unloved and neglected and as a result nobody stuck around.

    My problem at the time was lack of time. I was a full time college lecturer and had lots of ambition but did not have the time that it takes to nurture a successful blog.

    My situation is different now. I now have much more time and recognise the need to start a blog for my online business.

    I have a mailing list of over a thousand customers and would like to use my blog as way of giving them extra coaching and information. Your product would definitely help me to hit the ground running and be able to provide a solid foundation for my blog right at the outset.

    To be able to monetise it and get extra sales in the process would be the icing on the cake as this is the aim of every marketer.

    I know that you have been a long time advocate of running a blog and the fact that you have gone to such lengths and created a product dedicated to blogs is testament to that and I know that the information and step by step instructions would be invaluable.

    I have purchased other products and courses about blogs over the years but I am not technically gifted so struggled. The timing was not right either whereas now I can devote the time to maintaining a blog.

    If I won this I can assure you that it won’t go to waste but will be put to good use. I would make myself accountable by giving you the blog address and letting you and my subscribers see that the product was being used to great effect.

    Good luck with the launch Marlon.

    Best wishes

    • marlon says:


      I think you’ll get value from this.

      There are 3 types of blogs you can have that will benefit you.

      You can use a blog to get traffic but only relying on Google as you’ve read from me is a losing Game. I think the blog fits BEST when the traffic to it comes from another method. Blogs are fantastic conversion boosting tools. Just outstanding. And outstanding networking tools.

      Best wishes,


  • Ron says:

    “The writer must earn money in order to be able to live and to write, but he must by no means live and write for the purpose of making money.” –Karl Marx

    How’s that for pattern interrupt Marlon!

    If you’re looking for an up-and-coming marketing legend that will directly be linked to your training… getting you untold media attention… and bring you massive amounts of new customers… then this will be the most important blog comment you’ll ever read. (thanks push button letters 😉

    Here’s why:

    As marketers, we are collectively a group of story tellers that attract, intrigue, and persuade readers into our world.

    What we write either resonates with our peeps… or it doesn’t.

    DO NOT give away a free copy of your WP plugin to just anyone unless:
    -They have an actual history of WRITING (i.e.
    -They are obsessed with all things marketing
    -Have read at least 3 Lee Child novels
    -Think television is the root of all evil
    -Like puppies and kittens =)

    Now you don’t have to give me a free copy as I’ll probably buy it anyways… but it would be cool to win something! The coolest thing I’ve won from writing was in the 4th grade… Halloween short story contest… came in 1st place and got a free pastrami sandwich… those were the days…

    Have a great weekend Marlon,

    Ron “the unorthodox writer” Simon

    • marlon says:


      You’re REALLY good!

      So you stopped writing articles for ezine articles in 2011? Or am I looking at the dates wrong?

      Content marketing still works but it has to be a revised game plan. It’s more complex now. Certainly a central blog hub with your writing skill would be a real asset. And I don’t know if you’re creating your own info products or not. Cold calling and/or sales methods and sales prospecting is certainly an evergreen market.

      Now, you have to come up with a slant or angle within that market, if you haven’t already.

      I think you will benefit from the WP Leads and Sales Dashboard.


  • Pat says:

    I’m resurecting an older blog. Know that if I generate traffic and build a list that is part of the success story. Once I have some movement through the blog from using your dashboard, I’ll be back for your advice on converting them to buyers.

    Whoopee! I’m ready

  • Debbie says:

    Marlon, you are absolutely the bomb! Your list is the one I won’t unsubscribe from, even If unsubscribed from every other list. I have found that even if my stats show unique visitors, people staying on my website or blog, for a long time, I might only make a few dollars here and there because of adsense, which I have gotten a couple of checks, but it seems even though a blog gets traffic and interested visitors, sales conversions seem to be very elusive. I have been at this for a long time, almost as long as you have, but that epiphany or light bulb hasn’t turned on, so to speak, lol.

    If I am anything, I am someone who doesn’t give up. so I think I have earned a chance to win your “WP Leads and Sales Dashboard” Thank you for this opportunity!


    • marlon says:


      Read through my other posts here.

      I would say the same things to you I told Herman.

      1. Look at your referrer logs and see WHERE the traffic is coming from. You care about people who are IN your target audience, not just “traffic.” In other words, you have to target BUYERS to start with. If you’re getting people there to START who are NOT buyers, then you need to change WHERE you are getting them from or the BAIT you’re using to attract them because your bait is attracting NON buyers, not buyers.

      2. Do a survey on your blog to see WHAT people want. This helps you verify you’re attracting buyers.

      3. See if the MESSAGE about your offer MATCHES what people want to buy.

      Best wishes,


  • Derek says:

    A promise to Marlon, my family (Hello chaps), anyone else reading this and myself.

    Should the true Sage of Internet Marketing favour me with a freebie then I solemnly promise to do all in my power to ‘get off my backside’ and use it to generate a living income for my family and I then teach as many others, who are interested, as I can Why and How To Do It.

  • Herman says:

    My 7 year old blog currently gets 17,000 uniques and 18,000 visits/month but doesn’t generate much profit so I’d be interested in a blog that brings in leads and sales. I already have thetrafficdashboard which I thought was a brilliant idea and often refer to it.

    • marlon says:

      Herman, I’d make sure those are really uniques. If they aren’t opting in herman, look at your referrer log and see WHERE they are coming from and if they area REALLY target prospects or not. If they ARE then your message to market match needs some work probably. Also, a blog just isn’t gonna get the opt ins that a squeeze page does. However, there are things you can do to goose it up. I’d do a survey on your blog and see what it is people are really WANTING and see if that is the MESSAGE you’re communicating to them in terms of solutions.

  • jim says:

    Thank you kindly Marlon for responding to why I should Win A copy of your
    Dashboard. Some positive inspirational quotes from some famous people.

    “There Are No Secrets To Success. It Is The Result Of Preparation, Hard
    Work And Learning From Failure” Colin Powell

    “Most Of The Important Things In The World Have Been Accomplished By
    People Who Have Kept On Trying When There Seemed To Be No Hope
    At All” Dale Carnegie

    “Effort Only Fully Releases Its Reward(s) After A Person Refuses to Quit” Napoleon Hill

    “People Whine, I Haven’t Succeeded Because I Haven’t Had The Breaks.
    You Create Your Own Breaks” Chuck Norris

    “Don’t Go Around Saying The World Owes You A Living. The World Owes
    You Nothing, It Was Here First” Mark Twain

    “We Make A Living By What We Get, But We Make A Life By What We Give” Winston Churchill

    “If You Can’t Laugh, The Days Are Just Too Long” Lauren Anderson

    Again, Thank you

  • Sue says:

    Hello Marlon,

    The theme song “Cars” keeps running through my head. Since most of your products have to do with a dashboard. My initial thinking was to post the “Cars” theme song from the 1980’s which is a utube song believe it or not. And have you envision not necessarily a mouse driving the vehicle because that would be too much like the “Kia” commercial with the mice driving the vehicle but an Orangutan pushing buttons since they have good dexterity. That’s my association with your dashboard product. (Don’t get me wrong here; I’m speaking in reference to ease of using the product.)

    I think winning something of quality & value for free is “priceless” just like the commercials for “MasterCard.”
    explain. (Sorry, no originality here.)put definitely a pun.

    That’s my entry.

    Have a great weekend all!

  • I have started a Blog on WordPress…It has only been up for about a week..No responses yet!
    However, I really do not know how to work with a blog. Of course, when I started my website, I did not know how to copy and paste. Your information, and input would absolutely be beneficial to my success. I really need this free copy to LEARN!

  • I am the Mayor of PurpleUmpkin. A little planet next to Pluto. We are Murples here and we really care. Murples are also the makers of earth’s Purples.

    We are the new Muppet’s. The new Dr. Seuss. What makes us different is that we feed children in America and help spread the importance of reading to and with children. We could use your help.

    What could be better than growing with us. We need some one who can get the job of blogging done.


  • Kim says:

    Simply The Best Comment Ever!

    RESULTS? Check below:

    FOR: 313,914,040
    AGAINST: 1

    A lot of work getting these votes! I had ta git out my shotgun and chase that one Liberal that said he was from Texas all the way back to California where he belongs! He still voted against me! And I learned how ta spell blog on the way….

    Anyway, I have the results and this dashboard is going to multiply them!

    Thank You Marlon!

  • Kenneth says:

    I am so new to this, I don’t have a list, don’t really know what a bog is or how to make one and don’t know what I would be after to have one.


  • Roger says:

    This product is badly needed.

    Millions spend countless hours knocking out good quality blog content without a return on that investment. Where are we all going wrong? We need a formula, a blueprint, a plan, and we all need a little help and guidance at times.

    Hopefully you’ve got the answer bubbling away in your mad genius marketing lab.

    I have a sneaking suspicion you have.

    Bring it on Marlon, you haven’t let us down yet, and I am sure this will be another winner.

    Best wishes


  • Ronald Slyderink says:

    Hi Marlon

    Thanks for your continued input and genuine interest in folks to succeed. I feel this dashboard will help address a missing link with many bloggers and that is converting leads and visitors into buying customers or clients, There should be a more unified approach in communicating, feedback, marketing and selling. Keep up the good work. It will be hard for you to decide who will be winners as there are many good comments.

    All the best


    • marlon says:


      You bring up a great point about the unified messaging. A great point.

      I think one of the problems is that most people ONLY see a blog as a way to get traffic from Google. It does work. You can do it. But there sure are a lot of OTHER uses. Putting your future at Google’s whim isn’t the best idea.

      Anuyway, we cover all these things. Ronald, I notice that you’re articulate. You’d certainly excel at creating products if you don’t do so. All you need is a STARVING niche that is either overserved by high prices without stuff on the low or the middle on certain topics. Or a niche where there is a scarcity of info. Lacking that, you hunt for underserved topics. If you have Red Factor, those things probably sound familiar.

      The point is, don’t compete head on. Look for pockets where people are still hungry for info.


  • Don Burrell says:

    Hi Marlon: As a GREAT fan of yours I really feel this is more of a BLOG about YOU!! than about me. Oh buy the way I really FEEL I will be a WINNER of your contest and this is only fore play. Blogs are here and NOW,,,the HUFFINGTON POST just recently sold for $315 million dollars…hint…hint…full of targeted buyers. I own about 90% of your products and this one will be the crown on my internet head.
    My own BLOG will allow me exercise my freedom of speech ( the internet is ALL we have now)…and to express my opinions …and to empower others to do the same…me positive… and freedom..of communication…and what’s stopping me is that you MARLON took this long to produce this SOULFUL product..your wit and genius will take BLOGGING to a new high to a MARLONINGTON POST…And people under estimate the blog…you are shedding light…thank you!!!…..I need boldness, harshness, honesty and Marlon I have choosen YOU to teach….send me this internet triple crown on my head so I can tell other oh Marlon stop me now..or else I will tell the world….you the MAN…so get your mousey fingers and send me a copy of your WP LEADS and SALES DASHBOARD…so WE and change the world together….DON BURRELL

    • marlon says:


      How the heck are you?

      Man, if you aren’t doing teleseminars, webinars or Google chats to sell stuff, you should Don. A model that works well for a lot of people is Facebook ads to a gotowebinar sign up page. Or Bing ads. If you have a targeted niche, of course, you can buy banners in the niche on blogs and sites.

      Or, if it’s a broad market, sitescout, although that is a lot higher skill level to get to work.

      You’d be good at blogging too. Now, you can blog as a way to get traffic which is why most people blog. But Google is tough, so I think it’s better to have ANOTHER way of getting traffic and then whatever you get from Google or bing is a bonus.

      Blogs also make wonderful tools to get conversions for existing list members and customers using articles, podcasts and so forth.


  • Vincent says:

    I want it so much that I am going to buy it. (regardless I win one or not.) Marlon, it’s been a long time since you have a Dashboard prodcts. I am excited and I am going to promote it too.

    Have a great day and God bless.


    • marlon says:

      Hey Vincent,

      Yeah bro, way too long. Everytime I do one, I say that one is the last! Ha.

      Thanks for posting Vincent. You put a smile on my face.


  • Travis says:

    I decided to go all out. I mean, this is Marlon Sanders here!

    Marlon, for what it’s worth – this is the first time I have EVER posted a video response to ANYONE.

    (Even after that one time when Scarlett Johansson asked me out to the academy awards earlier this year.)

  • RichardW says:

    Hi Marlon!
    Looking to get started with blogging!

    • marlon says:


      Our FIRST VIDEO!

      You’ll win something, not as part of the main contest. As an extra bonus because I’m happy to see a video! Make sure I have your right email. My support desk is

  • Travis says:

    I’m a fairly new guy at this “internet marketing” stuff. Sure, I’ve dabbled here and there, jumped from one shiny object to the next. But it wasn’t until I purchased your “Overwhelm Cure” a while back that I had the big “A Ha!” moment!

    Since then, I’ve made tremendous progress on cutting through the clutter and finally moving forward with ACTION.

    My favorite thing about YOUR marketing message is that you continually talk about how you have created a “lifestyle career.” You write when you want, about what you want and you travel where and when you want. Most importantly, you have created proven systems that have virtually erased money worries.

    That’s what HAVING a blog that spits out leads and sales daily will DO for my life. It will help me to eliminate money worries and allow me to finally live the IDEAL life that you yourself have created.
    I have several “blogs” – but like many of the post’s here I just haven’t figured out how to make them spit out the sales yet! (Perhaps I have too much “shiny object info” swimming around in my noggin’). What has STOPPED me thus far is not having a step-by-step process to follow that I know will end with results.

    Thus far, all of the products I have purchased were MISSING the big picture. They only focus on ONE small step – like getting traffic to the blog, or how to create a squeeze page – but none of them show you how to do everything from A to Z.

    What I NEED in order to CREATE not only my blog, but my Ideal lifestyle, is expert guidance and advice, plus maybe a little bit of handholding along the way, to get the first successful blog up and running. Once I do, I know I have what it takes to create massive ACTION and create several more.

    Regardless of whether I win or not, I look forward to this new product! I’ve finally stopped buying shiny objects and just follow the advice you give in your weekly e-zine.

    I always know I am in good hands with you.

    • marlon says:


      First of all, I’m glad you are following Overwhelm Cure and my first word of advice is to KEEP following it.

      Now, as far as a blog, it’s NOT just about generating leads. Let’s say you’ve already GOT a LIST. THEN you can use the blog to post social proof, GET social proof by having people comment, send people to audio, video, articles.

      In other words, it’s a GREAT conversion tool.

      I’ll teach you how to use 3 different types of blogs.

      Having said all of that, keep your focus.

      You SHOULD have a daily and weekly number you want to hit for your opt ins, 1st time buyers, then repeat $$$.

      Those are the things you need to focus on weekly. Having said that, it does depend on your model some. If you’re creating and launching products aggressivelly, I’d use slightly different numbers. The MAIN thing is to have your plan each month and week. Then CHECK to see if the darned thing is WORKING or not.

      If it ain’t working, you have tweak it and try to hit clear cut numbers. I’m sure it’s old news to you but read through my responses to the other posts as a reminder about some key points.

      Best wishes,


  • james says:

    Hey, Marlon

    I always think that you are ahead of the curve. I’m finding that what you have said years ago, a lot of other marketers are saying and doing now. Pity that it has not profited me because I fell into the “next shiny object” syndrome that many newbies fall prey to. Believing this product will solve my woes. When all it really comes down to is finding one or two ways of doing something and mastering that.

    I’ve managed to put up a couple of blogs, and have gotten them on page 1 for their keywords. Lot of work and only a few dollars to show for it. I know I am close to success; but there are some things missing. What I could really use is a mentor. But since I can’t afford that then the next best thing would be to get (win) your dashboard.

    I think everyone who is trying to make some income on the internet also wants to help people in positive way. I want to help people, and I believe the internet still provides the best medium to touch many, many people; and be of service.

    I haven’t seen your dashboard yet. I would love to be that person you read on some of those testimonial pages attesting to how a product helped them finally climb over the internet wall from confusion to comprehension. Where you can finally say, ” I get it. I understand what was missing! Shazzam!”

    • marlon says:

      Hi James,

      So what you need are 3 things:

      1. Buyers — I believe you know WHO you are targeting. Fitness is a fantastic niche.

      2. A list — Bro, people are cleaning up in fitness on Facebook with Facebook promoted posts BUT you really got stay in touch with all the FB rule changes. Or you’ll get booted.

      Also, several fitness people are cleaning up with Youtube videos that go to an opt in page or an opt in page on their blog. The reason a blog can help with Youtube and FB if you put the squeeze on it is Google seems to like that there is other content there, and it’s all professional with comments and so forth.

      Relying on your blog for traffic from Google by itself is tough. You CAN do it and I tell some ways in the product. BUT imho you need an EXTERNAL way to drive traffic and what you get from Google is the free bonus. You CAN ramp up Google but man, it’s a dangerous game and can be taken away with the drop of a pin. I WILL show you some things that are very solid and proven for traffic.

      You can do purl postcards to fitness BUYERS. Or you can run ads in Blackbelt magazine that go to your website.

      3. Give people reasons to buy from you in the form of a little bonus like a bonus video or something.

      Best wishes,


  • Ted says:

    Hey Marlon,

    I’m so broke I can only afford to spell “poor” with one “o”. I have to eat dirt sandwiches for lunch. If it cost only a quarter to travel around the world, I couldn’t even afford to get out of sight.

    Oh, wait a minute, I just so the part where you don’t want to hear how broke we are. Sorry. Ok then, fine, how about this. Last year I had to have open heart surgery and lost my job after I couldn’t keep up anymore after returning to work (true story). Just a quick aside, if you don’t mind me taking the liberty. The night before the surgery I was a little nervous when the surgeon stopped in to see how I was doing. I couldn’t help but ask; “Hey Doc, out of every 100 people that have this surgery how many people don’t make it off the operating table?”. He replied “about1 person in every 100”. I then asked him “how are the numbers looking right now for the current 100 ?”.
    What, no sob stories allowed either…darn. Come to think of it, I guess everyone has some kind of health issues, right! (Seriously, each and every day is a gift… so we’re all winners).
    So getting right down to it, let me think, why would I deserve to win a copy of your new dashboard?” Well, honestly, I can’t think of a reason and probably don’t deserve to win. You see, I’ve purchased several of your dashboards before (and think they’re great). If I would have only done what you instructed, followed through with the clear cut step by step directions, and most importantly taken action, I would have been a happy camper and would have made us both look good. Now that I think of it, I probably owe you an apology for dragging you down with me! I’m really sorry Marlon. You don’t deserve me!
    However, hope springs eternal (like with each new baseball season. Hey, I’m a Mets fan…can someone say a prayer for me), and there’s still that chance to break through and succeed.

    Actually, I’ve been at this WordPress thing for a while now because I was told it was easy. Yeah, right! Well, maybe it’s just me, but I haven’t found it to be so easy. And that’s just the WordPress part. To learn how to use WordPress to integrate your blog, content, direct marketing and sales messages, offer, etc. is going to be a real challenge.
    Lucky for us, we have someone like Marlon, who we can trust, and can figure out all the stuff that would boggle our minds (at least mine) if we tried to do it ourselves, and give us a real opportunity to get on top of both the technical and direct response marketing aspects of a successful, money making blog. I honestly can’t think of anyone better to learn from.

    In fact, Marlon, you should have come up with the WP Leads and Sales Dashboard idea before I wasted money on several other WordPress and blogging courses. Come to think of it, due to the length of time it took you to come up with the WP Leads and Sales Dashboard, and considering the money I could have saved, and by being forced to buy lesser quality learning products, I take back being sorry!

    Your Lifetime Loyal Customer,
    P.S. By the way, I’m going to get my hands on this either way, whether you like it or not! Please hurry up with the release already.

    • marlon says:


      You’re funny.

      Hey, you SURVIVED and it’s time you thrive. Heart issues are very scary but you know…as long as God gives you life, use it for the best.

      I’d say several things.

      1. If after the dashboard you still can’t get the hang of the technical stuff, just hire someone. You can get a part time Filipina for say $125 a month who is a skilled webmaster. Lorraine is working right now for me at 9:25 p.m. and will work all night.

      2. You need to do 3 things:

      a. Find people who buy stuff over and over

      b. Get them on a list

      c. Send them offers with a little bonus video or plr bonus for buying through your link.

      Ted, honest to God. I don’t see any reason you can’t do those 3 things if you focus on it daily. You’re still here so there must be a reason. Make the most of it.

      Best wishes,


  • Conley Milam says:

    Hey Marlon,
    Great idea to get pre-feedback on your new WP Dashboard. I been a fan for years. I think I own every dashboard you have released and have enjoyed them all. I really appreciate your desire and drive you have to encourage, advise, and help people who have not achieved the level of success you have reached.

    This post is not to try to win a copy of WP Dashboard, I just want to express my sincere gratitude to someone who deserves it. The information in your Saturday ezine demonstrates desire to give back.

    I even had the pleasure of speaking with you on the phone a while back when you called me. I was stunned. It was the highlight of my online experience to have someone of your stature call me. We talked about my machine shop and you recommended an Amazon book, which I bought. I have to admit, I’ve bought from other high profile marketers and none of them have given the advise and help you provide. I get mostly pitches from them. I have since removed myself from their lists.

    Thanks again and I hope to meet you in person someday. I will own a copy of your new WP Dashboard.


  • Ray Roth says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I bought your Amazing Formula in 2005 and I did well with it.

    It’s been a year now that we started and kept promoting a blog –
    We got to 100k page views a month – yet not one dime…
    If you visit you can see loads of affiliate banners everywhere.
    We have 222 RSS subscribers – but I have yet to figure out WHAT to sell them …

    So, after so much time and money we’re about to give up 🙁

    We’re so disheartened that we don’t want to spend any more than we absolutely have to

    We hope that your New WP Leads and Sales Dashboard may show us the way …

    And we promise to provide you with the case study in exchange 😉

    What do you say ?


    • marlon says:

      Hi Ray,

      Wow, that’s a lot of page views without a dime.

      Ray, WP Leads and Sales Dashboard is a great product. It might help you. But it’s hard to say.

      I think what it might help you do is choose a new opportunity and a better way to get targeted traffic. You might just need to replace it with a BIGGER, BETTER idea. Normally, if you aren’t converting, the issue is message to market match. Your message doesn’t resonate with the market for some reason. You really have to look at your referrer logs and see WHERE the traffic is coming from and what they WANT. Maybe do a survey with them to find out what they really are LOOKING for because it’s pretty obvious you don’t have it.

      At minimum you could start blogging about what they want and give them links to buy what they want with a bonus for doing so.

      Best wishes,


  • Don Raether says:

    Hi Marlon

    I have seen several of your great dashboards as they were launched but have been unable to purchase them as I am on a fixed small pension. I have been building my list for several years and it is up to about 4,000 now. I am hoping when it gets a little larger more folks will want to JV with me and then the list should explode. With your new dashboard it would sure help the process and finally get me into the positive financial mode. Thanks for your great offer and even if I don’t win I’m sure whoever does will be very happy and make as good use of it as I.

  • Anis says:

    Hi Marlon,

    i am Anis from Egypt and English is not my mother tongue so i will keep this short and tell you what is in my heart.

    i should get WP leads and sales because i love all your free products and when i get your post about wining a copy , i was reading “best of marlon sanders” , i like it is simple and step by step. it gives me clarity and i think most of internet marketers needs this to get rid of overwhelm .

    Regards 🙂

    • marlon says:

      Hi Anis,

      How are you?

      Thanks for posting here today. You should be getting my free ezine every Saturday. If you aren’t, be sure to sign up to the email list.

      Best wishes,


  • Hey Marlon!

    I have been waiting with baited breath for weeks since you first announced you were working on a WP dashboard. SO glad it’s ready for prime time. As you know, I’ve been a dedicated consumer of your world class products for several years now, and I suspect this one will be in the top tier.

    Although I’ve used every one of your products to varying degrees, my successes haven’t been as great as I’d hoped. Why? The problem’s been with me, not your excellent creations. I’ve been guilty, of analysis paralysis. I’d get excited after acquiring the latest and greatest, only to get distracted by something else.

    Well, I got a wakeup call the other day when a potential JV told me that my site wasn’t “commercial grade” and that my blog was stagnant. You know, he was right! So, I began an overhaul that’s still in progress and I’ve finally gotten momentum that’s showing up in sales.

    What’s really missing though is TRAFFIC. I know a key to getting more is blog content, and I suspect your newest product is geared to solving my problem. I’ve been churning out posts and articles the past few days and was about to start uploading them when I got your email.

    Now that I’ve finally got my butt in gear I really want to make the most of this opportunity and leverage what I’ve got more effectively and efficiently. So, long story short: I want your WP Leads and Sales Dashboard so bad it hurts!

    Nobody does pushbutton better than you, Marlon.You ARE the Dashboard King!

    My fingers are crossed and I’m holding my breath.


    • marlon says:

      Hey Michael,

      Yeah, things do move nowadays and you have to keep upgrading.

      I just did an interview for the product as a bonus with Rusty who did 3 to 3 1/2 million visitors last year and I got his views on traffic. I think it’s a good product and there will be some things in it for you. Of course, the first rows are about setting up the blog. You won’t need those. But then there are some icons you should benefit from, like the traffic one. I put a LOT into that one.


  • jim says:

    Thanks for the opportunity Marlon to win your dashboard and yes I will win your
    Dashboard (smile) only if I deserve to. In a positive way, your dashboard would
    push me over the edge to start earning a income. I do have a blog, I do blog
    daily and the blog is connected to a very well known affiliate that is doing well
    for some and not so well for others. Yes I am of retirement age (66) just a number
    and still have many healthy years to do positive things for others and not just
    myself once I hit the realistic financial goal of $100,000 net to start with and can
    turn that $100,000 into $1,000,000 helping to rehab homes and putting them back
    on the market at a fair selling price that homeowners can afford. Whether I win
    or not, I will still enjoy reading your Newsletter/emails Marlon.

  • Orla Kelly says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to comment on why I should win a copy of your new WP leads and sales dashboard. To me a dashboard is something essential and holds everything together in one place. I am forever losing things, not know where I stopped, what to do next and have information everywhere, in all sorts of online and offline folders and have no system going. I don’t work to a system and am always taking one step forward or even a few steps only to stumble and lose my footing and then I struggle to retrace my steps and am overwhelmed and lost. Yikes! its like I’ve been injected with truth serum. So Yes, I could breath a sigh of relief, eliminate all the junk and clutter I have in my head, on my PC, on my desk….I have never had a blog set up that has EVER made money, EVER created leads or EVER driven traffic, without a major slog on my part! thanks Marlon-Orla

    • marlon says:

      Hey Orla,

      How are you?

      Well, I can’t imagine you implementing this Dashboard and not getting leads and sales.

      You’re right on the “holding everything together.” With all the information we have today, just ORGANIZING it and sorting through to what is the most valuable has quite a bit of value in and of itself. That’s one of the things the Dashboard does.

      Best wishes,


  • Tom says:

    I think I should win a copy because it would allow me to make the changes to my blog and site that would actually get sales which is what I need because I have no other source of income right now.

  • Cynthia says:

    I feel I should win a copy of Marlon’s NEW WP Leads and Sales
    Dashboard, so that I can have a blog that spits out
    leads and sales using your time-tested direct response method. I would like to be one of the winners, because Marlon only turns out products that are top quality. I would implement the method quickly
    and follow the instructions to the letter so I could give an accurate and complete assessment to you
    on how it worked for me and changed my blog from ho hummmm to WOW!

    You have my word on it…and that tool would be a game changer for me! It would be like I watched over your shoulder to make my blog rock!

    • marlon says:

      Hey Cynthia,

      How are you?

      I wonder if people on Facebook have the words organize, clutter or closet in their profiles? Hmmmm. Or if there is a specific TYPE of person who needs your service or info more than another type? Like maybe attorneys who need things to be really perfect. And you can choose by age. Profession. Etc.

      In terms of a blog, I think it can be a hub for getting your info out.


  • Robert Mason says:

    Hi Marlon

    What a great offer!!

    However, I’ll be totally honest with you and say that I don’t need a free copy. I work pretty hard and I can afford to buy my own copy, if it is as good as your other work!!

    Whereas there might be people who can’t afford to pay, but desperately need it to move into the big time.

    I am not in the big time, but sure as hell I intend to be!!!!

    with all good wishes

    Robert Mason

  • John Mulry says:

    Hi Marlon,

    If I was to win a copy of your dashboard it would help me focus and see the wood from the trees. I (like a lot of people) suffer from shiny object syndrome, I’m a systems kind of guy and I know If I had your dashboard for WP Id implement it alongside your other dashboards and then Id finally have the time to turn my ‘knowledge’ into ‘doledge’.

    Knowing something is one thing, acting on it is another. I know what direction I want my life to go in, acting on that and taking that leap of faith is what’s keeping me in my comfort zone.

    Ha ha maybe what I need is to call over to you, turn around and let you give me a kick up the a** to get going and actually take action on the amazing content you provide. You’re hardly thinking about creating a ‘kick up the a** dashboard’ no?

    Seriously though I stumbled upon you and your products for a reason and see them as a stepping stone to achieving my own greatness, my own legacy and my own authority.

    Id use your wp dashboard to realise the ‘it won’t work me’ attitude and limiting belief is all smoke and mirrors and it would compell me to prove to myself and others that whatever I want in life I can get…

    Thank you sir.
    John from Ireland.

    • marlon says:

      Hey John,

      Nice to hear from Ireland today!

      John, POST this up on your WALL:

      1. Target buyers

      2. Get on list

      3. Sell them stuff

      Look at that every day. Do that every day. If you sell them what they ALREADY buy but give them reasons (like bonuses) to buy from YOU, you won’t lose on that deal. It’ll work for you.


  • Dave Anderson says:

    Marlon, I have been following you for 3 or 4 years, and yes, I made a few purchases.
    I have also followed others, and only been disappointed a couple of times.
    I did great with one promotion for another guy, and pretty good with Google Adwords one time.
    But, I seem to stall every time, and now over a year has gone by and nothing.
    I will turn 62 this year, and if I don’t get my butt in gear, I’ll be working a 9-5 for another 4 years!

    You are a straight up guy Marlon, and if I win, I will do the work! I need this because it is coming down to the wire for me.
    BTW I like your “gimmee” idea and got the GimmeOneDollar domain:)

    Keep doing what you do!

    • marlon says:

      Hey Dave,

      Yep, a lot of us guys are over age 50!! Adwords is still a game you can win at Dave if you focus on it. Facebook ads are really good too if, just like Google, you really stay on top of the rules changes. Facebooks ads are excellent. The biggest issue is they keep changing the rules! You have to stay on top of that.

      Dave, you know I think step one is to find something you can be passionate about. And I’m still a believer in creating and promoting products.


  • Bill Basinger says:

    What was the question? 🙂 O yea, having my OWN blog that spits out leads and sales daily DO for my life in a positive way? Turned 60 last week. I can’t slow down long enough to smell the roses. The construction slowed down and took my retirement with it. I am not learning a new skill that is trending up and not down like my last 44 year career did. I will learn how to make money online and this will set my wife and me free. We can travel and I can work from the hotel room and never retire. 2nd question, What has STOPPED you from HAVING your own blog that WORKS and how could this HELP you! I have some blogs, tried SEO, that’s not free traffic, you have to have all of these programs to get the backlinks to get high enough on the search engines to have any traffic. I know making money is about having a list, I am on a lot of list and I buy things that sound good. But just having a list won’t make you any money unless you know how to market to them. Hope this dashboard does that. Question #3, What has been MISSING in any products you have bought on the topic? Me making money, If you do this, nothing, email support, wait for the answer, I grew up in a world that you could call somebody, they answered the phone, you asked a question and they gave you an answer. Not any more, email, skype, etc and wait. To old to wait, when I have a question I need an answer. As Bill Cosby said I am glad I am on the way out and not on the way in. Question #4, What do you NEED in order to break through and actually CREATE you a blog that gets you leads and sales? If I new that I would be doing it.

    • marlon says:


      Today’s the first day of the rest of the journey. My aunt is 100!

      Bill, you were in construction all your life. Quite often, what you did all your life is the BEST place to sell INTO. Like a course on how to get construction jobs using the Internet. Or things you know about and can PROVE would solve problems people in construction have. Or cutting edge ways construction companies are using social media. My product will help you Bill. I would also say that you might want to consider hiring a Filipina for the technical help. A full time person would be $250 or $300. However, part time would be say 1/2 that.


  • Hello Marlon,

    I currently have 3 blogs, not bad considering I was a complete green newbie when I first got started in 2009…I didn’t even know what a niche was although everyone was telling me in the courses I was buying that I needed to find a niche…

    All of my blogs are geared pretty much around newbies like me and around my online journey…

    Unfortunately my first blog, ( got hacked, and my second one I kinda lost interest in and now I am trying to start one using my name as the domain…

    Again it is along the line of my personal IM journey, the ups and downs, and why I keep pushing forward so as to achieve the personal and financial freedom I desire.

    So having your dashboard would help speed me along and help me to my ultimate goal of helping others that are struggling like me but have not given up.

    I not only want the freedom that IM lifestyle can afford me if done right, but I also want to help the many others in my age bracket that are losing their lively hood from careers they’ve had for many years…

    BTW, thanks for the email about the solo ad summit this past week end, very informative call…

    Willie Robertson

    • marlon says:

      Hey Willie,

      How are you man? Wow, a newbie in 2009 and you have 3 blogs! That’s great. Willie, first congratulations for taking the action you have. You can protect yourself from the hacking so that doesn’t happen again. I suggest going to and they might have a record of your past posts. You could have an outsourcer re-assemble it from that.

      Willie, you have a niche, so if you haven’t productized it, I would. “How I Created My First Blog as a Total Newbie Greenie” might be a start for you.

      Best wishes,


  • Britt Malka says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Thanks for offering this friendly competition 🙂

    I would love to be one of the winners for several reasons:

    Your “Amazing Formula” was the first Internet marketing product I ever bought (and the second info-product) – and it was many years ago, and it made us a lot of money, so naturally I became a fan.

    I have a blog. Actually, I have several. But none of them spits out leads and sales daily. What would it do to my life if I had such a blog?

    Well, first of all, I would probably eat out more often, which would offer me and my husband pleasure and also make the restaurant owners happy.

    I would also spread the word about the method that taught me how to make such a blog, and thus making life better for all the people on my list who seek to make a living online.

    It would make it possible for us to get our own house earlier than expected, on the beach. And that would mean that I would take more walks in the nature. Go swimming in the sea. And read more books on the beach.

    I cannot say that something has stopped me from having my own blog, because I have them. Only I would like to learn how to get daily leads and sales from that blog. I can do it from my mailing list, which is rather small, so learning how to get daily leads and sales would be really helpful to grow my business.

    What have been missing in the products I’ve bought so far? I guess a fool-proof blueprint. A step-by-step guide. Somebody to hold me hand and tell me what to do and what not to do and to say if I do something wrong or if I can improve something.

    What I need to break through and create a blog that gets me daily leads and sales: Confidence. More knowledge.

  • Olivier says:

    Hey Marlon!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your new dashboard.

    I’d like a copy, I implement quickly!

    (note to self, do NOT tell Marlon I am still in the process of slllloooowwwlly implementing the facebook training. But hey, I did my first ad last week and now I am starting 3 new fan page!)


  • Alex says:

    Hi Marlon

    Having a blog that gets leads and sales would help me to stop worrying and spending time doing the job that i MUST do at the mo to provide for the family and instead do what i like and focus more on providing valuable content to my target audience. The bigest positive change i see and aim for is the ability to do what i like at the same time helping others to get what they like or where they want to be at the same time earning enough dollas to pay for “bread and butter” 🙂 and some travels to see new places and experience new things.

    What stopped and whats been missing in other products is the “too much” of info or badly organised and some time contradicting advices you get bombarded with.
    Lack of clarity and a clear step by step plan, something that is easy to implement even if you’ve got a little time sometimes at the same time you can do it at your own pace, so i could get as little or as much done depending on the time available , staying on track and following the system at the same time.

    We’ve actually got the blog and it brings some leads but no sales yet…
    Like i said we do need to have a clearer goal and system to follow.
    Some kind of algorithm – if THIS then do THAT, asses the result, if A then do THIS if B then do THAT… sorry for talking gibberish, just dumping whats in my head on you 🙂
    Communicating and turning leads into customers seems to be tricky as well.

    thanks for the opportunity Marlon, very kind of you

  • I Should Win A Copy of Marlon’s New WP Leads and Sales Dashboard because I have created a blog with logs of traffic but almost no sales. I am now working on a blog in the Crowd Funding niche and I know how to get traffic. I need for this to convert to sales. My goal is to teach the regular person who is trying to crowd fund. I use online and offline events. The internet is the best way to reach the most amount of people. I want to give them information and lead them to sales. Finding the right leads is important. I know the criteria I am looking for.

    What’s missing in other products is that they don’t work in real life! You read and implement and get a completely different set of results. With Marlon’s product I get the results I was looking for.

    I need more targeted traffic, more qualified leads for my specific packages.


    Dr. Letitia Wright

  • I trust you….I have purchased dashboards from you….they are excellent helpers and timesavers
    they are simple to follow…..I want to win the dashboard….if I do not win it,then I will purchase it

  • Steve Hud says:

    I don’t know if I deserve it more than anyone else, but if I am chosen, I will definitely use it.
    Take action on it and give you the results.

  • j says:

    Do I deserve a free copy?
    Probably not, I don’t believe in free.


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