Post your comments on today’s ezine article - Online and Info Product Marketing

Post your comments on today’s ezine article

My article today is:

Two $100,000 A Month Models Compared — PLUS The Shocking Truth About Banner Ads, Your Email, Privacy, And Yes, We Even Have Traffic Secrets…

This was sent to you by EMAIL.  Check your email.  If you aren't a subscriber, then enter your name and email on the right or you'll keep missin' out.

1.  Did you know this stuff about PRIVACY?

2.  Did you get ANY insights into traffic generation or conversion?  Maybe what you've been missing on or an insight of what you NEED to do?

Here's the link to Hide My IP:

Also, Google knows WHAT people BUY (Google Checkout) and WHERE they GO (what they search for on Google Maps).  Did you know you can buy banner ads that FOLLOW people to the web sites they go to?  Yeah, literally, your banners follow them ACROSS major brand name web sites.

But the cost of entry is $10,000 or something like that. Not a cheap buy.

Now, the NEWEST phones TRACK your every movement with GPS and it's stored in a permanent record. I'm NOT making this up. The article just came out today:

Please post.

  • Nelson Tan says:

    Hey Mr. Sanders,

    How have you been doing without Matt? 🙂 More than ever I've been studying conversion and what sells. Thanks for the reminder and keep your hard-hitting mails comin' in.

    best regards,


    [Marlon's comment: Hey Nelson, nice to hear from you. Actually, I miss Lisa since she had worked with me 8 years and was so incredibly talented. But sometimes, it's time for people to move on. It's all good. But Matt was quite talented too. I must say that Danny is a fantastic designer. The only issue is he's part time. I will be hiring a full time webmaster. Santos took Matt's place and is a real go-getter. You should hear him on a live video or teleseminar sometime.]

  • Who owns Skype…eBay bought them for over 2B a year ago and with the new management team…NOTHING has happened. They didn't even have a booth at eBay Live a few months back…Man, 2B and they didn't even get a mention. eBay's new management team is really messing with the model that Meg MADE work. They don't even accept new affiliates now that they went to their own from CJ.

    Did you know you can get Banners at Google thru adwords and for way cheaper than paying for clicks? You can literally take over a website utilizing the banners and can actually target sites you want to be ON. Pretty cool stuff.

    Google has never been MY friend and I don't have gmail…but a LOT of people sure do 🙁 And I have proxyway to surf anonymously.

    As always, a LOT of thinking with every issue you put out Marlon. Thanks!

    [Marlon's comment: Hey Cheryl, I think you should do a product about the banners. Yes, I did know you can buy them. And have. But I didn't get mine to monetize well. I probably didn't know fully what I was doing. You should publish your secrets…:) But you need to give actual before and after examples of volume and cost per click using Adwords vs. banners. I've never seen anyone do that except in a cursory way]

  • Edward Turner says:


    Can you email me a copy of this article:

    Two $100,000 A Month Models Compared

    I just now subscribed to your mailing list, but don't believe I'll get this last email unless I ask.



  • Tres Piernas says:

    Where's the article?

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