Product Marketing: How to Get Higher Prices By Differentiating Your Offer (Get access to a secret post also) - Online and Info Product Marketing

Product Marketing: How to Get Higher Prices By Differentiating Your Offer (Get access to a secret post also)


Marlon here.

Please first watch the 6 minute video then read below to get INSTANT ACCESS to an additional post

You know I have a …

3-step formula for product marketing:

1. Target buyers
2. Build your list
3. Send offers and make sales

Differentiation is absolutely key to #3. I've produced an additional 650-word WRITTEN explanation of the single easiest way to differentiate a product or service. Just share one of my recent popular ezine issues (To Listize, You Have to Monetize) on Facebook or Twitter and you'll get INSTANT access to this additional written post. Use the TWITTER share if you get an ERROR on the FACEBOOK. I can't seem to get the Facebook to work on my box. But the Twitter unlocks your reward EASY!!

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  • marlon says:

    Google">Your comments are welcome.


  • Joe says:

    Make it better to deliver more value.

    Brings to mind also the Gillette technique. Always have tomorrow's improved product ready before you introduce the current innovation today.

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