What does it take to make sales this next week? - Online and Info Product Marketing

What does it take to make sales this next week?


Marlon here.

Normally, I write a newsletter but this week it's a video.

I slept like I was on a bed of nails last night, so the audio and editing on the video isn't flawless. But the content is spot on.

Best wishes,


If you're ready to get started, here's the #1 resource
I recommend.

Best wishes,


  • DARRYL DEAN says:

    Hi Marlon!
    I just discovered this site. I’m one of your affiliates. I’m about to start (finally) selling your products – now that I have LIFETIME advertising all over the place…

    Let me go find my logins…

    You are one of my Original Gurus!
    You,Corey, Mr. Straw, Joyner, Reese, Allen Says, Ken Evoy…

    You 5… are the Fathers of everyone who came a little later…

    I am glad to see you still on Top!


  • Jeff Davis says:

    great to see the old fireball in action

  • Bill H says:

    Marlon, liked the video this week. I have a product I created a while back and just never got it to market. This week’s video motivated me to get back to work on that and put it out there. If it works, great, if not I will have learned something and back to the drawing board. Thanks again.

  • Roger says:

    Last week’s long instructional email was excellent. It’s good to have the variety of short items like this solid-content video. Good advice from a master marketer. Thanks!

  • thomas says:

    Great stuff,keep it coming!!

    I’m learning,I need to make a DVD soon.

  • Frank Gorka says:

    MARLON great content, I am learning everyday something from you
    and I am taking action on what your teaching me.



  • steve says:

    I like unabashed, off the cuff, and unpolished presentation from an experienced master. Feels a little more real than the Todd Gross approach. Thanks, particularly for the advice to watch what they’re doing rather than what they’re saying. Better analysis is a strong path of progress.

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