Secret of Focus - Online and Info Product Marketing

Secret of Focus



Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Re: Sell Products Like Crazy Vol 2, #2
Date: Sat. February 17, 2007

Newsletter Issue:


In this issue:

* ARTICLE: “What I'm doing THIS week to focus only on the
things that'll benefit me the most and get me where I wanna go.”

If you feel overwhelmed, frustrated or don't have FOCUS
for 2007, READ this article! You can feel liberated only 5
days from now….Read on.

* A quick update on what's been going on and some things
you should know about, including notes on RED FACTOR,
Design Dashboard and MILCERS.

* Support issues: Please read the announcements bellow.

* Update on seminars I'll be speaking and/or appearing at.
Plus, a look back at the Jim Edwards seminar.

* Shameless plugs for Mike Filsaime and John Alanis

— I'm doing this issue in a HURRY. If there are typos or
mistakes — oops. My bad. I'll refund the 0 dollars you
paid to get this sucker.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders' Sell Products Like Crazy Ezine
Vol. 2, #2, February 17, 2007

This issue contains:

A. Announcements from Marlon

B. Main Article: “What I'm doing THIS week to focus only
on the things that'll benefit me the most and get me where I
wanna go.”

C. Services You Can Use

D. Controversial Viewpoint Of The Month

E. Q and A

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher

Shameless Plugs

1. Mike Filsaime's upcoming Viral Friends Generator.

This was used in StopmerNet, The Manifesto, and you can
see it live now at Rich's Campaign on step #2.

When used right, this is one of the most powerful tools
yet so simple. To see it live (step 2) go here

This is not simple TAF – TAF sucks becuase there is no
incentive. And if you have an incentive, you need to deal
with support tickets. This handles all that.. thus, huge
viral traffic and no stress.

This tool has made over $100,000 in sales with the few
beta users

Check out the VIDEO here…

2. Yanik's UNDERGROUND event

I'm going to be there Sat. night. I have a speaking gig
Sat. morning during Yanik's Underground. So I will
unfortunately miss most of Sat. But I will be there Sat.
night and Sunday.

Yanik's events totally rock. Seriously, you don't wanna
miss this. Great info and one heck of a fun time.

You can pay in TEN payments. That's a very attractive

3. John Alanis' Women Approach Me

a. This is a GREAT example of selling a LOT with a product
that has less than sterling audio and the cheapest
possible packaging. It's a fantastic example for those of
you who are perfectionist.

John is bringing in a small fortune with this.

John's daily emails are an amazing example of using a
“persona” to promote a product or service. John bills
himself as “The King of letting 'em come to you” and he
sells the idea. PLUS, his course has very clever
applications of Cialdini's 7 principles of influence. It's
practically a lesson any marketer can use.

b. If you're a guy and you wanna meet some women, check it

If you buy, PLEASE tell John (aka “The King”) you found
out about him from Marlon Sanders.

A. “Announcements from Marlon”

One: Update on Jan/Feb Milcer's Newsletter

January issue is almost written. You heard it. I'm an
issue behind. I said I was gonna fix this for ya in Dec.
Now I'm really under the gun. So I'm gonna figure out a
way to do something special for all you Milcers like a
special teleseminar.

Two: Customer support issues

We're hiring a new service person, so Matt was doing
interviews all week and couldn't man live chat. We'll be
back on a normal routine maybe next week. If not, the week

Never email us for support. We often do NOT receive those
emails. What you do is post to our after hours support
desk and get a ticket number.



I plan to attend but not speak at the Mike Filsaime
seminar coming up soon. I'll be speaking (I believe) at
the next Big Seminar in April. That's unofficial. I'll be
attending Sat. night and Sunday of Yanik's Underground.
I'll be speaking at the DRA convention as the special
guest of Rod Cook.

Four: Design Dashboard

If you're stuck on any icon, post to the support desk. I
WANT you to get your site done and be successful.

Five: Red Factor: I have several more modules. I know all
of you have already gotten your value and more. But
really, the upcoming concepts are the best. The next step
if for you to actually CREATE your NABC and send it to me
so I can show it off (if you want) to other Red Factor
members. I realize only 1 or 2 people will ACTUALLY do
that believe it or not. Show me that YOU are the one.

B. “What I'm doing THIS week to focus only on the things
that'll benefit me the most and get me where I wanna go.”
By Marlon Sanders

This has been a liberating 5-6 days for me.

And the next 5-6 days you can feel liberated also. Here's
the scoop:

It's 2007. And with the Design Dashboard launch, I've been
slow to set plans for the new year. I finally got down to

This is the BIG KEY to overcoming overwhelm and
frustration and gaining focus: You set out very
specifically what your top 20% of activities and goals

Yeah, that sounds trite. “Tell me something I don't know.”
But let me tell you what I have personally done. I asked
myself “What are my top 20% of goals and activities for
the rest of this year?”

For example, I want to re-position Milcers. But it doesn't
fit into the first half of the year and probably won't the
last. Or if I do, it'll be a quick makeover.


Because I realized that to reach my big objective I had to
focus on just the absolute most vital activities. You know
the Pareto principle, right? Pareto found out that 20% of
activities give you 80% of the results. It's called the
80/20 rule.

The challenge I have is maintaining our cash flow at a
healthy rate each month while I work on a very important
NEW project. So my top 20% are:

a. Maintain cash flow from customer list

I identified 10 activities to do this and assigned each
one to a week. That's a 10-week plan that should keep us
going well for the rest of the year.

b. Increase affiliate promotion

I identified 5 main activities to recruit new affiliates
and keep our current ones going strong.

Now, for all you NLP people and goal setters, I did tweak
the objectives to be more specific with deadlines and such.
but the above is the gist.

c. Pursue the new, exciting project

I'm assigning 1 team member just to work on this “big
project.” It's the thing that will help us grow over the
next 5 years.

In the meantime, I identified things that could distract
from the above. One of those is that we are hiring a new
service person and Matt has to train him. Plus Matt
handles operations activities. But those will eventually
be handled also by the new person (I hope).

I wrote down each possible detour and my plan for
preventing it from being a detour.

In short, 1 team member will focus on the new objective. 1
person will focus on keeping our cash flow up and
expanding our affiliate base.

As for me? I'll still drink lots of coffee and go to
Quiznos for tea. And I'm going to focus more on being our
evangelist and promoting our distinct approach to

Now, those are MY top 20%. I realize you probably don't
have team members to assign things to. Doesn't matter.
What are the VITAL FEW things you will get the MOST
results from focusing on?

You do NOT have time to jump back and forth from this to
that and NEVER accomplish anything. You MUST focus, focus,
focus on those FEW things you know will help you reach
your goal for the year.

Do you have a big GOAL for the year? If not, set one now.
By Dec. 31 where do you want to be?

* Do you want your own product up and selling? * Do you
want an affiliate program in place and being promoted? *
Do you want to hire your first virtual assistant?

What is it you want? And what are the 20% of steps and
activities that will get you there?

Hop to it. You have work to do and bux to be made.
Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.” If you'd like to get on his
mailing list and receive tips, articles and information
about online marketing, visit:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
“Amazing Formula” in place of the existing URL.

C. “Services You Can Use”

Design Dashboard: If you don't have it, what are you
thinking? Everyone says I should be selling it for $1000,
NOT under $100.

Need a sales letter? I recommend Push Button Letters
combined with my sales letter training. Two URL's for you:

D. Q and A

QUESTION: Marlon, there are so many models out there for
grabbing bux online. Which do I focus on?

ANSWER: I can tell you what MY model is and why.

1. Target a hot market
2. Do your 12 product survey
3. Write your KSL
4. Create or acquire the product
5. Test it and tweak it
6. Roll it out with an affiliate program

If you want the full details, read “Gimme My Bux Now.”
Yeah, it has been around awhile but the model is evergreen
and really works.

The advantages of the model are:

1. It's evergreen. Google won't zap your living tomorrow.

2. It's realistic This isn't a shoot for the moon and
maybe bet lucky and win the million dollars.

3. It's proven Selling products has been workin' a LONG


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include the URL at the end.

Copyright 2007 by Higher Response Marketing Inc. All
rights reserved.
