Squeeze Pages — How To Create A State-Of-The-Art Squeeze Page - Online and Info Product Marketing

Squeeze Pages — How To Create A State-Of-The-Art Squeeze Page


Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Memo To: Marlon
Re: How To Double Your Squeeze Page Results


Marlon here.

The article this week:

“How To Create A State-Of-The-Art Squeeze Page
That DOUBLES Your Response”

Subtitle: If you ain't Squeezin', dis is how u
git started. Get your Squeeze on, baby!

If you're looking for your “money hookup,” if you're in search
of that big JV, if you're hoping a guru is gonna email their
list for you, if you need in any way to get things going or
get better results than you are today, this article is for you.

Ateam members? Please read announcements

VIDEO NEWSLETTER — I'll send out a video version tonight or
tomorrow with EXTRA info not in this text edition. I will do
a video breakdown of the Squeezes I discuss in this issue.

PROMO DASH FORUM — The Promo Dash forum is now LIVE! Just log
into Promo Dashboard and click the forum tab. You should be
logged right in. I'll be popping in next week and doing some
comments. There's some good discussin' going on in there.
Join in.

Ateam call — NEW Ateam call this coming Thursday.


P.S. Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch. I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,
educating. Support the person who feeds you. That's what I got
to say.

Do you want somebody who only talks to you during their bi-annual
launch? Or do you want to support someone who is there for you
every week? The choice is yours.

I'm the one guy here for ya week in and week out — ALL year long.

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #32, September 27, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement: Join my Ateam and get on calls
with me 2X per month for only $37.00.

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: How To Create A State-Of-The-Art Squeeze Page
That DOUBLES Your Response

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



“Join my Ateam and get on calls with me 2X per month for
only $37.00.”

The Ateam is my group. We meet 2X per month on the phone.
You FIRST need to buy Promo Dashboard.

When you do, THEN you're presented with this video.
I want you to see the video now, though, so you understand
what Ateam is about.


Marlon Sanders


One: Follow me on Twitter

This way, if you don't get my emails, you get my Twitters.

Two: Recording of Ateam call

I got a good recording but Danny has to find some time to
get it posted next week. Man, the whole darned week flew
by and I didn't get it posted.

I'm probably making a new hire next week to pitch in and
help out on all these details.

Three: I read Joel Comm's book

Joel Comm's revolutionary new book on the history of Internet
marketing is fascinating. It has a lot of good stories and
Internet marketing history.

I'm in there a lot. It's a fascinating read. No bull. It's
a good read.


Four: Update on Evergreen Mini Dashboard!

Tinu is working on the content this weekend. Keep your fingers

Five: If you're an affiliate, I NEED you to help us promote
Promo Dashboard. With the massive amounts of launches I need YOU
to help us break through the noise!


Six: FORUM for Promo Dashboard buyers is now lIVE!

Log in at: http://www.productlogin.com

Click on the forum tab. There's some good discussion goin'

C. “How To Create A State-Of-The-Art Squeeze Page
That DOUBLES Your Response”

Subtitle: If you ain't Squeezin', dis is how u
git started. Get your Squeeze on baby!

By Marlon Sanders


Are you Squeezin'?

If you are, do you wanna double your results?

If you aren't, do you wanna get your Squeeze on?

A Squeeze page is what you use to convince folks
to give you their name and email so you can follow
up with them like I'm doin' with you right here.

Hopefully, you follow up with some content and value.
Although if you listen to the Ben Hart interview,
you'll see there's more than one way to do this.

Ben only sends pitches but it's because his entry
product is a buck.

And if people won't fork over a buck, why send 'em
free content. That is Ben's theory.

Anyway, lemme (Oklahoma talk for “let me”) break
down a state-o-thhe-art Squeeze page for you.

Here are two pages for you to study:




1. You do NOT have to scroll down the page to see the
part where you input your name and email address.

This is called being “above-the-fold.”

2. The Squeeze pages use VIDEO.

When Daegan tested this, he DOUBLED his response. Thus,
the headline of this article.

3. The headline immediately grabs your attention:

“The AdWords Code for Earning $326,819.61 in 90 Days…”

4. The beginning of the video sucks you right in.

5. There's no doubt about the action Michael wants
you to take.

Just LOOK at the box on the right. It's very well
done with the arrow and all.

Overall, this is a world class Squeeze page. Now,
Daegan calls 'em lead capture pages.

But whether you call 'em Squeeze pages or lead
capture pages, it's all the same thing.

There are important nuances here to consider:

* What happens AFTER someone inputs their name
and email address?

* Is a double optin used?

* How often are follow up emails sent?

* What is the conversion used in the follow up emails?

I discuss these questions quite a bit in Promo Dashboard
and go in depth on my Ateam calls. If you aren't on my
Ateam yet, it's the single best value in Internet marketing.
Two calls per month with ME. And you can try 'em for a buck.


6. Notice the use of PROOF in this video.

You probably don't have THAT good of proof of performance.
But I bet you have something.

And if I'm losing you on the concept of proof, go back
and study Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples or
read my ebook on writing sales copy.

By the way, Michael comped me his Adwords course and it's
excellent. He really knows his Adwords stuff.

7. Notice the sparing but effective use of graphics on
the page. The graphics SUPPORT the overall objective which
is to get you to input your name and email.

Compare this to Daegan's page:


Daegan comes from the old school of copywriting (where I'm
from) that says copy transcends graphics. But like me, he's
learned that graphics CAN increase your response.

Originally, his Squeeze or lead capture pages didn't have
graphics. He boosted response 20% by adding graphics and
doubled response by adding the video.

The thing I LIKE about Deagan's video vs. Michael's video
is Daegan shows actual video of himself. Michael wants
to be more anonymous, so he can't do that.

What you see on Daegan's page is a world-class Squeeze
tested and refined over the past two years.

But he'll also say you don't HAVE to start with the graphics.
Plain ol' text WILL get people to respond. The graphics
are a 20% boost.

In the VIDEO version of this ezine which I'll send out
tonight or tomorrow (feelin' lazy today), I'll include a link
to a site that will show you HOW to create your own video!

It rocks. Totally rocks.

OK. So this is it. The simple structure of state-of-the-art
Squeeze pages.

1. Use video

2. Have a great headline

3. Make it all above-the-fold of the screen

4. Have a great box on the right side

5. Add graphics that support the message

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.”

I'm starting a new MasterMind so to speak. You gotta get
Promo Dashboard first to be a member.

But you can watch the video on it here:



REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention

D. “Services You Can Use”


If you do PPC, you gotta have Speed PPC. I, Marlon Sanders,
100% endorse it:


YOUR OWN BIG TICKET? You want step-by-
step instructions. You want videos. You want it all
covered without “holes.” Then here's the URL for you:

WANT A TO Z? You want to point and click your way to
sales? Then you need the Marketing Dashboard. People rave
about. Oh, did I mention that it's step-by- step:

Many people have copied my software. But there really and
truly is only ONE original.



If you do ANY pay-per-click in Google, or if you are thinking
about it, there is ONLY one tool you absolutly, positively
must know about, live with, sleep with, and use.


Even PRO ppc people don't always use this tool. It gives you
the single biggest boost in quality score, lower click prices
and results I know of.

Instead of getting that next Adwords Ebook that tells you WHAT
to do, get a tool that DOES IT for you. This software has my
full endorsement. I'm using it myself on my new ppc campaigns.

Marlon Sanders

Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.

  • Ethan says:

    Hi Marlon. I'm a purchaser or your products, and a reader of your stuff from way back (last century 🙂 ) when all I knew was you, K. Evoy and the late Corey Rudl) anyway…my squeeze page problem…

    I have heard google is now "slapping" squeeze pages – Mostly from Ben Hart (who supposedly re-did many pages to counteract this – although I can't find the changes)

    I have also heard that google is "slapping" simple salesletter pages from Ryan Deiss (on his members only website)

    So what is a guy to do to market his products now?

    Make a large content site?

    Please help clear up the confusion

    [Ethan, there are MANY places to advertise where Squeeze pages are not a problem. Banner ad sales on the Internet dwarfs Google ad sales in total volume. Now, as far as PPC is concerned, I'm sure Ben if says he got slapped, DID. Ryan is a real pro, so you can put import into what he says. But look at recruitlikecrazy.com. That is a namesqueeze and to my knowledge, Daegan isn't slapped. But the king daddy to look at is AGORA. Agora is a holding company for something like 100 direct response companies. They are very large Google advertisers for their financial publications like investmentu.com, dailywealth.com and many others. I'll try to delve into this more on an Ateam call. What they do and how they do it is beyond what I can cover here. But they are STLL using a hybrid form of 1-page squeeze pages. But with a few twists. But Ethan, there are many, many ways to advertise other than just Adwords.]

  • TheNightOwl says:

    Heya Marlon

    Great response. Thanks.

    You know, I think I'll do a little experiment and get back to you…

    I've got one site I'm focusing on at the moment which got slapped when I first set it up and was driving traffic to it for market research (a survey) despite doing EVERYTHING you mention above: small number of keywords in each adgroup, flawless matching between keyword group, keyword repeated in ad, landing page (meaning I did 20+ landing pages), keyword in title tag, meta-tags, headline etc, keyword/LSI-rich text on the landing pages, privacy/contact/about links, blah blah blah…)

    I ended up pausing my AdWords campaign and getting my traffic from MSN and Yahoo.

    Not the best market research around given that it's not indicative of the vast market-share traffic (i.e. Google's). But I figured that I couldn't do much: they were killing me and telling me my QS was "Poor" even though I was doing EVERYTHING the way I'd been instructed by the AdWords gurus.

    THAT's why I'm wary of people selling AdWords advice: If they're driving traffic to their AdWords advice course mostly via affiliates, then how do I know that they're the real deal?

    Maybe they are. It's possible, to be sure, to be sure.

    But what when you pay for expert advice, follow it to the letter, and still get slapped? What the heck is goin' on there, eh?

    (I don't expect YOU to answer that Q, dude; it was rather rhetorical)

    Anyway, this "experiment" site… It's been sitting around for a few months now not doing much other than have pages/content added to it so this weekend I'll set up a new campaign in AdWords and see how I go.

    I've added a video to the main landing page to hopefully reduce the number of "Back Button" penalty-inducers.

    And I think I'll split the page into two or three, partly for copy-testing/flow-testing purposes, and partly to increase the Google love by showing that (again, depending on my copywriting prowess (LOL!)), visitors click through to other pages on the site.

    The site has also been fully indexed now–whereas it hadn't been at the time I was copping a beating (although this is just one example of several).

    I like the idea of content on the Thank You page. What, specifically, are you referring to, for example?

    I might also try one of those "thin" looking landing pages (not the index) in a different campaign and see how I go with that.

    I'll run this experiment for a bit and then get back to you.

    Dozens of well-respected marketers assure me that AdWords works a treat. I'm yet to be convinced.

    I recognise that just because I haven't done well with it, doesn't mean the whole system doesn't work.

    Like, uh, duh!

    What's intensely frustrating, though, is that I'm good at following directions. If I were doing it my own way where I thought I knew best and wasn't getting results… and then complained about it… that would just make me a plonker.

    But having followed the directions and STILL gotten slapped, I'm twice shy. Y'know what I'm sayin' here?

    Will look into the content network (again)… Thank you.

    And will look into banner advertising. Again, thank you.



    [Night Owl, this is a longer issue than I can deal with here. I think the Michael Jones product would help you and also Perry Marshall. The Wholesale Traffic product by Ryan Deiss and Perry is awesome and tells you 100% how to avoid this fate. I highly recommend it. Read Ryan's report on "thin slicing" and all that. Good stuff. If I were you though, I'd switch gears. Advertise on the content network and with banners. Or start buying ezine ads. Or find a ppc forum and get help from folks there. With Perry's method, you're 100% relevant. It's more work. But your relevancy is through the roof.]

  • […] landing/squeeze page. In fact, I just made a follow up comment on Marlon Sanders’ blog about this: Marlon’s Marketing Minute Blog Archive Squeeze Pages — How To Create A State-Of-The-Art … Anyone care to comment? What […]

    [Hi, I read your post there. So your Adwords keep getting slapped. My question is if someone opts in, what is the NEXT page? Does it have good, solid content on it? My understanding of Google is they want searches to be able to reach unique content without having to double opt in….although I’ve seen exceptions to that also. You need Adgroups with 10 or less keywords, in general. So there’s a tight match between the ad and the landing page. Some people feel that what Google checks out is the index of the domain. So put your landing page on a seasoned domain and put content on the index.html but STILL send people to your landing page….and on the thank you page, put content there. Maybe you should try the content network where QS isn’t as tight. Or banner advertising.]

  • TheNightOwl says:

    Heya Marlon!

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have two responses to your response:

    1. I LOVE the idea of having that VERY small difference in URLs to drive PPC vs affiliate traffic. Simple. Great.

    Are you SURE you typed those URLs right, though?

    The first one (http://www.pushbuttonletter.com) goes to a squeeze page that I would have thought equates to a Google Slap-a-thon: 200 words max, no external links, no privacy link, no sitemap link, etc. whereas the second one has acres of keyword rich text, links, blah blah blah…

    Have I got it all arse about face here or what?

    2. Actually, I didn't really have a question about your ninja dude and whether he's any good because I've never heard of him before.

    I agree with you about the general bleating social proof required-ness-ness of the herd (to mix metaphors), but that's not my (implied) question/comment/criticism.

    [ Sidenote: Actually, all the social proof I need is that someone with as much integrity as you is promoting him. I know you wouldn't promote him if he was shoddy. So… that in itself is social proof, innit? ]

    My point was that it seems a bit rich to believe he's a whiz at PPC if his squeeze page is a Slap-a-thon page he's fueling sales with via affiliate traffic.

    …whilst simultaneously recognising that there's nothing intrinsically unethical about this.

    Just a bit rich, is all.

    Your point that landing pages are horses for courses is, of course, a valid one and food for thought.

    Something just seems wrong to me when just BECAUSE every man and his dog is trying their hand at the Google casino, slaps are warranted but quality scoring seems to be pretty heavy-handed, that someone should be SELLING pay-per-click advice via an apparently Google UNfriendly squeeze page.

    There was no question–explicit or implied. It's just as I stated.

    Although, I reitterate my recognition of the horses for courses point. Nonetheless, it still leaves me feeling funny for some reason.

    Am I making sense here or just ranting?

    [Hi, don't worry about Michael's pages. What you saw is the affiliate page, not the ppc page. Pushbuttonletter.com gets GOOD quality scores. It even has GREAT scores on some keywords. Maybe it wouldn't if I was driving huge traffic to it, which I'm not. But it's had no problems. Personally, I think some of what is going around on this issue is misinformation. I've also heard Google doesn't like long sales letters but I can tell you from my account I have no problems with that. What I have seen with Google is people who TEACH Adwords get slapped. So then, they come up with all these theories. So here's my theory…..if you TEACH Adwords, you will get slapped unless your pages are flawless. And even then, you'll still get slapped. That's my theory. But again, I'm not a big Adwords advertiser….although I'm moving more in that direction as well as other media.]

  • TheNightOwl says:

    Heya Marlon

    Nice examples of design.


    The first one, though, (the one with the Adwords ninja geezer) concerns me a little bit. Didn't Google slap the Hell outta landing pages like that?

    I didn't watch the video; don't have time right now. So maybe he addresses my concerns (which follow) in that. Dunno.

    My point is that I'd be inclined to think that his quality score for his main keywords must suck royally.

    Is he using affiliates and other non-PPC to drive traffic to a squeeze page about how to cash in on Adwords?

    If so, there's nothing unethical about it. But something doesn't sit right about it.

    Look, tell me I'm wrong, please.

    Then tell me why.

    I'm all ears, trust me!

    I know YOU're not the PPC-dude and that you've more or less been getting up to speed on the whole thing yourself these last 6 months or so… and I know you're ALL about affiliate programs (I've been following you for a while now. And folks, I can vouch for the Affiliate Dashboard; it's good stuff!), but if that kind of squeeze page is gonna get pummelled by the BigG (as I suspect it would, but could be wrong about), then it might be worth pointing that out to people before they knock up a page just like that one and then burn through a buncha money trying to drive traffic to it from Adwords.


    P.S. If I'm wrong about this, I'll be jubilant! Really.

    [Hey Night Owl! What's rockin'! What's shakin'! OK. So here's the thing — THAT page is NOT

    a PPC page. IT's an affiliate traffic page. You can't mix marketing models. However, Daegan uses the recruitlikecrazy.com page and gets good Adwords scores for it. I don't know if he gets "greats" but he gets "goods" or oks. Whatever that ranking below great is. Let me explain it this way — I drive ppc traffic to THIS page: http://www.pushbuttonletter.com. But my AFFILIATE traffic goes to: http://www.pushbuttonletters.com. You don't necessarily use the same page for both. The real question you're asking is "Is Michael Jones real?" And you're probably asking that because the other gurus don't promote him. Which is why I'm bringing him to my list. I've seen the product. I've exchanged a number of emails with him. I examined one off his other products. I think the guy merits the attention I gave him. People in this market have social proof on the brain. Unless certain hot gurus of the month promote it, they assume it's not good. But they really and truly don't have a patent on all good ideas.]

  • Sylvia says:

    Once again you cut to the chase and avoid extraneous fluff. This showed + told us what we need to do and how and why it should be done. The video was worth watching a few times. I'm planning a squeeze page for one of my sites and I'm much further ahead for having seen this.

    Thanks Marlon.

    [Hi Sylvia! Nice to heara from you again. Yes, this formula works. Above the fold, video, etc.

    I think you and your client or clients will be very happy with the result.]

  • Katarina says:

    Nice video.Good info about squeeze page and design.Mine was done by designers,life's too short.You can't do everything by yourself.I pay for tasks to be done and I know where to find good,smart people to do them.

    Thanks Marlon

    [Hi Katarina, I employ designers….so I believe in using them. But you'll get a better result if, as you go along, you learn the basics. Or that's how I see it.]

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