Super Affiliate Classroom Product Review + My “Cataract” Bonus - Online and Info Product Marketing

Super Affiliate Classroom Product Review + My “Cataract” Bonus

This new course called “Super Affiliate Classroom” reveals how Paul Nicholls averages $6 to $7 per click on promotions for affiliates products.  Most affiliates generate epc’s of around $0.40 – $1.00 on affiliate campaigns that they run which absolutely sucks and you are losing thousands.

That means most affiliates make around $40 – $100 for every 100 people they send.

The way Paul does it he makes anywhere from $600 – $1500 for every 100 people h sends.

In the video below I will be reviewing this course “Super Affiliate Classroom” and tell you what I found after going through the product in depth + a sneek peek inside the members area.

Only 7 Super Bonuses Available

>> Snag the Super Affiliate Classroom Here + My $1,495+ “Cataract Surgery” Bonus Package <<


>> Snag the Super Affiliate Classroom Here + My $1,495  “Cataract Surgery” Bonus Package <<

Only 9 Only 7 “Cataract Surgery” Bonuses Left

Main Course – You get x21 step by step videos revealing my entire super affiliate strategy

Super Affiliate Classroom price – $497

Upgrade 1 – 4 weeks 1 on 1 coaching normally $5,000 – $1997
That is the ONLY OTO / Upsell

Summary ot My Opinion

I wish I had this course since 1997.  I certainly would have made millions more. And I'll tell you why:

Paul has done what no one else I know of has. He's found a simple way to get buy products from you via your affiliate links and make 5x or 10x more than what others do for the same amount of  clicks.  Ihad NOT heard many of the ideas in this course before.  Wow.  It's a REAL eye opener.

At firsts blush, I thought dang.  $495.  That's kind of a steep price for my list which is largely newbies. But then I realized he's making $7 per click he sends to affiliate offers.  $497 / $7 =  71.  That is ONLY 70 clicks. And he gives you multiple ways to get those clicks and proves they work.

You'll see from the course, 70 clicks are pretty easy to obtain.  He has a secret method I had NEVER heard or thought of for getting clicks that is absolute genius.

The course is VERY, very detailed.  That is what you get for you $495. For $20 you get a course with good ideas and SOME details.  In contrast, for your money, Paul lays out every single cottin' pickin' detail.  Nothing is left out.  I mean, it goes down to the level of planning out your promos on a calender.

Check out my super bonus package below.  I sold two before even getting this bonus page up.  That leaves only 7 bonuses remaining. The reason it's limited is these are real products.  And I have to be fair to the many, many existing owners.

Only 9 Only 7 Mega Bonuses Left

>> Snag the Super Affiliate Classroom Here + My “Cataract Surgery” Bonus Package <<

My Super $1,495+ Bonus Package For You

I have put together a brand new “Cataract Surgery” bonus package for the first 9 7 people ONLY that pick up a copy of the Super Affiliate Classroom” from this Blog. These bonuses are several of my super premium products that have sold at the prices listed.

See, I have Cataract surgery this week.  And my affiliiate commissions on these 9 bonus package sales will erase my doctor's fees!  I have the money.  But I'll feel better paying it with affiliate commissions!  Why not turn a lemon into lemonade?

BONUS 1 – My $1,000 Cash Like Clockwork System that sells at This is a huge bundle of my products that are $100 or less, and also PLR products I own rights to.  There are some real gems in it.

BONUS 2 – My 8496 System 6-week, in-depth training that sosld for $495 and shows you  step-by-step how I created $8496 whilst flat on my back with a horrible cold.

BONUS 3 – I’m going to give you a fabulous PLR product I bought rights to that shows you how to put a product up on W+, which is a wonderful and pretty easy way to get traffic for this system.  Let's say you sell 100 products for $5.00 each.  Now those buyers are on your email list and you could get paid $6-$7 per click if you follow Paul's method to a  T.  What you have is a cash machine.  Launch monthly and use the other traffic methods in the course, and it's not unreasonable to think you could quickly see an income you never dreamed of.

>> Snag the Super Affiliate Classroom Here + My Cataract Surgery Bonus Package  <<

The access info for thesse bonuses will be in the bonus button when you log into W+.  Just click the bonus button.  They're there waiting for you right now.

This “cataract susrgery” bonus package will be gone VERY QUICKLY because I’m only offering 9 pagckages total and 2 got sold before I even go tthis page up.

Closing Thoughts: You should only need 70 clicks to break even on this offer.   And Paul gives yo u plenty of ways to get traffic.  He has a “secret sauce” method I NEVER heard before that is really freaking awesome.  You'll feel like the scales have been lifted from your eyes.

Not only that, when you click the link above, you'll go to Paul's bonus page which is just like this one. And it gives you EVER MORE  bonuses!

Your info on accessing your bonuses will be in the W+ area. Or just post a discussion to me and I'll get you your bonuses.

Grab your copy below..

Only 9 Only 7 Mega Bonuses Left

>> Grab the Super Affiliate Classroom  + My “Cataract Surgery” Bonus Package <<
