Traffic Funnels: Can you really put your traffic funnels on auto pilot? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Traffic Funnels: Can you really put your traffic funnels on auto pilot?

Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Re: Can you really put your traffic funnels on auto pilot?


Marlon here.

What if you had multiple traffic funnels siphoning traffic to your
web site?

And what if you personally had to do only minutes of work to
make that happen? Is that a DREAM or a reality?

Here are my thoughts:

1. Nothing is ever 100% auto piloted without oversight, monitoring
or input.

You're ALWAYS going to have to monitor, adjust and tweak no matter
WHAT the activity is in business.

2. You CAN farm out the repetitive work.

There's NO reason you personally need to do article writing, grunt
work or post articles on your blog.

My articles are posted automatically to my blog every Sunday night
by an outsourcer I obtained via (aff link).

I talked to Terry Dean yesterday and he hardly remembers HOW to
post articles to his blog because his outsourcer does it for him.
And don't think that will cost you an arm and a leg. You can
hire people full time for $250 a month, or even less.

For example, in the NEW traffic funnel I ran across, you CAN have
an outsourcer do most of it for you once you have the basic system
figured out and set up (it's pretty simple).

Here's the new traffic funnel if you haven't seen it yet:

I haven't seen anyone else teach this. Now, this is only ONE of
multiple funnels you'll probably want to use as I explained in my
email yesterday.

3. What you CAN'T outsource is the planning.

YOU are the one who has to figure the stuff out, what you want to
do, how you want it done and then create the plan and the
instructions to make it happen.

You ONLY have to set the system up once but you DO have to do it.
So right now I'm going through a rather elaborate product on seo
so I can create instructions for an outsourcer.

4. The BRIDGE is critical

The bridge is where you take what you LEARN and break it down into
STEPS that you can give to an outsourcer. Just going through info
without breaking it down into steps won't help you much.

5. Imagine multiple streams of traffic

I have a NEW VISION of really robust multiple streams of traffic all
funneling visitors to my lead capture pages.

I discussed these sources yesterday but here are a few notes:

a. Content network on Google

Great for broad offers. Not so good for highly targeted traffic.

b. Google search or placement

Can work for all offers.

c. Affiliate traffic

The best period and should be a part of any program. If you don't
have affiliate software, try either clickbank for something on the
cheap or AUTOMATE YOUR since that also has
autoresponders, ad trackers and your shopping cart. That's my
private label system and has stood the test of time.

I love affiliate traffic and you should too.

d. Banner traffic

Buying banners on blogs, forums, individual sites and so forth is
great because no Google slap can TOUCH it! And your banners will
never jump ship and promote someone else instead as affiliates can

This is one of the ultimate forms of traffic and IS outsource-able.

e. Article marketing

Still a valid form of traffic and great for beginners.

Now, in the past I taught to take one form of traffic and specialize
in it. I still believe in that for the beginner since every
traffic stream has a learning curve.

But if every 3-6 months you add a new traffic stream, I think this
makes sense and diversifies your business IF you can put that
traffic funnel on auto pilot using

ALL of these methods depend on getting people ONTO your email list.
And you do that with a good email capture page.

I show how to set this up a to z in For your
autoresponder, I recommend AUTOMATE YOUR, aweber or
getresponse. Those are my main recommendations.

The SECRET of a great email capture page is your FREEBIE and
especially the TITLE of your freebie. The more attractive your
freebie, the more people join your list.

You CAN have an email capture page without a freebie. You just
offer “more info” and take people to the sales page.

f. Organic traffic

Nowadays this works in combo with your blog and your article

The idea is you send out content to your list that you also post
on your blog as Google bait. And you make sure every page on
your blog has a title with the keyword in it you're targeting
via the “all in one” seo plugin.

THEN you create links TO your articles that all target different
keywords AND those keywords need to be not too competitive.

I made a BIG mistake in the past by not targeting keywords and not
driving links. Well, I really didn't use my blog for seo in the

But what I SHOULD have done is wrote the exact same articles but
then had an outsourcer go in and change the title to target a
keyword and build some links to it.

In the ideal world, you're like and write such
unbelievable content that people link to it all of their own

I think I put some really darned great articles on my blog but
they don't get “natural” inbound links that much.

So even if you write great content you still probably have to help
the linking to your great content along.

The content for your blog needs to be high quality. You either
write it yourself or outsource it to a HIGH QUALITY writer.
That means you'll probably pay 10 bucks an article for high
quality articles.

Articles that you submit to directories or place on web 2.0
properties don't need to be so high quality.

The concern about relying on organic traffic exclusively is you
are very susceptible to changes in ranking procedures by Google.

So you should diversify with other traffic funnels. And like I
say, in the BEGINNING you should master ONE before trying to do
5 or 6.

Start with one good one.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

PS: To add a NEW Traffic Funnel to your systems, check out:

  • Tech talks says:

    firstly i would like to thank you for this amazing blog post. It really helped me, though i already had imagined that trick. Still, you enhanced my optimism and taught me some of the values that go together with this comment-trick.

    Continue your great work

  • David Frey says:

    As always, awesome advice…and it's free!

    David Frey

  • Luis Medrano says:

    "The idea is you send out content to your list that you also post

    on your blog as Google bait. And you make sure every page on

    your blog has a title with the keyword in it you’re targeting

    via the “all in one” seo plugin.

    THEN you create links TO your articles that all target different

    keywords AND those keywords need to be not too competitive."

    – Marlon, I'm not sure what you mean in the second statement about creating links to your articles that target different keywords.

    [Hey man, yeah I blew by that fast. I'll try to cover that in an Ateam call but let me give you the gist here. 1. Research keywords that don't have too much competition. There are many differing methods for that.

    2. You use that keyword in the title of your article and post it on your blog.

    3. You write or outsource articles using the keyword in the resource box and linking to that article your blog. This creates an inbound link for that anchor or keyword text. But you don't have to use articles to do it. Any kind of links to the article using the keyword are fine.

    So for the term "sales letter software" I'd write an article with that phrase in the title. Then I'd outsource several articles on the same topic and in the resource box they would hyperlink to the article on the blog using the phrase "sales letter software" as the anchor text.

    The point here is it's not enough just to post articles on the blog. You have to get links to the blog and to articles on the blog using the various keywords you're targeting and hopefully ranking for.]

    Can you give a quick example? Thanks!

    Luis Medrano

  • Barbara says:

    I enjoy reading your articles Marlon. You break things down in easy step by step directions and provide valuable tools and resources.

    Thanks for providing such great content.

    Barbara Deckmeyer

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