Daily Results Video #3: How to build your list using the “take dominion” attitude - Online and Info Product Marketing

Daily Results Video #3: How to build your list using the “take dominion” attitude


Building on past videos, this week I talk about how to really get yourself going by installing the “take dominion” attitude. This video is around 5 minutes. I got a bit carried away.

  • Marlon,

    I love what you just did in that video…

    The whole thing was just great!


    • marlon says:


      Great to hear from you! How are you? What’s new in your world? Well, video at my age is dicey compared to when your 25. HOWEVER, I have a message and things to say, and sometimes I’m in the mood to say it through video.


  • Donald says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Some service that sir. Best I go and move my butt and crack on…pardon the pun.



  • Don says:

    Hey Marlon: This video really speaks to ME! in a big way….a simple yet POWERFUL message. What's not to understand…I plan to watch it every morning with breaky…..please do MORE of this type….oh yea….Happy Birdday…..TWEET! TWEET! Stay wild….DON

  • Raza says:

    Marlon, you aren't annoying at all. You have a unique style and that's exactly why I look forward to your emails.

    But beyond the silly videos, what you say is 100% true and this mentality crosses over into every aspect of your life.

  • Ernest says:

    Thanks for the inspiration great video

  • Luis Medrano says:

    Marlon, that breakfast sounds amazing.LOL Thanks for the motivation. Keep bringing the vids.

  • Herman says:

    Hey Marlon..I think you should be a motivational coach or minister:-) I was lacking motivation this week to work on my own stuff (somehow I'm more motivated to work on my clients stuff) however your video energized and inspired me to return to working on my marketing funnel. Keep doin what you're doin!

  • les says:

    I love this video, I have downloaded it and plan to watch it every day!

    and of course start tracking and taking control!



    • marlon says:


      The logistics of that will come. It really all starts with that attitude and the 10 minutes daily or whatever it takes you to track it.

      Congratulations on taking dominion over your numbers. Report back in a week or two or three.


  • Lorenzo Rothery says:

    Hello Marlon,

    Well as usual you hit it out the park again. I have come to the conclusion to do what you where saying at the beginning of the year & have decided that is what I am going to do.

    I am sick of those zeros & I know I am better than that.

    Will keep this video close as a slap on the head when needed.

    Thank you

    • marlon says:



      I say that because this works. Keith in our Facebook group started at near zeroes and now I don't even want to print his numbers because no one would believe them. I applaud your decision.


  • Zdenko says:


    Funny,good and inspiring


  • X says:

    Yeah! Hell yeah!! I'm fired up now Marlon – let's get out there and HIT some people!

    Appreciate the enthusiasm, the inspiration, the motivation, the Marlon Sanders GOODness.

  • Well hello Marlon, you are so right about only doing what you can track!

    I had been intent on using an attraction strategy that I favored however once my mentor forced me to check and reveal the stats, it became clear this was only favored due to an emotional attachment and made no business sense. Thus it has been dropped and we move on.

    Forget perfect, setup the tracking and just give it a go. Afterwards take a moment to understand your stats and pick an element can be tweaked for maximum improvement then rinse and repeat.


  • Alex says:

    Gotta love the enthusiasm Marlon!

    Nice shot in the arm


  • Mal Blessington says:

    You right about taking dominion & u are the most anoying little squirt ive come across in ages i thought it was a one off thing but your lije it all the time do im taking dominion and unsubscribing thanks


    • marlon says:

      Hey Mal,

      Yep, I ain't for everybody. Happy trails to you sir.

      Now, for the REST of you. Did you find this video ANNOYING, inspiring, useful, not useful or a waste of time? Let's hear from YOU.

      Best wishes,


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