We Are Creators — The Power Of Creating Your Way to The Lifestyle You Want - Online and Info Product Marketing

We Are Creators — The Power Of Creating Your Way to The Lifestyle You Want

We are Creators.

We are people who love and enjoy CREATING. And are committed and determined to have the lifestyle we want THROUGH CREATING.

There are 1,001 ways to get money on the Internet.

But not all paths lead to Rome. And not all ways to get money lead to JOY.

Here's the way I roll. Here's what I LOVE, love, love. Are you one of US? Are you a CREATOR?

Creators get an idea.

Now, personally, I do this in the morning over coffee. And quite frankly, I use a legal pad. That would be good old fashioned paper for the younger generation that grew up all digital.

Ironically, I got from analog to digital.

I scratch out my ideas on PAPER.

Then I turn those ideas into DIGITAL, so I can get back ANALOG money.

Analog to digital to analog. LOL.

But at the heart of it.

At the core of it.

Is this thing called CREATING. It happens in the mind. It's about taking your CREATIVITY, your knowledge, your special powers and digitizing those into a form others are willing to give ou money for.

And at the heart is a simple act of creation.

Some coffee or tea.

A pen and paper, either physical or figurative.

And your ideas.

Now some people are Creators but don't know HOW to create. They don't know HOW to come up with ideas and digitize them into money.

This is the path CREATORS choose. If that's the path you want to follow, then you're in the right place at the right time!

The GREAT THING about being a Creator is you CREATE money anytime you need it with your brain. You get the idea. Put it into action. And BOOM.

CREATORS reject the idea that the only way to get money is to have someone else TELL you what to do and how to do it.

They prefer to forget their OWN path. And the idea of having to work for someone else is somewhere between very distasteful and HECK NO! Literally, I have nightmares about working for someone else!


Of course, you can start part time. You can start as a side hustle. But your goal is to FREE UP your creative ability to make money in the way YOU want WHEN you WANT.

This is what we as Creators do if you're one of us.

Some people are pretend Creators. They say they want to CREATE. Then the very first thing they want is someone else (like a boss) to tell them exactly what to do and how to do it! That's the opposite of Creating.

Now I give step-by-step instructions as much as I can. I lay out the path for new Creators as much as I can. But at the end of the day, you have to CREATE.

Create frequently.

Create a lot.

Be prolific.

That's not a chore, it's a JOY.

It's something you GET to do. You look forward to doing.

Getting your idea.

Creating your idea.

Launching your idea.

If you're a Creator or want to join other Creators in this path, you're in the right place at the right time.



PS: I know you may be wondering, Marlon, how to do I get started as a Creator? From turning my ideas into money? Step one is to go here and get my free report on the power of Seed Marketing. That way, you'll get my emails and can get in the loop.
