Web Site Traffic Sources — Can You Really Get Evergreen Traffic? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Web Site Traffic Sources — Can You Really Get Evergreen Traffic?



With hundreds of Internet marketers all vying for their piece of the Internet marketing enthusiasts audience, it's hard for a beginner or someone just wanting to get traffic and make sales to know where to start.

I know you must feel confused and a bit overwhelmed at times.  I can barely keep up with all the new things that come out. On the one hand, you have to keep growing and learning.  On the other, there are only so many hours in a day.

I jointly did a product with Tinu, the Queen of Evergreen Traffic.

Tinu's system as 3 parts:

1.  Blogging — You need to post to your blog daily or every other day.  And you need to get all the right plug-ins in place.  This takes a bit of time.  I STILL have some tweaking to do to my blog to get it right.

One thing I DO like about blogging is you can find phrases that have little competition in Google and get ranked on page 1 or 2 just by doing a blog post.  It's very self-reinforcing because you see the results within hours.

2.  Article writing — Tinu has a 3-tier article writing system.  It begins with writing articles and submitting them to directories.  Then she has several higher levels.  One is she has a way to get articles on very high profile sites.  I've not seen anyone else discuss this before.

When you get on these sites, you get free traffic. And you get the benefits of high PR links to your web site, which translates into better seo love from Google, Yahoo and MSN.

3.  RSS content distribution

Tinu mastered the art of getting content automatically posted to other web sites.  Now, to do this you have to be writing those blog posts daily or every other day.  I have problems writing in my blog daily.  But if you're a person who can stick to a schedule, this will work for you.

The system 100% works.  And it won't stop working any day soon.

The investment is your time.  You either invest time for traffic or you invest money.  Or you do both.  

I was always skeptical that you could create Evergreen Traffic using Google.  But if you produce high quality, unique content consistently, you definitely can.  That means you'll need to write a lot.  If you don't want to do that, it may be possible to hire out the writing.

A lot of people are doing that.  But I'm not sure you can get quality content that will ultimately survive the test of time in Google.  Maybe.  Tinu's system uses unique, quality content that you write.  It's work. But it definitely gets results.


  • Kerry Atma says:

    Marlon thanks for the tip about finding low competition phrases – is this something you do through a service like Wordtracker? Its good to know that I'm in top notch company as I attempt to rev up my blog with the raciest plugins. As a Twitter user I've found the Twitter Tools plugin http://tiny.cc/RzS6X a useful way for seeding blog topics automatically from my Twitter entries.

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