What do YOU trade for dollars? - Online and Info Product Marketing

What do YOU trade for dollars?


Marlon here.

I just got back from the gym. Man, it feels GREAT to be able to get
back on cardio. Now, I don't know if I can do the treadmill again
or not. We'll see. I hope I can.

But are you on the WRONG kind of treadmill?

The one where you trade time for dollars instead of products?
So the question is, do you trade products for dollars or time?

If it's your own personal time, how do you break out of the trap?
Well, you gotta:

1. Have a product or products to sell

2. Promote the products

So which comes first? The chicken or the egg? Creating products
or building a list?

The fact is, some people simply get stuck creating a product. They
just don't seem to be able to get it done. If that's YOU, then I
recommend you go on and start building a list and selling affiliate
products until you get the guts, expertise or confidence to create
your own product.

However, I'm a huge advocate of having your own product.

This is one thing that separates me from other marketers. Most
other marketers KNOW creating a product is a sticking point for a
lot of people. So they sing the old song and dance about how
you don't need products at all.

I beg to differ.

So what about you?

Are you still driving to work every morning and fighting the rush
hour traffic going home? Is your commute 30 or 45 minutes longer
than it needs to be?

Do you get tired of having someone else tell you what to do all
the time?

If you do, then why not put the pedal to the metal and get your
own product, your own list and start rocking and rolling?

Last week on my Ateam call, I told about a simple little Twitter
method about anyone can use to build a list of 500 people in a few

If you're on the Ateam, I'll be posting that audio in the Ateam
community area this weekend.

Anyway, you CAN build a list.

You really can.

You CAN send out emails that sell either your own product or an
affiliate product. But here's the key:

If you're selling an affiliate product, do a little Camtasia video
that shows how YOU used the product and what it did for you. You
can do up some little Power Point or Open Office (free) slides.

Or, if it's something web based, you can show live screen video.

At the end of the video, you redirect through your affiliate URL.

Now send the video to your list!

It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.

Right now I'm testing out a a new method that gets clicks for 1-2
cents each. High quality clicks worth up to a buck each.

Maybe you're stuck researching your target market. I know on my
Ateam call last week, one lady was just STUCK doing this and
overwhelmed with it.

I showed her how to get it done in 1-2 weeks. It doesn't need
to take forever.

Building a list doesn't need to take forever.

Have you been blogging? If you have, then you have enough content
to put together a free ebook you can advertise in ezines, banner
ads and so forth.

Anyway, I've gotta hop in the shower, run down and see how Danny
and Sean are doing on our totally rockin' new Mini Evergreen Traffic

This is totally exciting.

I can't wait to tell you about it.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

P.S. Try out my Ateam for ONLY a buck and you'll get the audio
where I talk about how to get 500 people on your list in only a
few days. And also how to get your target market research done in
only 1 or 2 weeks:


  • Katarina says:

    Great video Marlon, to the point and info is very cool.This way we can sell something really fast and now, we know where and how exactly.

    Thank you


  • Dale Calvert says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Loved your "Old School" training video, I talked about it in detail in this weeks MLM Minute at http://www.TheMLMMinute.com.

    You Rock!


  • Carol says:

    Hi Marlon

    I'm confused….are Tinu's videos only available for purchase to those that "previously purchased" the Evergreen System? Or are they also available for purchase to those that buy the system now?

    Thanks so much,


    [Carol, the new Evergreen Traffic System mini Dashboard containing step-by-step instructions with a brand new in depth audio covering all the steps is FREE to existing buyers. This new mini Dashboard is really awesome in my opinion. I went through every word of it and also interviewed Tinu on all the steps and clarified anything I felt wasn't 100% clear.

    The VIDEOS are separate from the mini dashboard and are being sold. Tinu walks through the major steps on video.]

  • Dali Burgado says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Great words of encouragement and advice.

    Most Internet Marketers do get caught up in the "analysis paralysis" stage. I can admit I used to!

    Video is something I'm under utilizing, so thanks for the reminder.

    And..I am an absolute Twitter fanatic and have found it to be an awesome tool for list-building.

    I appreciate you.

    Dali Burgado

    [Hi Dali, Twitter is an excellent list building tool. Thanks for posting here. And yes, crank up

    the video!]

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