What If You Can’t Find People To Take Your 12 Product Survey? - Online and Info Product Marketing

What If You Can’t Find People To Take Your 12 Product Survey?



Hey Guys and Gals,

Marlon here with a new article to talk about an important stumbling
block some people have in doing 12-product surveys:

Main Article: What If You Can't Find People To Take Your 12-Product

POST TO MY BLOG: I want to hear your feedback on the Info Product
Dashboard.  Hit me on my blog:


Let me hear from YOU!  If you aren't getting it, what can I DO to
help  you make that POSITIVE step to trading products for dollars
instead of time for dollars?

I'm going to be holding a QUICK START conference call for all
Info Product Buyers where I'll be talking about doing your 12
product surveys and helping you on any other sticking points you
have in following the Dashboard.

There's still time to get in on it. Here's why you should?

Let's say you're BROKE!  Why are you broke?  Because you are trading
your own personal time for dollars and you can't sell your time for
that much.

Let's say you had a product that ONLY sold for what you make per
hour.  And you sold 8 of those a day.  Now, what would your financial
situation look like?

You would DOUBLE your fungolas in the bank.  But what if you could
go back to those buyers and sell them something else?

This is how you get to be NOT BROKE!

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Vol. 2, #20, December 1, 2007

This issue contains:

A. Who Else Wants 98 Cents A Click?

B. Announcements from Marlon

C. Main Article: What If You Can't Find People To Take Your
12-Product Survey?

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


Get Your Info Product Dashboard TODAY So You Can Be On The
Quick Start Conference Call!


It's the only step-by-step, A to Z system not JUST for
creating info products …. but that shows you HOW to select
product ideas using my “flanking move” I've built my business
on, HOW to do 12-product surveys with an actual example, that
gives you a tested, proven email & source witha  30% success
rate in getting interviews with experts — PLUS, templates
that would cost your more than the Dashboard to have custom

Not to mention that I've finally figured out how to do a
OTO using Amember and produced a video for you.

A. Who Else Wants 98 cents a click?

The Info Product Dashboard is producing 98 cents a CLICK
across ALL TRAFFIC currently coming to site. I pay 50%
on the 6-week coaching 1/2 priced OTO upsell.

If you got a list and you want a chance at 98 cents a click,
go to:  http://www.promotemarlon.com



One: New Bonuses To Be Added For Info Product Dashboard Buyers

I have some new bonuses I'll be adding in December. Hot stuff!
So hang out and let me hit you with several more cool things,
including the live forum text chat this Tuesday.

Two: Get Support In The Forum

I have a 60-day forum (meaning it will be live for the next
60 days) to help support Info Product Dashboard owners.  Go
there if you get stuck on anything and post.

I encourage members to help each other.  My staff will also
do their best to help.

THREE:  Ewen Chia and Lisa Diane and Joel Comm!

OK, I will be sending endorsements for 3 offers in the next
week or so.  Ewen Chia is launching a product today.  I can't
find my stupid Clickbank ID or I'd tell you about it today!

Anyway, Ewen is a friend and has some awesome info to share.

Lisa Diane is a powerhouse and has an offer I think you deserve
to know about.

And, Joel Comm is my bud. And since the product has ME in it,
of course I'll be telling you about it.

I don't endorse offers often. But these are 3 offers I think
you should look at.

C. What If You Can't Find People To Take Your 12-Product Survey?

In the Info Product Dashboard, I teach a method for doing a
12-product survey.

I KNOW this method works.

The problem or challenge is, if you don't have a list, WHO do you get
to take the survey?

Last week I held a live forum chat with my Info Product Dashboard
buyers.  Several people were getting stuck on this point.

I'm going to be talking about that issue and more in my Quick Start
call.  You can STILL get in on this if you're not an owner yet.
But you need to get on board immediately.

Let's drill down on this problem some.

One way of doing the survey is to find forums that target your market
and get those people to take your survey.

If you're in a small niche, you have a pretty decent chance the
members will be happy to do it.  However, in some niches, it's not
so easy to get people to take the surveys.

In the Quick Start call, I'm going to cover ways to solve this

But right now, I want to talk about a simple solution:

A friend of mine actually buys PLR, Private Label Rights, and sells
those ebooks for the Front End.  If you've read “Amazing Formula,”
you know Front End means the initial sale.  The cool thing about
PLR is you can change or add to the content.

With reprint rights, you usually can't do that.  With PLR, you can
make yourself the author (typically).

So what my friend does is sells PLR ebooks on the front end.  They
usually come with sales letters.  He uses split testing and his
copywriting ability to tweak or improve the conversions on the
sales letters.

This is something the vast majority of PLR buyers do NOT do. They
just buy it, stick up the sales letter, the conversions don't pan
out. So they get discouraged.

The winning approach is to split test and improve the letter.

Now, for the BACK END or repeat business, he sells a CD of the month
created using the methods in the Info Product Dashboard.

It works like a charm for him.

My point is that in business you have to PROBLEM SOLVE. Most people
buy PLR products and throw up the exact same sales letter as
everyone else. People who succeed test and change the letter.

That is problem solving.

Some people will let the lack of success getting people to take a
12-product survey STOP them.  Others will figure out ways to move on.

My friends PLR solution is just one possible way to solve the problem.

Here's one SIMPLE solution.  Post in the forum and ask for ADVICE
from the members on how to get people in the target audience to take
the 12-product survey.

Let the members of the target market teach you how to successfully
survey them!

The real lesson here, though, is do NOT let an obstacle stop you.
Find a way to get around it.

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.” If you'd like to get on his
mailing list and receive tips, articles and information
about online marketing, visit:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
“Amazing Formula” in place of the existing URL>

D. “Services You Can Use”


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
bundle.  Avoid going down the wrong path.

NEED A SALES LETTER?  http://www.pushbuttonletters.com
Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.


Copyright 2007 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
