What Is A Demonstration of Higher Value - Online and Info Product Marketing

What Is A Demonstration of Higher Value

Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Re: What Is A Demonstration of Higher Value and How Can You Use It
To Get People To Buy From You or Pay More?


First off, this is MY week on the Next Internet Millionaire
reality show.  To celebrate, I'm giving you COUPONS for $20-$75 off
my products.


These coupons EXPIRE.  So don't take all day to get yourself over

Article today:

“What Is A Demonstration of Higher Value and How Can You Use It To
Get People To Buy From You or Pay More? (Or even just pay
attention and read your emails!)”

Alternate title:  If people don't value or respect you or what you
sell, here's the secret of turning that around while spending very
little money.

You can bounce back your comments on the article today to
my blog at:


Oh, and spread the word about my appearance on the show on forums,
blogs, etc.  And if you like the article below, publish it to your
list or post it on your blog and let me know in comments.  I DO
pay attention!

Best wishes,


Marlon's Marketing Minute
Vol. 2, #13, September 15, 2007

This issue contains:

A. Blog post of the week

B. Announcements from Marlon

C. Main Article: “What Is A Demonstration of Higher Value
and How Can You Use It To Get People To Buy From You or Pay More?”

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


FREE VIDEO Shows You How To Create Your Header Graphic
For Your Web Site In 16 Minutes and 8 Seconds


Watch the video.  Lisa hasn't worked a lot for me lately
due to illness.  But she got the time to create a kick


There are tons of good comments on the blog. Here's one from Jim
that relates to my article this week.

Jim Legington | UpperRoomMKTSolutions.Com

Cheers Marlon, You are really Amazing to me and I'm glad to be a
Marketing Relationship via Your products and Marketing wake. It's
Amazing, but I can honestly say that every product going back to
over period of 5 years has been a treasure in Marketing for me
one way or another.

Yes I started learning from the Amazing Formula that Sells Products
like Crazy and Gimme My Money Now. The Learning Curve for me was
to get Focused on the EverGreen Your where and or teaching. Just
our way of saying Thank You Marlon! In Hoping that we can help
send Your message Viral, we have added Your Article Marketing
Tips in Next Level Viral Marketing Illustrated using a Viralet
for Presentation,

Yes I Really do beleive that it rocks – You create value through
packaging, appearance, presentation, the pitch. And just by being
convinced you really ARE offering something of value.


B. “Announcements from Marlon”

ONE: Coupons for $20-$75 off my products


TWO: New Milcers issues are written

I”ve written two killer Milcers issues to catch up you guys and gals.
I'm going to get Santos to fix 'em up and get 'em out to you next

THREE: I'm on Next Internet Millionaire NOW!

I'mm 1/2 way through.  So you have to watch the first half.  Hint:
If you're squeamish about people eating WORMS, fast forward!

FOUR:  Special affiliate promo hits next week —

I have a very special promo to help us celebrate my Next Internet
Millionaire appearance.  So watch your email box.

FIVE:  I'm speaking in London in 2 weeks at the Frank Garon event.
If you're able to make it, it'll be a great time for all.

C. “What Is A Demonstration of Higher Value and How Can
You Use It To Get People To Buy From Your or Pay More?
(Or Even Just Pay Attention and Read Your Emails!)
So there he is.

They call him “the pick up artist.”  He's wearing this crazy, tall,
funky top hat like a magician.  He has odd jewelry on.  And he's
teaching guys how to “pick up women.”

It's a show on in the U.S.  Where the man named “Mystery” takes a
group of dateless, desperate guys and teaches them how to meet

It's fascinating in that he has his own world and own set of
terminology.  Things like DHV's, which stands for “Demonstration
of Higher Value.”  Then there are OIO's, which are indicators of
interest and IOD's, indicators of disinterest.

And the lingo goes on.  You can see video of him on VH1.com.  Just
search for “pick up artist.”

What's totally and completely bizarre to me is how much of what he
says applies to Internet marketing.  I'm going to zero in on one of
those things — demonstrations of higher value.

For example, in “The Mystery Method,” he has his guys wear clothes
or articles of clothing that are unique and stand out.  One reason
is so they have a conversation piece. The other is to increase
their social value.

Point:  Your packaging or design of your products and web site
signals or demontrates the value you have.

Another thing Mystery has his guys do on the TV show is “social
proof” themselves by being seen with attractive people. So a guy
might invite along an attractive woman some place to help him
meet someone else.  By implication, he has high social value if
he's seen with someone perceived as attractive.

In short, social proof.  Social proof in marketing would be
having articles published in directories, speaking at seminars,
testimonials, showing that you hang out with popular influencers,
and so forth.

Then, there is scarcity — not looking so “available.”  By
implication, if you're in demand, that's a demonstration of your
value. And if you're NOT in demand, then it's a demonstration of
low social value.  DLV.

Anyway, I could go on and on drawing parallels.

And the point I want to make today is that you may already know a
lot about marketing that you don't know you know.

Why?  Because if you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife,
you probably used some or all of the above techniques without
realizing it.

Signalling value or demonstrating value for your product or service
is largely FREE.  It costs you NOTHING to do but has a major impact
on whether or not people buy from you.

And chances are, you've already demonstrated a skill in doing this in
an area of your life in the past.

People buy based on benefits – costs.  And increasing the benefits
part of the equation is as simple as demonstrating or signaling
higher value.

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.” If you'd like to get on his
mailing list and receive tips, articles and information
about online marketing, visit:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
“Amazing Formula” in place of the existing URL>

D. “Services You Can Use”


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