Whiners vs. Doers - Online and Info Product Marketing

Whiners vs. Doers

Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Re: Whiners vs. Doers


Marlon here.

Two kinds o people.

Whiners. They whine. They complain. They bitch. They moan.

They act like the world owes them something.

That gurus are all out to scam them.

That gurus owe them freebie products and maybe if they succeed
they'll fork over money.

These people have a victim attitude about life. They are the VICTIMS
of gurus or other people. They do NOT have responsibility for their
own actions.

They spent $5,000, $10,000, $50,000 and have NOT made a dime and
it's all someone else's fault.

You know why a lot of “gurus” don't enjoy the guru business?
Because of people who blame the guru for their lack of success.
Just like blaming the President or the economy if you don't have
a job.

If this is YOU, you do NOT need to buy anything at all from me.
You need to do one and only ONE thing.

Go buy Atlas Shrugged. It's at your bookstore. Buy it new. Buy
it used. Read every page. Yeah, it's a LOT of pages. That's
because you NEED a lot of pages to get this stinkin' thinkin' out
of your brain.

Ain't no Internet marketing book, course, seminar or system gonna
help you. Go read Atlas Shrugged.

Then there are doers and people who are PROACTIVE.

They learn and take responsibility for their actions. They learn
to DO. Not just learn to learn.

If things go wrong or go bad, you realize it was because you CHOSE
to be passive. And you CHOSE the actions you took. And you didn't
model a success formula.

Actually, all the things Napoleon Hill talks about. That is what
it takes. And if things don't go right in your business, there is
ONE and only one person you blame.


And you know why? Because if YOU make things go bad, then YOU have
the power to make them go right.

By cranking up some products.

Be cranking up some Adwords.

By cranking up your lead generation.

By cranking up your product creation.

By cranking up your ezine.

By cranking up your affiliate promotions.

By cranking things up you make them go.

An object in motion tends to STAY in motion.

An object at rest tends to stay at rest.

Which is why I LOVE going to the gym.

And which is also why I gave myself a hernia. NOT my personal

I did it even though he was right there.

But in the end, I take responsibility for my actions.

The buck stops here.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

PS #1: Crank It Up

PS #2: Post your comments

  • Sam Longoria says:

    Go Marlon!

    [Brother Sam, that's funny! Well, you know. It needed to be said. I hope it didn't sound harsh. but you know, you just gotta DO.]

  • Welly Mulia says:

    Hey Marlon,

    Great one! Very inspiring!

    I guess whiners are there for a reason (though I don't know what that reason is).

    Maybe they are there to make the world balanced? lol 😛

    Anyway over the years I've learned that the only thing that can propel us forward is to actually take action and JUST DO IT!

    Yes we may fail, and yes we need to learn, but it is actually through doing it that we move forward.

    Excellent! Keep more coming!

    Welly Mulia

    [Hey Welly, thanks for being on baord with us! And yep, you move foward and make mistakes sometimes.]

  • Susie says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Susie here, long time reader, first time commenter!!! I like the content you provide in your ezines and the design dashboard is a great product.

    This year I am focusing on matching as many PLR ebooks to my adsense sites as possible to maximize and exposure or traffic. I plan to expand my list (non-existent so it has to expand!)with squidoo lenses, more blogging, linking back to my sites via article marketing and off line mentoring of local businesses to get their internet presence happening and linking back to my sites through their lists!

    Yea Ha. Are you coming to the World Internet Summit in OZ this March?


    [Hey Susie, I'm up for a little operation due to working out too enthusiastically in the gym. So I'm not traveling for awhile. But Australia IS a wonderful place. I loved the Gold Coast. Susie, I'm not sure on the Adsense thing. What you're talking about is a low volume traffic method with article marketing and such. From what I know you need high volume web sites to make money with adsense. Make sure you have a tested, proven model to follow. What DOES work is list building. Article marketing and Squidoo lenses are good organic seo methods but NOT enough unless you are REALLY astute at them like Tim Gorman is with article marketing. If you want to do organic seo, get the seo lies report I recommended last week and DO everything in that report. I would forget adsense on your model with all due respect to my pal Joel Comm and focus on using the organic seo traffic to list build. If you want the free organic traffic, DO Seo Lies verbatim. Marlon]

  • Joy says:

    Good points.

    I'd produced an ebook on natural, drug-free approaches to treating and preventing migraine. I'd promoted it on Adwords (and lost money), with article marketing and in my blog, but sales were poor.

    Then towards the end of 2008 someone explained to me that a blog that's not hosted on your own site is less effective than using something like WordPress on your own site. I was gutted cos I'd worked hard and spent money on that blog.

    Anyway, I had to pick myself up again and learn WordPress, which isn't easy for a non-techy like me.

    But my "crank up for 2009" is restarting my blog on my own site:

    [Joy, study any ads for migraines that ARE sticking on Google adwords. IF they are sticking there, they are making money. Study HOW they are making money. Compare sales letters side by side. Compare ads. Compare follow up emails. Try that and let me know what successful ads have that yours doesn't….If they run for 3+ weeks in adwords, I'd call them successful. Study their landing pages. NEXT: On your landing page, collect email addresses. NOW send an ezine on health topics and sell related affiliate products. Heck, sell OTHER migraine products if you can't sell your own. Get these people on a list, send them emails and sell other types of related health products and ebooks. Stress reduction and sleeping are two that come to mind. Get 'em on a list. Sell em more stuff. THAT will make money. Oh, try teleseminars, podcasts and the OTHER methods I teach in rows 5 and 6 of Promo Dashboard.]

  • Liz says:

    So true Marlon!

    What I am doing differently this year is committing to DAILY action on my goals (both personal and business goals).

    I've heard that by making something a daily habit, you're much more likely to make progress and move forward than if you try to do it twice a week. (or any other schedule)

    In other words, working on something for 3 hours on Wed and Sat is not as effective as working on it 15-20 mins every single day.

    So that's what I'll be doing. 🙂

    [Liz, that is awesome…try to work on your most important goal first thing.]

  • Pammieb says:

    Hi Marlon, I have probably commented more on your blog then any other blog since I started. Why

    – because you inspire me to think

    – you tell it as it is

    – your advice makes sense

    – you provide quality products

    – and you recommend products that always seem to be just what I need at the time I get the email (how do you do that, maybe you have a sixth sense)

    Plus you make me feel like I can succeed if I continue to perservere, learn, observe and implement what I am being taught.

    This year I am focussing on social networks, creating more of my own products to upsell to my list, video marketing, affiliate marketing in other niches outside my area of expertise and I am also running my first course for newbies.

    Plus at the end of last year I started contacting internet marketing Gurus to ask them for an interview and I was remarkably surprised how many said yes. So I am very excited about this as well.

    All very exciting and scary at the same time.

    But I agree, if you don't take action and have a go you will never know. I have had lots of small wins in the last 3 years in internet marketing. This is the year for my big win and I am really driven to succeed.

    Thanks for motivating me with your knowledge, truth, honesty and educational emails.



    [Pam, I'm sure you'll be an inspiration to others who aren't sure they can do this! You are doing all the right things. You find your niche, you create products. You network. You build your list. You're on the right track.]

  • John Russo says:

    More great inspirational information Marlon. The victims should have gone to the BBB for a lesson in running a business before spending money. Some people get lucky and others go broke but with good planning and careful spending everyone benefits.

    This year (2009) I'm working on repairing my past mistakes

    implementing strategies that will work,

    focusing on one subject or niche area at a time,

    More keyword strategies

    Improved copy writing for seo results.

    Improved site design and landing page testing.

    Work on traffic, lists, blogs, and social marketing.

    spend more time reading Marlon's articles and blog to learn and do.

    generate a list of necessary programs and equipment to purchase this year.

    [Hi John, that's a big list. Make sure it's a coherent plan that fits together. How about picking 1 method to generate traffic. PPC is good for that. Get people on an email list. Send out engaging emails 2x-4x a week. Give good content and include ads for the affiliate products. Post the articles on your blog and you''ll get some natural seo. Submit some of them to ezinearticles.com for more natural seo. Invite every customer to put a brandable pdf on their Facebook, Myspace or Blog. That gives you affiliates. If you refer to my Master Plan article, I covered most of these bases. It all starts with getting people onto a list via Google, Yahoo or MSN Adwords and then writing and sending out good content 2X to 3X a week or more and posting it on your blog. Is that helpful, John? Once you get this system humming, you can create your own product and put it on Clickbank. The Marketing Bully site I've talked about is a GREAT starting point for you John.]

  • Hi Marlon,

    Well if you want to know what i thought of post and what Pro-Active Measures i am curently taking to make 2009 a big year.

    All you have to do is Google following

    Two kinds o people Whiners Vs. Doers.

    Guess who is right below you ?

    Spreading The Gospel As Per

    "Marlon Sanders" (Lol)

    With Respect & Gratitude

    Douglas Stuart


    [Douglas, WOW! That is so freaking awesome. I had not idea it made it into Google

    that fast. Glad to see you there and on board spreading the gospel.]

  • Trapper says:

    Hey Marlon,

    Great Post! As a former Marine, I LOVE when someone tells it the way it is!

    Here is how I am bringing in 2009.

    1- at the end of 2008 started http://whoelsewantstofiretheirboss.com and http://www.whoelsewantstofiretheirboss.com/blog This is one of YOUR reseller pages, and this is where I direct traffic for people looking for ways to start on the net. The blogs talks about ideas and how to implement them and I also have your affiliate resources on there. These are products that I trust and know they work.

    2. took a product of mine and created a whole new product called "Press Play, Then Sleep" system located at http://www.sleepsecretaudio.com This audio product will be the easiest way for people with sleep loss or insomnia to drift off to dreamland. I am already thinking of other products to go hand in hand with this one.

    By the way, I used Your Push Button Letter software to write this newest webpage, along with the dashboards for help in making the site.

    I will use my other blog http://www.thesleepsecretebook.com/blog using the Evergreen Traffic system to keep traffic flowing to this new site.

    Actually I use the Evergreen system for all my blogs, keeps a continuous flow of visitors once you get it started.

    See, it can be done, and with no Whining.

    Keep the truth comin Marlon, I LOVE it!


    PS…How is your sleep loss doing? Still got it? If so, I'll get you a free copy of my Press play, then sleep system if you want one. Just say yes 🙂

  • Trapper says:

    Hey Marlon,

    Great Post! As a former Marine, I LOVE when someone tells it the way it is!

    Here is how I am bringing in 2009.

    1- at the end of 2008 started http://whoelsewantstofiretheirboss.com and http://www.whoelsewantstofiretheirboss.com/blog This is one of YOUR reseller pages, and this is where I direct traffic for people looking for ways to start on the net. The blogs talks about ideas and how to implement them and I also have your affiliate resources on there. These are products that I trust and know they work.

    2. took a product of mine and created a whole new product called "Press Play, Then Sleep" system located at http://www.sleepsecretaudio.com This audio product will be the easiest way for people with sleep loss or insomnia to drift off to dreamland. I am already thinking of other products to go hand in hand with this one.

    By the way, I used Your Push Button Letter software to write this newest webpage, along with the dashboards for help in making the site.

    I will use my other blog http://www.thesleepsecretebook.com/blog using the Evergreen Traffic system to keep traffic flowing to this new site.

    Actually I use the Evergreen system for all my blogs, keeps a continuous flow of visitors once you get it started.

    See, it can be done, and with no Whining.

    Keep the truth comin Marlon, I LOVE it!


    PS…How is your sleep loss doing? Still got it? If so, I'll get you a free copy of my Press play, then sleep system if you want one. Just say yes 🙂

    [Hey Trapper. Awesome comments. And I like and appreciate the way you're implementing things. Props on that. Thanks so much. I sleep like a baby when I work out. But if I can't work out, it's like there's nothing to make my body want to rest.]

  • Lee says:

    Right on Marlon! Good thing about starting and running a business is being able to make mistakes and learn from them without being berated by a nobody. A great thing is having gurus that take the time to share success in many forms.

    Thanks for sharing Marlon!

    [Lee, appreciate your comments. And yes, a business gives you the joy of victory and agony of learning at times.]

  • Denise says:

    Bravo, Marlon!

    I especially love this part:

    "That gurus owe them freebie products and maybe if they succeed they'll fork over money."

    I've had people write and tell me that I have enough money and I shouldn't be trying to sell them products until they've made some money. lol Well, I'm no guru, and in my opinion, I don't have "enough money" … yet. 😉

    But as you said, they blame everyone but themselves for not succeeding, or for spending too much money without making any money. It's time they take responsibilyt for their actions.

    Thanks for writing such a fantastic post!


    [Hi Denise, glad at least 1 other person identified with it! Marlon]

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