Winners Announced for blog contest - Online and Info Product Marketing

Winners Announced for blog contest


The following  people  will receive a copy of WP Leads and Sales Dashboard in their account.

The following people receive the Dashboard
on me as a result of their blog submission:

Video submissions:

Dr. Fred Rouse — Very good communication and professional.  Well spoken.
John Racine — I really liked the believability of this video John.  I hope the Dashboard helps you with your traffic!

You guys get an extra special treat.

Blog comment submissions:

Eugene Mills — Eugene, you have a lot of writing talent.   You need to start writing special reports, or maybe do it freelance.  But you have talent I do believe.
Joe Labedis —  Great story related to Dr. Martin Luther King.
Ron Simon — Ron, you showed  that you read and pay attention
Paul (has product on natural disasters) — Paul, post your email and full name to so  I can comp you.  You're applying direct response marketing to preventing nuclear attack. Now THAT is something I'm for.
Barry Anderson —  You showed me you have initiative.

We had a TON of great submissions and I could have chosen many others.  Thank you all.

If you didn't win, go ahead and check out the WP leads and Sales Dashboard.

  • Sunny James says:

    Hi Marlon
    This is Sunny James from Pennsylvania
    sorry I missed this opportunity also congrats to the winners for taking action and growing
    this is one of the ways to success!!!!

    Sunny James : )

  • Hi Marlon. Just wanted to give you a shout out for today’s MMM. I really liked it. Thanks for putting out such good stuff week after week. Nobody else does this.

    Today’s issue was back to basics and most people fail online because they think it’s a big secret why
    some make it and some don’t( I should say most)

    It’s because of the lack of mastering the basics, which is what you teach week in and week out.

    Keep it up Marlon, we’ll get is sooner or later hopefully.

    Take Care,


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