Winners of the Affiliate Dashboard… - Online and Info Product Marketing

Winners of the Affiliate Dashboard…

The following 3 people have won copies of Affiliate Dashboard in recognition of their excellent blog posts last week.  That contest has now officially ended. Thanks to everyone who made posts.  Tim will send your logins on Monday.

Albert Grande

Brennan Kingsland

Kate Loving Shenk

  • Thank you very much, Marlon.

    I am honored. I am thankful. I am grinning. I am speechless. Thank you again, my friend.

    Pizza on Earth, Good Will to All!

  • Dear Marlon,

    Thank you so much. Now I can be a successful Affiliate Marketer! WooHoo!

  • wow!!!!!

    i am so excited!!!

    thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    peace (train)

    kate loving shenk

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