You are your own Santa Claus - Online and Info Product Marketing

You are your own Santa Claus

Merry Christmas from my wife Ginky and I. As you can see, she's in a silly mood today! We had friends over for a dinnar last night. Good times.

I have a Christmas message for you that's very important.

You, yes YOU, are your own Santa Claus.

You are the one who finds your value, codifies your value into a product and puts it out into the marketplace in return for money.

You are the one who designs and creates offers.

You are the one who determines what to put out, what your message is, what its value is and who to offer it to.

In short, you are your own Santa Claus.

You are the one who gets to create the income and lifestyle YOU want.

But beware the GRINCH that stole Christmas.

See, most of us have a GRINCH inside.

This Grinch uses an insidious tool called the IMPOSTER SYNDROME to talk us out of finding our value, creating it, codifying it into products and promoting those in the marketplace.

This GRINCH says you have no value.

This GRINCH says you have no right to sell anything or make offers.

This GRINCH says no one will pay you for your value.

This GRINCH says your message has no value.

This GRINCH says you have no right to make offers to the marketplace.

This GRINCH is inside your head. Most everyone has one.

It talks you out of putting your ideas into products.

It talks you out of believing you have value to offer.

It talks you out of starting today and getting it done FAST.

It talks you out of creating hard-hitting sales copy.

It talks you out of everything that creates value in the form of the message you have and brings you back ,money.

And no one else can overcome your inner Grinch for you.

You have to do it.

You have to say, “No, WAIT A MINUTE.”

I have value.

I have ideas of worth to others.

I have experience of worth to others.

I CAN create products.

I CAN put my value out to the marketplace.

Others WILL pay me money.

I have a right to charge money for my value.

YOU arr the one who gets to decide all that.

When you do and you start putting your value, message and offers out to the marketplace, and you promote, promote, promote, THEN you become your own Santa Clause. And you create the lifestyle you deserve.

Merry Christmas

PS: Produce Promote is a container for my absolute jump start on getting your messsage into a “front door” product that gets you paid and brings new customers to you. It can help you get going NOW!
