Your comments on the “Secret Confessions of a Keyword Hitman” PDF?
Grab your free copy of Secret Confessions of a Keyword Hitman 22-Page Illustrated PDF When You Subscribe to Marlon's Marketing Minute. Available ONLY until October 31 and AVAILABLE BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY.
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Check out Da Hitman at work:
I hope you snagged a copy here. This is an exclusive to double opt-in subscribers to my Marlon's Marketing Minute ezine.
Because it's ONLY AVAILABLE for 7 days. Then I'm going to SELL it like any good marketer should. I just have a weak spot in my heart for my loyal followers and subscribers and those who have faithfully promoted my products as affiliates over the years.
This is my gift to you. Enjoy and post your comments here.

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Now, I'd also appreciate your TWEETS:
Finally, ladies, lest you think you're excluded, by popular demand, here's a picture of the KEYWORD Hitwoman at work:
To find out what this DEADLY keyword hitwoman is up to, grab the PDF today. It's only available FREE for 7 days, then it will be SOLD.
Hello! I visit this site first time and get enjoy by reading "Your comments on the “Secret Confessions of a Keyword Hitman” PDF?". Thank you for informative information. Keep it upgrade.
Hi Marlon,
Great stuff.
That anchor text stuff was well simplified and easy to follow.
A great booster for articles I must say as one who also writes and submits articles himself.
Will still be worth buying even if priced at $17!
Thanks for sharing some of the King of step by step marketings steps 😉
Will D
I receive your email thru hotmail every week
Marlon, Secret Confessions of a Keyword Hitman is a great resource. Concise, step-by-step instructions, without the hype or the fluff. Why hasn't anyone done this yet? This is a must-have for anyone looking to succeed in niche marketing!
Just a note to tell you I am an aol person and I am definitely receiving your emails. Thanks. S>
I have aol, as far as I know I always get your email.
I see you are ahead of the FTC (I like your satire). lol
AS always good info thank you very much.
Hello Marlon,
Thanks a lot for some great content! I love the tips, especially the one about the backlinks. More power and God bless!
Hello Marlon,
My deepest thanks for sharing some great content! I love the tips, especially the one about the backlinks. Thanks again!
Hey Marlon,
Love your MMM. I always look forward to reading it and use as much of the content as I can. I bought a few products and love the results and the price. Soon the dust of extreme hype and magic will settle and Marlon may be the only be the only left standing.
Thanks for your HONESTY—-Hiram
I always like your content. I understand it. Of all your products which one would you recommend to an absolute newbie grandma type to start with?
[Muriel, be careful of getting sucked into buying expensive programs. Stick with basics. Amazing Formula is a nice broad overview and Promo Dashboard is good for getting your email list going.]
Because I'm a newbie, can somebody explain STEP 2 again ? Which is plug url into Google's external keyword tool. Thanks.
Thanks Marlon. Amazing eye opener for me. After reading your Hitman, I got a clear idea of what to do in order to achieve my dream of being a successful internet marketer. I will follow the Hitman step by step method.
Keep up the great job.
Thanks! I'm just getting started & there's so much noise out there, love the step by step checklist.
Marlon, I laughed out loud at your disclaimer!!! "Ain't NONE of the results in NONE of the web pages below anything remotely resembling AVERAGE nor typical." People who succeed at stuff possess superhuman, freakish ability and you should NOT assume you fall in that elite class of superhumans. You' ain't never gonna amount to nothing so just give it up." I would never use your exact words but you've given me a great notion on future disclaimers of my own. Loved the download. Thanks for all your constant great information.
Indeed, Marlon, I have included a link back to this page in one of the first posts on Marketing Hitman. While this site is not a keyword rich domain name, it has a nice ring to it so it fills a need I had for an internet marketing review site.
[Hi Julie, alright. Cool. Have fun.]
Good stuff Marlon,
Whenever I get tangled up in all the "noise", I know I can count on your SIMPLE step-by-step info to get me back on track.
Looking forward to the new project…
[Hey Tim, we're putting a LOT into this one. I'm excited about it.]
Wow, Marlon, thank you for pointing me to this book. I had overlooked your mail from last Saturday. This ebook is gold, and should be sold for a lot more than $17.
Also, I love that you wrote: "I speak out and mention FORBIDDEN words like "work."
I have the same problem. People always ask me: "how do you make money online?", but when I answer, they have a thousand excuses for not getting started themselves. Well, it's their headache 🙂
There's only one thing from the Hitman book I didn't quite understand, maybe because it's 4:23 AM here, and I should be going to bed.
But you write that we should make a squeeze page and then let the thank you page point to the affiliate product. So far, it's really clear, but what do you give them, when they have signet up? Only autoresponder mails? And if so, won't they feel disappointed and opt out again?
Thanks from Britt (who doesn't wear a watch either) 😉
[Hi, I don't remember what I wrote on that. But yes, if you promise, deliver. I sometimes have the download link for the report, and an offer below it. Or in other cases, the report or freebie is just emailed to them. But if you promise people something, one way or the other deliver it. That's a given.]
Thanks, again, Marlon. I've been on your list for years, and have most of your dashboards.
Your products work because you're able to break the steps down so anyone can understand the process. This is a true indicator that you practice what you preach, or walk your talk.
Other marketers can't simplify their process of marketing, because more than half aren't doing what they're trying to sell, and have never done it.
I eagerly look forward to your weekly pearls of wisdom. Thanks so much.
[This new product I'm working on will be one you love! I'm excited about it.]
[…] can check it out at: Confessions of a Keyword Hitman Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and […]
Well Mr Sanders, as always you are giving so much good information away, I was Surprised to see the info. on clickbankt.
That little bit of info. by itself is like giving someone an x marks the spot treasure map! You Are The Creator of The Amazing Formula And So Much More,because you feel the pulse of people and see whats needed. I just Set Up A Blog To Promote Affiliate Products Like Ewen Chia's Latest Launch And Will Definitely Be Adding Some Of Yours Soon 😎 But Only Because Your Products Are Real And Top Notch, And Most importantly They Really Help People, If They Just Use Them!
With Gratitude:
Dennis Howard
[Good luck to you Dennis!]
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by marlonsanders: Grab “Secret Confessions of a Keyword Hitman” 22-page PDF with opt in to my ezine.…
Probably some of the most powerful information I've seen in a long, long time.
Best of all, it was FREE!
I'm printing the information out, going to study it carefully, and put it to work.
Thanks, Marlon. Super stuff!
Hey Marlon,
I was shocked to see the content of "Confessions of a Keyword Hitman" it's a classic blue print…concise and to the point…simply follow the laid instructions…there's no obscurity there at all! If you can't do this, then there's no help for you(I'm just saying that because it's sooooo easy to do)!
I'm scratching my first idea, now I'm going to do the ideas you laid out in "Confessions of a Keyword Hitman"
Thanks Marlon…I almost missed this opportunity!
Marlon I'm all for your new ideas…and yes indeed you are having fun with it.
That's why I'm going to take a look at "Secret Confessions of a Keyword Hitman" once more. I have a feeling I might be missing something here…it won't hurt me to look at it.
You've gotten us here this far Marlon with some of your awsome ideas…
So I'm sure you have more coming…
Hi Marlon
Thanks yet again for fab info. Just a question or two:
Could you (or would you) explain a bit more about two sections that have me puzzled:
1)How does one do the backlink thingy with the "Related Links" box (on the webwire screenshot pg 18)?
2)Is the article submission site you mention thereafter a secret? Is it a specific submission site?
Regards and Thanks
[Hi Anne, good questions. I'll probably do something on this in the near future to explain it. Maybe sooner. Maybe later. Not sure yet. I'm waiting to see how many people are interested to learn more. If no one cares or wants to know more, I'll just go onto the next topic.]
People are getting tired of over hyped non-reality based marketing…and um I can seriously say you don't do this…Marlon…my words are real and genuine. I believe if a man is worthy of being praised for his remarkable human qualities, then praise him openly with out shame.
I went through your marketing materials…and there's alot of continuity in all that you teach.
I would mentioned them here, but I do advise that they grab a copy of your internet newbies guide…it's a must have.
I'm going to pass this post along…
Thanks Marlon!
[Elly, it's nice when someone really gets the consistency. I've teaching the same things since 1996 pretty much. Especially since 1998. Target market. Find wants. Create products. Affiliate program. Promote. I guess there's a little room for seo in there too! I'm having fun with it right now.]
Marlon great content as always, but I'll need to rer4ead this one at least twice! Seems like more than my old brain can digest at one sitting.
Wishing you a larger life,
[Hi Bill, if you don't understand anything on it, feel free to post back. I realize it was kind of a brain dump.]
Hi Marlon,
I read your response you have solid gold character!
You are a stand up guy!
You're a marketing genius, you don't stomp us on the head with this fact…like the new ager marketers do.
So what ends up happening is your voice gets muffled by their loud noise…but when it all settles you're the obvious choice because of quality and integrity that's always mixed with real natural excitement.
I love your basic stylish approach…simple, but yet powerful.
I am getting ready to start promoting your newbie guide to internet marketing.
I'm not here to toot your horn or ride on your nutz Marlon…but the truth is you got your "Swagger" down pack.
It took me this long because I had see what was out there then come back to square one, and funny as it all sounds you and a couple of internet marketers made it on my top list.
Thanks Marlon for all your emails…they have taught me alot, and I'm sure you've impacted a lot of others the same way!
Keep up the great job!
[Hi Elly, yeah the noise is kind of staggering now. But I do think that after awhile people get tired of that and want a little more reality and a little less hype.]
Great info Marlon! Thanks for all you do. I always anticipate reading your material.
Great tips but more importantly fun to read
Hello Marlon,
I got your personal email…thought it was great, but this one isn't for me…Sorry Melly!
I'm waiting for the next one…keep up the good work Marlon…I love the fact that you are still at it…
True pioneer you are in deeds, indeed!
[Hey, that's funny! Yeah, not every issue or slant will hit it with every customer. I'm doing research for a new product and discovered some cool seo things. That's why I wrote about them in my ezine. Our main traffic comes via our affiliate program. Rock on.]
Hi Marlon,
How many articles would you recommend as the minimum number to write for each different affiliate product.
Thanks Peter
[Peter, if I release a product on this, I'll answer that. It depends on the keywords you're targeting and the competition for each keyword.]
I'd love to get a copy, but the link doesn't work on either Google or Mozilla.
[Louis, what's the path of the link you're clicking? Right click and look at properties. Are you clicking the link I sent in my ezine? That's the only link that works.]
Loved your 'Hitman' info. I learn so much from you and want to be just like you if I ever grow up. Seriously, your stuff rocks and makes me money!
[Hey Connie, thanks and keep at it. You'll get where you want to go.]
Hi Marlon, I could not believe it when I clicked on your email and saw that you were using "The Hitman" since I am working on creating my blog, squeezepage, etc. based on "The Hit (Wo)Man" – since the product that I have was created by my (woman) and my husband (man) therefore we came up with (Wo)Man – our goal is to help people to get a handle on their finances to become debt free – we are "The Financial Hit (Wo)Man" – I love your site and signed up for your affiliate program – I look forward to doing business with you.
[Hey, that's very clever! I hope it works for you. Good luck to you.]
Hey Marlon,
Thanks for the gift, it was fun to read your hitman pdf.
As for hitman method… already doing it.
All the best,
You rock!!!
Stay cool!
Thank you for a concise explanation of your process. You are giving away as much information as others are charging for.
Oh, and one should never assume a domain name is taken…I just got both and .net. nearly 3 hours after your email was sent. All the people who read the PDF before I did, and assumed it those domains were already taken, missed their chance. I find many really good domains simply because I don't assume they are taken before I look.
You also gave me the idea for this domain name. Sure enough, it was available too!
[Julie, only goes to show you that ACTION takers profit from reading my ezine! And for every person who takes action, 99 don't. Good job. I laid that gem right in there and it took 3 HOURS before someone took action. Marketing hitman is a cool domain. But it's not a keyword people are searching for. Now, if you wanna tweet a few people or drop an email to your list or get me a few backlinks, that'd be exceptional. ]
I'd like to read your Confessions of a Hitman pdf file, but I don't see a download link.
[Debra, it's an EXCLUSIVE to subscribers of my Marlon's Marketing Minute ezine. If you ARE a subscriber, check your email. If you aren't, then subscribe and double opt in and I'll be sending out another link.]