Your Comments On The “Two Numbers” Email? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Your Comments On The “Two Numbers” Email?


Hit me up with your comments on the “Two Numbers” Email I just sent out. Do you KNOW what these two numbers are for you?  Do you CARE?  Do you think it's boring?  Do you think this is too ADVANCED or too basic?


  • tomr says:

    I think its a basic. Unfortunately, most people don't pay attention to their basics. Sucks to be them…

    Me I don't have any numbers yet, but I will. My first customer is gonna be a verrry expensive acquisition!

  • Always amazes me when people don't track things. If you don't know the two numbers you don't have a business.

    Actually there are a few other numbers I track regularly too but those are for improving things.

    Your two are the most know numbers and 98% of people I talk to can't answer for those.

    [Mike, I agree. We track lots of other numbers. But those are the 2 crucial ones as you know.]

  • Dave Vower says:

    Love your ideas! I use your marketing strategies in my RL business as well as online. Very useful and we've started a great customer database using these 2 figures alone. The secret is in the numbers. 🙂


    [Dave, that's a GREAT idea…incorporating the numbers into your database. In my old Amember system we had it set up that way. But when we upgraded to the latest version, all the custom programming got zapped.]

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