How Joel Got 29,653,625 Clicks At .01 Each In 30 Days - Online and Info Product Marketing

How Joel Got 29,653,625 Clicks At .01 Each In 30 Days


Marlon here.

This week's ARTICLE:

How Joel Got 29,653,625 Clicks At .01 Each In 30 Days

Today is a very useful issue. I'm showing you:

— How do you REALLY get millions of clicks?
— The missing link in most Internet marketing products
— What most people don't wanna hear about IM
— What do you need to master first?
— How do you snag 3 bucks 700X?
— What do you do if Google pulls the rug out?
— How to scale up

This is NOT theory. This is all based on practical stuff you
can actually DO without being a rocket scientist or super duper

Save this for reference

NOTE: Important announcement for my small group leaders.
Read announcements please.


Take the article, change the URL in the resource box at the
end to a reseller ID and stick it on your web site, blog,
Facebook blog, Myspace blog, Hub Page, Squidoo lens, or Google

Put it up and announce it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog,
email, or whatever else you have.

This IS an article people will want to read. You WILL make
sales from the link in the resource box.

If you don't have a reseller ID, just go to: and sign up. It only takes
2 minutes.

There are 4 ADS at the end of this ezine. You can replace
all THOSE with reseller links if you want.


P.S. After you read today's article, please pass it along
on your blog, email or just to a few close friends.

Then hit me back on my blog.

I personally comment back. Let me hear from YOU!

Comment on my 21-step Twitter Cheat Sheet

PPS: Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch. I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,
educating. Where are THEY when a product launch isn't going

I'm here every week delivering rock solid content based on years
of experience.

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 4, #10, March 7, 2009

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement: Who Else Wants To Snag $3
SEVEN HUNDRED times a day?

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: “How Joel Got 29,653,625 Clicks At .01 Each In 30 Days”

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



Who Else Wants To Snag $3 a day SEVEN HUNDRED times?

Get Joel's course where he shows you how he snags $3 a day SEVEN
HUNDRED TIMES by repeating one method over and over and he will
GIVE YOU the 6 billion dollar impressions and millions of clicks
40-min. video as a bonus. But you need to order via my affiliate
link to get the video:




One: Follow me on Twitter

This way, if you don't get my emails, you get my Twitters.
You'll want to use to follow me. Just download
the freebie software there. Very easy to use.

Two: Give Away “The Best Of Marlon Sanders” to your friends
or list and snag spending cash and prizes!

I've just released “The Best Of Marlon Sanders”

Give it away to your friends or list and snag affiliate
commissions as well as prizes.

Three: Download your FREEBIE ebook now.

“The Best of Marlon Sanders”

There is a squeeze page. The idea is for you to enter
the email address you actually READ! I'll send out a version
later where you can bypass the squeeze if it bugs you.


I have cancelled the small groups.

If you are one of my small group leaders, you have the choice
of receiving my $1,000 Cash Like Clockwork system or getting
a refund.

The new Cash Like Clockwork system should be to our fulfillment
center at the end of this next week. Then it'll take a
week or two in shipping.

If you'd rather have a refund, you can go there.


How Joel Got 29,653,625 Clicks At .01 Each In 30 Days

By Marlon Sanders


In October of 08 my friend Joel got 29,653,625 clicks
at a penny each.

That is a .47% ctr rate on 6,372,399,989 ad impressions
on the Google content network.

Now, in his bonus with his latest product, he shows
SCREEN CAP proof of those numbers. And he spends 40
minutes telling the strategies that allowed him to
do it.

While I won't reveal all his secrets here, I want to
tell you several useful points I took away from his
video and from my private phone conversation with

The REASON I want to talk about this is we see this
everyday in Internet marketing. People with numbers
that make your jaw drop. And you wonder how they do

You often buy their product and find that the product
gives generalities but never really dig down into the
nitty gritty.

So let's talk a minute about how you DO scale up bigtime
and what it takes.

1. First, master the fundamentals and basics

Most people want to skip this. I know this as a fact.
Recently, I made an offer for you to participate in
small groups to really APPLY Ockham's Razor. This
was made to my buyers of the product.

Let's see. We had a total of 2 people sign up.

Now, I could tear apart my offer and say the sales letter
wasn't the best, etc.

But bottom line is, learning something NEW is exciting.
APPLYING what you learn isn't.

And if that's YOU and it probably is unless you were one
of the 2 people who signed up for the small groups, then
it means you need to take a long, hard look at yourself.

Are you attracted by the new bright, shiny object on
the block?

Or do you see an realize that it isn't what you KNOW, it's
what you DO.

So you gotta learn and apply the fundamentals, even if it
isnn't sexy. Even if it isn't exciting.

You EARN the right to go to the next level.

I'm a fan of the basics as I am a fan of football in the
U.S. The very first thing kids learn in 5th grade football
if they're a receiver is to catch the ball with their HANDS,
not their body. And to LOOK the ball in with their eyes.

But you watch pro football on TV and you see receivers
getting paid MILLIONS of dollars DROP the ball. Why?

Because they tried to catch it with their body and not their
hands and it bounced off their chest. And they where looking
around at who was going to hit them and didn't look the ball

The basics.

The fundamentals.

You first gotta pay the price to learn and APPLY the fundamentals.
The DOING is 10X as important as the KNOWING.

Ironically, people are willing to spend $100 to learn something
but NOT $60 to APPLY and do it.

“But I can apply it myself.”

True. But you won't. It's proven that people succeed at a much
higher rate if they participate in groups. Napoleon Hill called
it the MasterMind and attributed all wealth to it.

2. Watch what works

This sounds so simple.

But I asked Joel what he does when Google changes the rules.
How does he figure out how to counter it.

He said he looks at the ads that are STILL running and figures out
how THEY are doing it.

So study what works.

The other lesson here is that you have to ADAPT to changes. And
at some point, it won't all be in a course or an ebook. You have
to problem solve yourself.

3. Find something that works and then repeat it hundreds of times

This is what Joel does so well.

He did it with the core mini-site method in his course. He found
something that brings in 3 bucks a day.

Then he repeated it SEVEN HUNDRED times.

How many things do you have on your hard drive in ebooks or courses
you've bought that'll bring in 3 bucks a day?

Probably at least a few.

Now, what about doing that formula 700 times?

This is one reason I've been talking about outsourcing. You'll
need help. At first, do what you can yourself. Pay the price.
Learn the ropes.

But at some point, you need to get help, so you can scale up.

Now, notice the formula is to do ONE THING 700 times.

NOT do 700 things ONE time!

That's what most people I talk to are doing. They're trying to
do 700 things one time poorly.

Flip that around.

Get ONE FORMULA and do it 700X.

That's what ORIS is. It's my formula. Now, I didn't do it 700X.
But I've done it a good 30-50 times. And portions of it
hundreds of times.

4. Scale Up

All the big Adwords courses talk about target, target, target.

And it's REALLY true. You DO have to target.

But Joel will tell you it takes THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND
THOUSANDS of ad groups to get millions and millions and millions
of clicks.

That's a lot of scaling up.

He had to have custom software written. You don't have off-the-
shelf software that scales up like that.

And if you do, Google will break it for you when enough people
use it.

So Joel has his own software written. As a newbie, you don't
gotta do that.

But at a CERTAIN point of scaling up, you'll want to spend $500
or $1,000 or whatever and get some stuff custom written.

This is why I say that people who are getting HUGE numbers really
never reveal their secrets. Why? Because you gotta scale up.
And it's not something the average Joe wants to hear about.

You want to hear how Brad with Stomper originally was bringing
in millions. But you may not want to hear how he had a huge
warehouse to stockpile all the items he imported a very large
cash flow cost.

See what I'm saying? I'm just saying you gotta be willing to
hear the truth. And if you want to scale up, it ain't all gonna
be pleasant or a walk in the park.

Let's have an honest discussion here: If you wanna scale up
to millions, at some point it ain't all gonna be a walk in the

Back when he was still here, Corey and I had this discussion.

He told me if he started over he'd do what I do. He'd stay small
and have a nice net and not go for the big numbers. But something
compelled him to grow larger.

In Joel's case, at one point, he employed 25 or more people in India
working full time on his Adwords stuff.

Now he employes 3-6 full time. And spent a month in India training

On the flip side, when you bring in as much as $25,000 a day, you
don't mind the month in India.

So you wanna know how Joel got 29,653,625 clicks?

It's all in his 40 minute bonus video.

But in a way, you'll be dissapointed to learn it unless you want
a dose of reality.

Let's see:

He scaled up on a massive scale. He outsourced. He created
proprietary software. He adapted to changes in Google. He has
trade secrets he doesn't reveal to anyone.

How did he learn the trade secrets?

By doing it over and over and over and testing and seeing what

But what you CAN learn a ton from is this:

Joel's basic formula is this:

Get one thing that works.

And do it 700X.

Or 23 million times.

Focus on doing ONE thing 700 times instead of 700 things one

Get a formula.

Find one that works.

Now focus on DOING it over and over.

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.”

Check out all my products here:

(SIGN UP AS A RESELLER, put YOUR reseller URL and ID where
the above link is, post this on your web site and make some
dough for spreading a killer guide everyone will want to


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention


D. “Services You Can Use

(If you want to post this ENTIRE ezine, you can replace the
following links with your RESELLER links)

Stop trading time for dollars and start trading products for

Save 100's on graphic design. FREEBIE report:

NEED A SALES LETTER? Fill in the blanks and click a button.

Many people have copied my software. But there really and
truly is only ONE original.



LIST BUILDING VIDEOS: My friend Melvin Perry has some awesome list
building videos. NONE of the links you're reading now are
affiliate urls.

Melvin is a straight up guy. He cares about people.

Who ELSE is bringing you great content like this each week? Please,
spread the word. The gospel of Internet marketing according to
Marlon Sanders.

Promote this on your Facebook, Myspace, blog. Wherever! Tell the


A special thanks to those who have been instrumental in building
my business over the years.

— Allan Gardyne:
— Ewen Chia:
— Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill:
— Joel Comm:
— Jim Edwards:
— Yanik Silver:

Here is a more complete list:

Allan Gardyne
Michael Merz
Bill Hibbler
Jim Edwards
Sasi Kumar
Ewen Chia Ti Wah
Michael Wong
David Vallieres
Titus Hoskins
Michael Paetzold
David DiPietro
Brian Terry
Dan Kelly
Michael Filsaime
Dave Lovelace
Derrick VanDyke
Matt Adler
Sean Mize
Gary Martin
Melanie Mendelson
Keith Wellman
Joshua Jenkins
Jeremy Burns
Sharlene Raven
Michael Nicholas
Anil Kumar
Joel Comm
Gabor Olah
Craig Haywood
Sterling Valentine
Frederic Patenaude
Jessica Clark
Liz Barton
Roger Hall
Marc Horne

Thank all of you. You have my gratitude forever.
Your contributions to my life and my business do
not go unnoticed nor unappreciated.

If we stand tall, it IS because we stand on the shoulders
of giants.

Copyright 2009 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.

  • beatriz says:

    Hi! I'm sorry I know you're trying to help me do better in life. But I'm lost, don't understand nothing about your program. My english it's not perfect I do my best to speak,write and read it. I wish you can make it simple for me so I can start doing bussines.

    But if you can't it's OK

    Thank You so very much for trying.

    Your friend ……. Beatriz

    [Hi Beatriz, I don't know what to tell you on this. I can tell you that some people hire others to write their sales letters and also create products for them. Or maybe you should create and sell products in the language you speak. Why don't you go to and see if you can find someone who can help you.]

  • Eldra says:

    Thanks Marlon, I like how you aren't afraid to tell us the hard details that lie underneath a program.

    It gives me a new perspective.

    Plus it's hard for me to do the one thing 700 times. I get sooo bored. 🙂

    But after enough years I'm finally getting it.

    Almost everything that you must do well — fencing, archery, whatever it is…

    You HAVE to master the basics to get to what looks fancy.

    Thanks for the reminder that business is the same!

    Best Wishes….


    [Eldra, we're all ADD. Don't feel bad. The ticket is to get something working and then OUTSOURCE. Joel doesn't do the day to day work himself. He has 3 people in India. Used to have 25 there on another offshoot of his business. He has 6 total now and 3 that just do the adwords thing full time.]

  • hi marlon,

    great content, and a great point when you talk about "shiny objects" and non-implementation.

    there's another point, though. and you hinted at it. we buy a product, hoping to learn how it was done. and after buying the program you realize that 5% is missing. and it's a critical 5%. so we buy another product on the subject, get more info, and slowly that missing 5% comes into view.

    you're right on about the 700 new things, versus 1 thing perfected and then rolled out 700 times. and you're also on target with the observation that we'd rather learn something new versus implementing the same old boring info. and don't the gurus know it!

    thanks for the great info. and keeping us on track!

    [Hey Michael, you are right. The bright shiny thing is partially caused by people NEVER getting the full story on how a method is done. Or getting something that has too high a skill level. So this is why when you get something that DOES work for you, you need to scale it up.]

  • Hey Marlon! Brilliant post, as ever. When I get your emails I stop what I am doing and read them beginning to end right away.

    [Hey Dana, missed u recently on Twitter. Will say hi soon.]

  • Lani says:

    I have to admit that I am sadden that so few people are interested in joining an Ockham's Razor Income System group. It is such a low price to pay for almost one on one coaching. An opportunity to join with other like minded people – interested in success. An opportunity to form your own master mind group with the other group members upon completion of the 6 weeks. I guess it's too much work.

    On a brighter note: This week's article brings us back to the basics again… and you give us another wake up call. Yes, I find it difficult sometimes to stay on track with so many bright balls rolling past me.

    I need to stick to one thing at a time – learn how to do it well and repeat it. Just like you teach us.

  • junior says:

    hey marlon

    i've read your practical emails about productivity and keeping on track, and i'll just be doing that, writting that motto down there. And just do it!


    [Hi, yes, what I've written really does work. Good luck to you.]

  • bankbum says:

    Hey Marlon,

    Don here!

    Yet another great article with solid workable information.

    You have been emailing me non stop for about a decade I would guess. I just keep em coming. I haven't really done

    much but read and absorb your depth of expertise. I have a good deal of experience in the old school direct marketing mail order arena so from a marketing perspective I think I can qualify to say… "your stuff rocks"!

    You will be hearing from me when I roll out my new service / biz op… keep up the great work and keep em coming!

    [Hey, well glad you are rolling something out. The action is on the field. Have fun with it.]

  • […] support placed an interesting blog post on Marlon’s Marketing Minute » Blog Archive » How Joel Got 29653625 …Here’s a brief overviewLIST BUILDING VIDEOS: My friend Melvin Perry has some awesome list building videos. NONE of the links you’re reading now are affiliate urls. Melvin is a straight up guy. He cares about people. … […]

  • Dean says:

    Thanks Marlon,

    Your emails Rock!

    I would love to hear you give some tips on building a team to help with scaling the 'one thing'

    …. or even if you could point to some existing articles or recommended services

    Thanks Again!

    [Dean, in the past few weeks I recommended several times John's outsourcing course. If you go back in my blog, you'll find it. I think my ezine from last week or the week before had the link too. He has a very good outsourcing system.]

  • junior says:

    hey marlon

    u said the truth… and the truth hurts a lot.

    So many times i know that this is the EXACT problem with me, and i failed to stick through it. But luckily, I eventually went back to work on it. But im just sad over the ups and downs, which is unnecessary giving in wasted time to "learning".

    thanks anyway, gonna do some nlp on myself to anchor the "doing" into my brain. 🙂

    [Junior, hang a piece of paper up on your wall that says: "1 thing 700 times" or some other motto like that. PUt it on your mirror in the bathroom. Then set 2 week objectives. Read my emails on that from this past week.]


  • Nancy R says:

    Thanks for the article, Marlon. We read every email you send because you, Jim Edwards and Mike Stewart are the only gurus that give us the applications that is needed for success.

    We have purchased several products from you and will continue to do so to continue our success.

    [Hi Nancy, I hope the article today gave you an idea that gives you value. Appreciate your comments here.]

  • djdick says:


    You consistently deliver the highest quality information on Internet Marketing constantly to me through your emails… I just wanted to thank you…. Now that the tax money has come in I have decided to invest in some of your products, and I promise I WILL take action….. Google blacklisted me a few years ago because I DIDN'T do my homework. Before this, however I had one website that was making a pitiful $40 a month. It took me 4 hours to build that site. And I never touched it again. Imagine if I would have duplicated that 700x ! I would be very wealthy right now….. Google blacklisted me because I was running ads on a "Free Traffic Exchange" and didn't even realize it was wrong…. but I will tell you what.. ALL my traffic was coming from a few articles I had written, not from the traffic exchange.. I had literally walked away from the site for 3 months, didn't check my secondary email address, and found out the bad news…. morale of the story: follow the rules, find something that works, and duplicate…

    [Hey, you got it. Take that one thing that makes $40 a month and do it 70X or 700X! Beautiful.]

  • Sharon says:


    As usual, you are "dead-nuts" on, in your presentation of things. I am working on a project (specific niche) that seeks to build mastermind groups & involvement…with very low participation. Initial interest was awesome, but actually follow through and participation has been a bit disappointing. So many folks are still looking for the "get rich quick, you really don't have to do anything" items, it is really scary. No wonder most folks think our economy is in the dumper.

    Just wanted to say thanks for your doses of inspiration and reality…it keeps me going (and working on implementing the fundamentals.) You and Jim Edwards are my inspirations!

    Sappy, but true.

    [Sister Sharon…how are you? appreciate the comments here. Yes, I hoped the small groups would go better. I will try again with a different game plan at some point.]

  • Hey Marlon,

    For the record, got you on my Tweet list, read each and EVERY email you send and think today's post is one of your best!

    Bravo Amigo!


    PS – nice to see you openly give kudos the good juju the other Gurus have given you – another rare trait in the IM world

    [Brother James, appreciate the feedback. Give me a shout out on Twitter sometime.]

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