Sneak Preview Of WP Leads & Sales Dashboard Launching April 9 - Online and Info Product Marketing

Sneak Preview Of WP Leads & Sales Dashboard Launching April 9

The video entries on my blog have FLOWN in….

Lots of YouTube videos are now posted. In a second, I'll tell you how you can see them and get in on the growing excitement yourself!

Shortly, the one and only step-by-step Dashboard to take you from scratch to a blog that generates leads and sales will be launched. At last, you can have a blog that actually does something for you!

This is the path to trading products and promotions for dollars instead of your personal time.

Here's a Sneak Preview of  the WP Leads and Sales Dashboard. The Dashboard is broken down into 6 rows with 6 icons each. You do 1 icon per day. Many of the icons are doable in 20 or 30 minutes per day. Some take longer.

You eat an elephant one bite at a time! So I'm breaking the whole thing down into bites, and giving you step-by-step screen caps, instructions, and a few videos as needed.

The outcome is I've made it faster, simpler, easier and CHEAPER to create your first blog or replace the stinker you have now with one that generates leads and sales.

Now that you know the wide variety and usefulness of topics covered, let me walk you row-by-row and icon-by-icon through the contents:

Row 1: Install WordPress

Get domain name — End the confusion now and get a good one.
Set up your hosting — Don't mess around with the wrong hosting
Download wordpress — I make this simple
Set up ftp — Easy as pie
Install wordpress — Made simple and fast
Set up permissions — No confusion or overwhelm here. Get this done right.

Row 2: Lay Out Theme Options

Pick your theme — We'll start you with a free one then recommend others
Install theme — I make this ever so easy
Customize settings — Set your blog up to get leads and sales
Enable comments — You need these
Edit css — Your minimum essential dose
Configure permalinks — Do it like a pro

Row 3: Power Up Your WordPress

Choose plugins — I give you 11 essential ones and cover 23 you might consider
Get ultimate tiny MCE — Make your blog posts look like you want them to
Setup shortcodes — This will blow your mind
Activate seo plugin — I recommend a specific one and show you to use it
Add video player plugin — Here's how to do it
Setup analytics — I'll blow your mind with my Commmand/Control center method

Row 4: Add Design and Blog Options

Design header — Do it yourself or hire it out? Sizing. Concept.
Add footer — This can come in handy for action points or navigation
Configure menu options — CRITICAL income factor most overlook
Crteates tags & categories — Several schools of thought on this
Add widgets — Don't be puzzled by these any longer!
Add social media tools — Just what you really need here

Row 5: Add Optimized Content

Create first blog page — Step-By-Step off to a fast start
Write blog post — Covers many key CONTENT issues. What, how, and why
Add blog images — Pimp out your blog
Add audio files — Extremely important for getting leads and sales
Add videos — Simple way to decrease your bounce rate
Get traffic — What really works. What doesn't. Why? How? Who to trust?

Row 6: Install Lead Generators

Create your freebie — Good info on how to do this
Create promo images — You'll need these
Add lead generation — CRITICAL to getting leads.
Install banners — Shows you how to rotate and split test them also
Build list with optin form — VERY important info here
How to MONETIZE — You've got to get sales and cash or why bother?

I've tried to rely more on screen caps than video because video is a little boring. But sometimes we HAD to use it to make the step CLEAR for you and easy to do.


If you haven't already posted on my blog, go ahead and do so. Just follow the instructions there.

If you post a YOUTUBE Video, you'll have a chance to be 1 of 5 people to win an extra valuable bonus!

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

PS: That URL one more time is:

The WP Leads and Sales Dashboard
Launches In The Morning!

  • Sunny James says:

    Marlon wp leads & sales sounds just perfect I will have to check it out & let you know what I think
    so many people need this kind of simple yet effect system.

    Sunny : )

  • I am also a huge fan of your dashboards – making it fun and simple to take action – thank you for another great product!

  • Ley Gal says:

    Hi Marlon
    Congratulations for this new product I augur you the best success in your launch.
    This is something that I am looking for, I would be very happy to be one of the

  • Hi Marlon,
    How to monetize website in google page 1

    God Bless You

    Thanks & Best Regard
    Robby AW

    • marlon says:


      Google page 1 is doable and not even that complex currently. But I don’t teach it BECAUSE somewhere between next month and 6 months from now it won’t work. Relying on Google for traffic is FOOL’s GOLD overall. I show how to get traffic from other places and all the great uses for your blog OTHER than for traffic.

  • Sean Mize says:

    Marlon, I am a HUGE fan of your Dashboards – they are so intuitive, someone can just go sequentially through each icon and when they are done, they have results. Your dashboards take all the confusion out of each step, and I am rockin excited about this new WordPress Dashboard!
    — Sean Mize

  • Hi Marlon.
    In honor of your latest Dashboard, I created a video for you.
    I love your Dashboards.
    Here is the video:

  • Misato says:

    Hi Marlon,
    this WP Dashboard thing looks like it might be neat. I have three of your dashboards already. I can’t get access to one of them for some reason. Any, I can’t wait to see more about this WP Dashboard.

    I do wish internet marketing gurus would quit pushing things that require facebook though. I noticed you have a report on how to get facebook and pinterest people on your email list. I refuse to use facebook for anything. Facebook is a tool of the CIA, who uses facebook to monitor internet activity of the users on facebook. I created a facebook account a long time ago, but I have refused to use facebook ever since I found this out. At first I wasn’t sure, but now it is proven fact and not just some conspiracy theory, so I wish all the gurus would get off of this facebook this and facebook that. No one wants to be monitored by big brother.

    • marlon says:


      Yup, excited about it!


    • X says:

      Misato –

      Just got off a call with a friend of mine from the CIA (really – I worked in the White House for years).

      He said “Tell Misato Facebook is the least of his worries – we have pictures of him brushing his teeth this morning. We know the color of his toothbrush, the brand of toothpaste he’s using. We already know everything.”

      I was like “Really?!”

      My CIA contact was like, “Yeah. Tell Misato he needs to floss, because that’s the missing piece in his dental care routine.”

      Don’t shoot me – I’m just the messenger. 😉

      • Misato says:

        Uh huh. What makes you think I am a he? Misato isn’t even a man’s name. Jeeze!! You can’t even get my gender right, and I am suppose to believe you about Facebook or that you have a friend from the CIA? Yeah, right.

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